I'm on a Robitussin Trip

There was a kid we used to pick on in high school because he boasted about chuggin 'tussin. We just called him 'tussin.

He does coke now.

I wish I was a badass who drank a lot of cough medicine and posted it online to prove just how awesome I was.

Shrooms are awesome, and Natural.

At the worst your Serotonin levels will drop a little bit and you might become depressed, just because Mushrooms make you very emotional, but other than that, there’s no danger of taking them at all. Just depends on how brave you are.

Double post, delete this one.

Sarcasm detector is broken, I can’t tell if you’re kidding or not.

Just in case you’re not, psilocybin mushrooms cause your brain to expand(swell) and bleed which is what initially induces your trip, the brain swelling. After the first hour or so the swelling goes down and the rest of the trip is all the shrooms. It’s also why a lot of people vomit them up after the first half hour or so and don’t trip. They sometimes get such a bad headache it induces vomiting.

False information is false.

Well you must be against Tylenol as well, because Tylenol is more toxic for you than Magic Mushrooms.

You tripping out on Mushrooms has nothing at all to do with your brain swelling. You hallucinate because the Psilocybin is converted into Psilocin, absorbed through the blood stream, and it binds to Serotonin receptors. Its not phyisically harmful at all. You’ll only be fucked up if you’re a Hippie that’s been doing it every week since the 70’s since your Serotonin levels would be low.

Do some research son.

I do mine. And there is no way I would do Mushrooms if it gave me brain damage.

Well, I never thought it before but now I do. You’re a fuckin’ moron.

I am truly suprised that this thread wasn’t filled with 9 pages of single smiley replies.

also I thought that I would add

We’re all gonna get raped. :tup:


After sleeping this madness off, I can honestly say that it was one of the most unique, scary, and AMAZING experiences I’ve ever felt. With that said, it’s something that I’ll NEVER DO AGAIN!! I’m extremely hungry and the only thing to eat at my friends house is Ruffles and those weird chocolate/peanut butter waffer bars that cost $1.50 at K-Mart. I still feel a bit angelic but on the plus side: I can walk and talk! Not being able to do any of those things last night was a bit scary. Here is what I experienced between the hours of 7pm and 4am:

  • Unable to stay still. I paced back and fourth quite a bit.

-Not being able to walk. No one told me that this was a side effect. I was really rigid and shuffled my feet around.

-The highlight of the night was when I went downstairs into the garage to smoke a cigarette. My friend was with me (who was also tripping). His room mate had 2 of his friends over and they were doing yoga in the living room. I said hey, and they went back to doing downward facing dog. After about 10 minutes of being in the garage, I’m outside of my mind at this point and when I came back, the living room was totally dark (except for the light in the staircase) and they were meditating. Like seriously doing the whole OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM routine. I was just standing there in complete and total amazement because I honestly thought they were floating. I guess that’s where the Dhalsim and Ghandi comment came from.

-An hour after that, I bring my laptop and iPod downstairs so I can enjoy my trip with music. My goodness. I popped in a 3 or 4 hour Jeff Mills mix (those not knowing, he’s the single best techno DJ ever) and just burried myself into a couch and stared at my computer. I can’t remember what sites I was on (obviously I was on this one) but I was a zombie. My friend made a glow stick ball and gave me a light show and I was just in awe. I wanted to rip my skin off because it felt so good.

-What I then realized is that time slowed…to…a…crawl. You would think that all this was taking place at like 3 or 4 in the morning but I was lost in space before 10pm. Time does NOT fucking move at all.

-Going back to Jeff Mills: A groove came on where I just was through. I began to see sounds and colors and all sorts of wonderful things. I was just sitting there in complete and total darkness just listening to music and just losing it.

-After I don’t know how many hours, my friend’s roomate came back home and the very first thing I hear in a very thick Irish accent is ‘BLOODY HELL.’ I freaked out a bit and I then (to the best of my ability) walked back up stairs into my friend’s room.

-I then try to go to sleep which was impossible. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw EVERYTHING. Everything you can possibly imagine I saw. I also heard every song that was ever written by the hand of man since the beginning of time played back to me all at once. I didn’t fall asleep inasmuch as I was lulled into some weird hybrid sleep/awake thing.

I never tripped on anything in my life so this is all pretty funky stuff. With that said, I probably won’t do it again for a very long time. I feel like an angel now but I don’t see how people can down this stuff like it’s water. I would recommend it to anyone to try once though.

Anyway, I’m alive.

Sounds like you had a great time.

That’s one thing I do find funny about Tripping. Time moves so damn slow. Makes the trip seem longer. Could be a good or bad thing I suppose

im very biased against synthetic recreational drugs, but at least you had fun. that being said sizurp is extremely bad for you, and next time you want a profound experience grab some mushrooms.
the LD50 is stupid high on most natural drugs, i would suggest sticking with those, if only for safety.

Have you ever tried Peyote? I heard you get the Euphoria of Ecstasy and the visuals of LSD. Now that sounds like heaven.

Yeah…I thought I was going to go nuts. It felt like night lasted for 3 days.

This guy is what I felt like last night.

never tried peyote, but it’s not like MDMA is the only thing that will give you euphoria. i get euphoic on mushrooms at some point in the trip pretty much every time. assuming of course you arent just watching tv but actually stimulating your brain with ideas or conversation.
peyote chemically is very similar to amphetamine and the effects are very much like a strong, more energetic and confusing mushroom trip. Also motifs of the forest and animals almost always dominate the experience for the majority of people. If that’s the kind of experience you’re looking for then do a bit more research before trying it, but the detrimental health effects are nowhere near most synthetic drugs, recreational or not.

on another note:
personally i dont understand the appeal of cough syrup. i’ve never heard of anyone having a personal breakthrough or incredible insights on this stuff, just they got really fucked up. i really cant imagine why you would take this stuff over a more traditional psychedelic like mushrooms or LSD. hell even MDMA at least leaves you with control over your body.

i take it when i’m sick.

i’ve done peyote, and mescaline. and pretty much every other drug out there besides meth. tbh, i dont even remember the peyote trip, but i do know that i woke up in a town five hours away bombing a hill on someone else’s skateboard. i don’t know how many days had passed.

also, sizzurp is codeine cough syrup, not robotussin. so people who drink it all the time arent just tripping balls every day, they are just low grade junkies.

ah my bad. i was lumping the 2 together.
i knew some opiate heads who told me about sizzurp, one of them is now in a methadone clinic so im not really surprised, but they failed to mention the codeine part (or i forgot).

Codeine derives from Opiates, so its not a surprise that they ended up in a clinic(Though obviously it isn’t Heroin, or OxyContin/Oxycotton level).

I love the Euphoria of Mushrooms though. But I can see why people take Ecstasy and Maybe not take it. I hate man-made shit, because you never know what its being cut with, so something can be weak as hell, something could knock you on your ass, you might even get a sugar pill(If you’re inexperienced). If the shit grow from the Earth, you know its good most of the time(Unless you’re retarded and eating Datura and other Devils weeds. BAD BAD, DEATH).

Can’t wait to try Peyote though. A thing I do hate with Mushrooms is that I’m basically laying on my ass for like hour and half, before it gets moderately enjoyable. The Closed Eye Visuals are usually really fun though.