There are 2 main schools of thought to doing it, and both are mostly personal preference.
TK motion first, then QCF + P
or QCF, then TK motion + P.
I have way more success with the first one, but I know people who use the second one extensively.
The third (lesser) school of thought is doing a 360 starting from down, then continuing to roll to forward and pressing punch. I don’t know anyone who uses this anymore but I have seen it used with some success in the past.
What type of controller are you using? Do one qcf and then do a tiger knee motion (like Sagat or Cable from Marvel) for the second motion and hit punch. You can do the tiger knee on the first qcf of that makes it easier. That’s actually what I do most of the time. You dont have to do the motion too fast. Just do it correctly.
Ibuki should throw a lot simply because her walking speed is really good and she generally is already a momentum oriented characters. Walk up throw is annoying as hell. You’re going to be able to open people up for damaging combos when they keep getting thrown.
Ibuki’s anti-airs do indeed lose to Makoto and Akuma, generally. Although b+MP and dp+K can occasionally stuff them on anticipation (very early).
Ibuki can pretty much shut everyone else’s air game down with the listed options: c.HP, early b+MP, late b+MP, and early DP+K. It should also be noted that df+MK (slide) can be used as anti-air because it takes Ibuki’s hittable box extremely low to the ground, making it only hittable very very deep, but meanwhile c.FP and b+MP reach very high. However df+MK generally doesn’t work against Makoto or Akuma at all (particularly Makoto). You can also dash under opponents on anticipation.
Against Makoto and Akuma it’s difficult to beat their air games. Against Makoto you can use vertical j.HP which has a very deceptively great hitbox, but Makoto has ways to stop that as well. Against both of them, because you can’t just outright beat their jumping stuff, it’s usually better to avoid their attacks with just movement.
thanks xenozip. ill try and use the dp kick more often, that seems to be the best option. either im not spacing the c.hp right, and if i do it gets parried into an attack which hits me before i sj and lp.
that vertical hp seems like something to add to my game too. whats happening exactly is that akuma is somehow psychic and tatsu’ing my daggers, which HURTS and landing on a close s.hp into mixup :sad: . in all ill just play a lot more with stuff posted in here and see what works, i think all of this is because im new to ibuki :tup:
Spacing is definitely your friend. Ibuki has good walk movement, so be sure to use it.
Also j.HP is a very wonderful tool in general, but not something you want to use against a tatsu-happy Akuma. Don’t use it unless you’re better at baiting the Tatsu than he is at using it.