I hate this version of Super Turbo

…can you believe there are actually people that bitched about the $15? :lame:

Guile looks awesome so thats all that matters to me. ChunLI and Cammy look absolutely horrible though no doubt. Also the menus look very unpolished and bootleg to me too. Game plays like a dream though.

So I’m a moron for having a different opinion and a different perspective. And I’m a troll? Speak for yourself pal. Who died and made you the Street Fighter King? You call yourself “King”. Haha what a joke.

I bought the game and I’m a fan of Street Fighter as well. I know a lot of people will not agree with what I think about the game but if I want to complain if I don’t like the product I purchased then I could express my opinions. Especially on a Street Fighter website.

And enough with the name calling. Grow up! I never insulted you. Of course you and others will probably continue because you can. You’re so lucky.

I wish I can meet you in an arcade somewhere and play you Super Turbo. That way I’ll give you a beat down in Super Turbo and then after that I’ll give you an even finer beat down in real life. Can you say PERFECT?

By the way I bench press 300lbs without a spotter. You play Zangief. I’ll give you Zangief in real life. Not the CPS version or the HD remix version. But the real life version.

Whoo (Zangief’s 360 sound).

speaking in game talk is really homo.

just needed to point that out. mods, please close this thread.

Uh… I’ve never seen him appear to be smiling at any point other than while he’s won a match in the original version. He IS bitter and depressed after losing to Ryu in SF1… I mean… like… have you ever finished any of the SF games with Ryu or Sagat EVER?

That’s nice, now you’re onto actual threats on the internet. You might as well have said “I’ll show you street fighting for real!”

If you’re that intent on proving that you can play oldschool like you claim you can, why don’t you go on GGPO? Or set SFHD to classic and play some of the people here? Let’s see some of this “oldschool” skill that you have. This new non-mindgames Guile sounds interesting.

thread closed, no threats.