I'm on a Robitussin Trip

Tastes awful, but it works.

Wood putty is where its at, though.

i will never forget the day i lost whatever respect i had for my first roommate. he tried to make me feel stupid for not smoking fucking nutmeg with him… the next three hours he spent throwing up with a migraine.

What a fuckhead, you’re supposed to just eat massive amounts.


F chugging syrup. If I want to be blown out of my mind, I’ll get some good LSD. I thought only highschool kids did this because they can’t afford/find any good drugs.

he spent a whole day drying out and smoking banana peels, as well. i’m pretty sure he got the idea from an old chris neiratko article in big brother. i know chris neiratko, and i would never do anything he suggests. ever.

finding pure lsd cant be easy :sad:

i’d consider robotripping cuz you never know what the lsd is cut with. i hear it has alot of meth in it nowadays?

but if i could get acid… then i would.

Ive only ever done Salvia and Mescaline.

Nutmeg in high amounts will make you trip, but its a shitty high

How was your Mescaline trip?

It was pretty cool.

Reccomendations: Salvia, shrooms, Ketamine, MDMA, good clean skunk not laced with anything.

I am Dissapoint: Cocaine.

LSD laced with meth? Hmmm that would be some weird shit… I’ve never heard of people doing that. Lacing an acid paper or gel with meth seems complicated.

Drinking binge amounts of cough syrup is like going out to your shed and huffing gasoline (Yes, I’ve actually seen people do both).

If one really wants to trip or have a drug-induced experience, why not try LSD or mushrooms? They are illegal (but so is downloading MP3s) but if you know and trust their source, they are definitely worth a try. You will remember forever the experiences you have with true hallucinogens.

Trying LSD or mushrooms a handful of times isn’t very bad on your health either… probably less than drinking whole bottles of cough syrup.

Just make sure you are in a controlled environment.

And whatever “tripping” you think that cough medicine makes you do, you are in for a tempest with real hallucinogens.

I robotripped once and I’ve never felt the need to do it again. The trip itself was decent, not great though not too bad either, but the side effects were very unpleasant.

LSD is way more fun and far easier to get down than chugging a bottle of cough syrup.

Last trip I had was doing shrooms for New Years. I’ve done it before, however this time my mind was going like a hundred miles an hour but I was laying peacefully on the couch. I felt like I was just completely out of control and my friends could see it, but I was just sitting on the couch watching TV.


What’s shrooming like? I’m curious.

Its amazing. Its a lil different for everyone, because it all depends on your mental state. But generally, when I did it…

Firstly I do nothing less than an 8th(If you aren’t on your drug lingo that’s about 3.5 grams).

It takes about 30 minutes to kick in. Usually you will start giggling, that’s the early effects. Everything looks magnified as hell, and you notice shit up close and shit you never even noticed before. Like I used a Pepsi can to dump my cigarette ash in, and on top of the pepsi can I saw the cigarette ash “dancing” around. I looked down at my carpet, and I could see my carpet wiggling left and right like they were worms or snakes.

Then you may look at a wall or something, and you will notice it waving around. You’ll notice patterns in the wall that look like little mini rivers are running through it.

Then you start getting a body high. For me it felt like I was riding on a wave or a roller coaster or something. It was really weird at the same time, but kinda funny. Colors will tend to glow. You’ll look at somebody’s boring green shirt, but the shirt will be illuminating.

After that you will usually get Close Eyed Visuals for a while. This is probably the most intense part of the trip for me. Its about the only part where you feel anxiety and nausea and you ask yourself that question

“What did I do to myself”.

My close eyed visuals were like 3-D triangles. You see all these cool ass colors and shapes. It looks like a fucking tie dye or something. You’re also incredibly sedated. Your mechanical functions are gone to shit.

Its strongly dependent on the environment, but after the close eyed visuals you may get a “religious awakening”. You feel incredibly euphoria. Nothing in the world can make you mad. The religious experience had me feeling like there really was a motherfucking God, and I’m as cynic as they come. You get close eyed visuals, and they aren’t as intense. The close eyed visuals are very “serene”. It fits perfectly in with the religious awakening.

After that is the come down period. You get some small close eyed visuals, and some open eyed visuals, but nothing intense.

The duration of the trip is usually about 6 hours.

If you think about doing it, I strongly reccomend the following…

  1. Another first timer, so that you’ll have someone going through the exact same thing’s you are. For my first time it made me feel grounded to know that there was another person going through the exact same thing’s. Just make sure that your friend isn’t a pussy and is excited about doing Shrooms.

  2. A sitter. Basically a person to watch and make sure you don’t do anything dumb. They’ll get you water or whatever, and just watch you. They are there to comfort you.

  3. I STRONGLY recommend a musical playlist of Bob Marley. Or some really good feel good music. Don’t get anything too loud. Just some chill quiet music. I remember at one instance Bob Marley’s “Get up Stand up” song came on, and I stood up and felt like a militant or something. I could empathize with any minority that’s ever been mistreated. It was really cool.

I HIGHLY recommend shrooms. Its one of those thing’s that everyone has to experience once in their lifetime.

Since you live in California and its basically summer all year round there, you should be able to get an 8th of Shrooms for about $30-$35 bucks. California is a great state if you are looking for psychedelics.

Out here in Chicago its coldfor 6 months, so the demand isn’t as high out here. Dealers can drive the price up based on that out here.

CHeck this out then: http://www.yhchang.com/DAKOTA.html

I actually live in Arizona and since a lot of people are on drugs of some sort, I don’t think it’ll be too hard to find someone who knows someone who can get some shrooms. I am curious to try it though.

I remember that while high on Robitussin, my closed eye visuals where like that of running water but multi-colored. Then everything resembled Toontown from Disneyland.

How safe are shrooms?

terrance mckenna died from brain cancer and he did shrooms.


who knows…