I'm on a Robitussin Trip

Me and Rhino again. Peek into our heads. Or peak, Mt. Everest.

still high
RRed dragon 207
I figured
listening to minimal techno
i’ m zen
with the eyes and everything
RRed dragon 207
RRed dragon 207
i love you
RRed dragon 207
Yeah, I know
fuck cough syrup
it makes me want to shit
shit syrup
isn’t it what it is?
RRed dragon 207

AIM is getting kinda awkward…:rofl:

what game is your av?

Karnov’s Revenge

Blue Six

I have no idea niggas talking about North Korean on some dumb shit.

I need to sleep this witchcraft off. But it’s Jeff Mills in Slovakia. Who goes to Slovakia and what do they do when they get there?

Never sipping syrup again. I am FUCKED up. Bold. ALL CAPS. Underlined and strikethrough.


The genre not the chick…



I thought you were enjoying it Zulu?

I Robo-trippedlast weekend on a Friday night when my whole city got snowed in. I only had a a little bit of green left so i I smoked it and drank about half a bottle of Robitussin. I just say in my room and played video games the whole time and enjoyed myself.

Still awake! And it feels warm.

Fucked up beyond Picasso.

So happy.

It’s 1:12 like Diddy’s boy band. Whatever happened to them?


Totally forgot what I was going to say.

Very much enjoying this…


^That was caused by Dortioes.

I just have to say this.

Meh, I’ll stick to shrooms, a little fried brain never hurt anyone, right?

My friend used to get completely fucked up on mushrooms and play Gitaroo Man. He said it was insane, only way he’ll play it.


Where can I get use Tylenol 3 at ppl? :confused:

Mushroom have brain work good:

This is the post of the year. A post where all he says is “I just have to say this.”

I cannot. stop. laughing.

man kids these days

do real drugs yea

shrooms arent bad for your brain, who lied to you?

i’m drunk right now

anywya salvia was cool

what is this? get a job and buy a real high. YO HOMIES CHECK IT i got the ill hook up on some CRAZY permanent markers son. just bust the cap and hit that shit. or what, wanna get WILD? got some cool whip, we can do some aerosol cans, nah mean?