I'm on a Robitussin Trip

so that it gets released during those intense moment of pain or suffering so you can die a less painful death. aint the human body a wonderful piece of hardware.

How does a species gain such an ability through evolution?


the prototype of the first human adam had it installed as a back up or something. after looking into the future and seeing what would be done to hesus the savior he probabaly asked for this to be installed.

also wtf is bengay, is it something like tiger balsem (dont know the english name, maybe this it?).

Mind = blown.

Some bad information about hallucinogens in here. Hallucinogens CAN cause permanent mental damage. They can cause or increase depression, anxiety, delusions and HPPD. Keep in mind though that these are usually effects associated with long term regular use and these effects will often wear off after a couple months of not using. The risks aren’t high (especially when compared to the majority of other drugs) but they are there.

As for robo tripping destroying the liver, it can be avoided. If you are going to do this make sure you check the active ingredients, do not buy anything with acetaminophen or guaifenesin as active ingredients. Acetaminophen (tylenol) is what will destroy your liver and guaifenesin is the ingredient that will make you very nauseous.

not exactly. your brain releases morphine to counteract physical pain. DMT being released basically takes you out of your body, out of your physical environment, out of time, and allows you to exist as a spirit. i’ve done DMT before and it literally lasts an eternity. my theory is that if you have led a good life, your trip will be pleasant, and the eternity you experience will be a joyous one. this is heaven. on the other hand, if you are racked with shame and guilt over the life you have led, your eternity will be terrifying. this is hell.

DMT is not something you’ll be able to source off of a message board. it’s not that hard to make yourself, but this is THE most extreme experience possible, so you might wanna think twice before you fuck with it. DMT is NOT a recreational drug, it is a spiritual tool. if you are on the wrong path and you smoke dmt, your experience of hell will very likely scare you straight.

DMT is such a crack hit of psychedelia it’s hard to really learn much from it. acid is a much more intellectually useful substance. although i can’t recommend it in good conscience to anyone i haven’t met face to face. it might REALLY not be for you.

this is true, for about 3 months i binged on acid (tripping 2-3 days out of the week), and afterwards, my brain was scrambled. whenever i’d drive down the road, the dotted white lines on the street would rotate and look like spinning grains of rice. also when driving forward, it would look like the road was coming out from underneath my car like i was going in reverse. i thought my brain was completely ruined, but i bounced back after about a month of not tripping. small, occasional doses didn’t give me any lasting hallucinations/altered visuals, but everybody’s different, it could mess you up long term.

simply put any nigga that tries that shit just cause lil wayne does it is a dumb mutha fucka. alot of people died from that shit (DJ Screw, Pimp C of UGK) so if thats what the fuck u want then be my fuckin guest…

Oh my fogdgod

must GO BACK TO THE FUTURE QEUEEN WARRIOR ZULUE SPICE. you KNOW what it did. go back and save the future aAND the past and the dolphins pelase KUDASAI

^ This is just from weed from a bong people.

no it has to have been laced seriously SRSLY THIS IS MAJOR THIS IS SRS DUDE whats that saying of that obnixous young starling?


were you drinking straight up DXM, or was it combined with something else.

nyquill > robotruskin

jesus people, what’s wrong with just getting high?

lol, get this 2nd rate hood trash out of here.

nyquill + pepsi is trippy as fuck

you wanna sleep but not really :looney:

I decided to read up on this mysterious substance:

^^ OMG! its turns you into Robocop? Do you get the badass gun too?

Artist’s rendition of an SRKer on Robitussin:

Wow what is THIS madness doing here?

And to answer Sisqo’s question: I downed a bottle of this.

But let me say this: Looking back, it was really stupid to do it. I wouldn’t reccomend it at all to anyone.