I hate this version of Super Turbo

For the most part, I agree. The only disagreement with it I have is that the fairly limited shading depth hurts the look of some characters. I’ve mostly noticed this with Zangief, who tends to look like an animated cardboard cutout on certain backgrounds. He just looks really flat. It wouldn’t be as noticeable if it weren’t for the fact that most characters look so much better, but the few who don’t (even when it’s just during specific animations) definitely stand out for it.

Now obviously, none of this is important in the slightest. The game is fantastic, and is one of the best values you can find. A few slight gripes with the visuals don’t change that.

yep look at Cammy’s chest its just one shade most of the time :confused:

Ok. I’m not sure what you guys are on, but it must be good.

The art in this game is awesome save for maybe Chun-Li (I can’t stand her new sprite). I think Boxer has an awesome sprite, and Cammy’s is a little mixed (some frames look great, and others…not so much).

Plus, Vega stage music is nice.

Sometimes I think Deejay looks too black. :confused:

In original ST he was shinier looking and looked more defined. In HD Remix he kinda looks like some dark void.

Still fun as hell to play though.

If i was to choose i would go with the classic version but not the US one, i like the JAP one
the mechanics in it are way more controlled in it that being said
the HD version is a great game that has a really good flow to it , dont no why any SF fan would hate it

I miss all the character have different skin tones. :sad:
Tan Sagat with white shorts, would of been cool to have tan ken like 3S too!

Damn straight. They ruined my favorite Sagat colors! (Fierce, and hold kick). He was supposed to have yellow and black trunks and crazy goldish colored skin, but now he’s just the same ole’ pasty sagat in every sprite.

Edit: Glad I’m not the only one who thinks tan characters look better. Best thing ever was getting the tan skin option for Goh in Virtua Fighter 5.

I kinda agree with the OP. The art is definitely high-res, but I’m not a fan of the art style. If only Shinkiro did all of the art.

…and why does Ryu look so caucasian?

the art is a pretty mixed bag but the worst thing by far is the fireball fart clouds

honda’s jab headbutt would like to have a word with you sir

I’m also quite annoyed that all the white costumes (exception of Ken) Thawk, Guile, M.Bison have been turned to light grey :shake:
Seriously hope they can give us a custom colour edit option one day!

ew, some industrious bloke will make some all-nude cammys. :xeye:

In 1080p the characters and backgrounds look great!! Love the new look. Even though it takes getting use to the framing of the new looks.

Yeah, I think part of the problem is the colour palette, it doesn’t look right. I don’t know if its because they paired down the art to 4-colours, or what, but the shading on Cammy looks terrible.

If SF3 is ever redone for HD, they should just dress it up with 3D polygons and keep the SF3 hitboxes (similar to what SF4 is doing). It would be cheaper, faster and have a higher level of quality than these sprites have.

Oh yeh would be a good idea then to have some sort of palette lock.

True. I very much doubt they will do anymore HD 2D fighters for that reason, especially considering some of the rendering techniques available to them would easily fool people that it was 2D, 60fps with no missing frames.

For the record, I was bitching about the shading back in the Beta.

I LIKED the fireball “fart clouds” truth be told there were toned WAY down from the beta.

We really do NOT need a fucking color edit in this game (this is one of the FEW games that do NOT need one) we have 10 fucking colors to choose from, adopt one damn it.

I agree Cammy needs more work, f’real but it’s not unplayable… Vega looks grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat :wgrin:

And the music is straight, it’s not a 10 more like a 9 or an 8.5, it’s better then some games (I’m looking YOU mvc2) and it helps with the “freshness” of the game.

The art in the new HD feels so flat and lifeless. Sometimes it reminds me of Beavis and Butthead art. Especially with T. Hawk.

Nothing beats the original Guile and Chun Li sprites (both CPS I & II Street Fighter II )versions. They both have life and personality in them. The original Chun Li is so sexy and the original Guile is Super Cool. One of the main factors why they seem full of life is because they kinda look realistic and not too cartoony. But there is nothing wrong with cartoony. I love the cartoony Alpha series. It’s because of this game I appreciate the Alpha art even more. Long live Sakura and Karin.

I like both the the orginal ST Zangief and Alpha Zangief equally because on one version you have the realistic and on the otherhand you have the funny exagerrated Japanese anime-like cartoony version from the animated movie.

The one of the main reason I hate HD is Sagat. He looks too mean and serious. It gives takes him out of character and gives him no personality. I like how he always seems to be smiling in the original version. It’s like he’s cocky or psychotic or he gets extreme pleasure in fighting people. I mean the guy has one eye and a scar on his chest. He probably likes taking and giving out pain. He’s like Ryu, the fight is everything. In the HD version he looks bitter and depressed.

As for the gameplay tweaks. Ok maybe I went to far with the canceling of supers. Well keep it oldschool. But if we keep it oldschool why in the he’ll is Zangief’s 360 easier to do? The reason why Zangief is fun is because of the high skill it takes to pull off a 360. Now we got to scrub him all up? And why are press jab and short to do a lariet? What’s up with all this user friendly crap? You blame me for asking for cancelling supers east but making the 360 and the lariat easier is scrubby. Canceling supers is hard and takes a lot of skill. I just didn’t want it to be impossible like it’s always been in Super Turbo

And as for my brother Guile. HD messed him up. The reason why guile was cool was because he was a dominant character and only needed two special moves. Sonic boom and sonic kick and that’s it. He was simple and that was his charm. Unlike a lot of characters like Zangief, you didn’t have to be technical at all to use him. That’s why SF 2 was so good because you had those extremely technical characters ie Zangief and not so technical Guile and Blanka.

But now they made Guile all cute like Ken with his different types of sonic kicks and his ghetto new overhead. Guile does not need an overhead. He is not much of a mind game player. He’s cool and simple. He doesn’t need to be all tricky.

Anyway that’s it for now. I mean it’s good that it’s making ST popular with the new crowd. I’m thankful for that. But this is not the best version is SF 2. The arcade version of ST is.

Well I know we change the original sprites but what about the background as well. You won’t get the true beauty of the original sprites without the original background. They look out of place. Can the OG backgrounds be unlocked? If so please tell me.


If you hate the art and the gameplay then just play old ST.

most of your art complaints are aesthetic and just preference. they’re not based on facts. = epic fail. keep playing with the ST 15 year old graphics and save us your bitching.

as for easier supers, i’ve pointed it out and so has Sabre…it ruins the fragile balance of the game. If you want that extra damage, you’re going to HAVE TO EXECUTE. noob. As for the 360’s, it’s already been pointed out that you still have to hit 6 points of directional input to execute it, just like the old version…besides, you can do the old motion anyway. STOP BITCHING.

Guile *not *techical? Where have you been?! Guile is a rewarding character when you’ve learned the nuances of spacing, timing, and priority in his normals. His new super motion gives him a new combo option (c.LK *3, renda-canceled into super). NOT TECHNICAL!?! sigh

and Guile not a mind game character?! OMG I take great offense into that. the overhead isn’t guaranteed damage; a Ryu player can still block a sonic boom and dragon punch after block to nail it, or you can even BAIT the DP and do other shenanigans with Guile.

Seriously, SRK should require an intelligence test before we get morons like this guy.

I swear he’s just trolling now and trying to piss people off.

I love it !
I have few friends that like Street Fighter, and very few that can actually play well.
Xbla is really good, and i love the new sprites (not so fond of the music remixes though…strangely, cause i usually like ocremix).
Overall i think it’s great, without even considering it’s low price!