"I could have used the Mark I armor" IronMan UMVC3 match-up Thread

Good shit Danke. I think you deciding Iron Man is not as bad as you thought and to use him on anchor is one of the signs of the apocalypse but I’ll take it.

U know danke im glad u actually went a took time to understand the character to his maximize potential and I agree people play him really wrong they try to rushdown too much and even though ironman does have good damage.His is more of a pick at you and make you get annoyed type of character.Kinda try to force a mistake out of them. Also if the opponent with magneto uses alot of disruptor I took the match up in the lab and found out that if u block it once then do Unibeam L it will turn the tides on magneto.Since his disruptor doesn’t have much blockstun

Or just play him with Log and you get conversions off playing the game you’re supposed to without having to play terrible characters or force yourself to play awful IM rushdown.

Just got back from a local tourney, didn’t do great, but have a stream match showing some decent IM+Log point play against Mags/Doom/Ammy. I feel like IM and log is one of the better zoning combinations. The mags was def. staying back too much and not pushing in when missiles were incoming, but RB does a good job of forcing them to respect your air space.


Match is at 1:39:25. Lose the first match, switch to point IM, win 2 matches then goof and toss the next 2 matches… :confused:

Lol @Danke disagreeing with me when you just did a half page post saying almost the exact same things I’ve been saying for months.

Iron Man that plays a spacing game shits on Doom. YOLO footdive is useless vs a footsie/air footsie heavy Tony.

You should be able to maneuver around Photon Shots like a motherfucker if you can play this character and shoot him in the face with Unibeams.

Upwards J.H stops pretty much everything Doom can do if he gets above you while you’re both in the air. I like to air dash back down to the ground and do it again if they are getting impatient and want to footdive a lot or air dash up to start a air combo that ends with Unibeam so I re-position them back into bad angles for more poking with J.H’s

Repulsor pulls in double duty as a shield vs Photon and acts as a Captain Corridor vs the brave Dooms who like to rush in with ADF.M.

If you’re playing this way vs him, he really doesn’t have many options at all. The only thing he has going for him is his J.H laser.

c.H+LogxxUB shits on buttergun too. (c.H by itself does a real good job, honestly.)

The coolest thing about that matchup when you’re running IM/RR is that once you kill Doom for free, you get the free incoming unblockable with RR on Vergil (cause you know that asshole is behind doom 100% of the time anyways.)

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I thought every1 gave up on this forum i guess not…Cool

Nah, I’m still around. IM forums are pretty dead though…

I always kind of expect any posts in here to just be “Why can’t he have X or Y?! He’s not any good! Patch Patch Patch…” :confused:

i originally dropped ironman but i cant stop playing a character i learned soo much for

I feel that way with a lot of characters. IM, Strider, Joe, I just need good teams with them. :\ I have a decent team, but I need a better 3rd character to round out the rest. Doing a bit of soul searching.

You know, after playing the matchup a lot, I find that Logan isn’t as hard to deal with once you get away from him. He can’t plow through beams and repulsor anymore in Ultimate so a team like mine (Mag, Sent,IM) can keep him at bay and murder his assists.

We have a local guy that plays a strong wolv/doom/vergil and I feel like X23/IM/RR matches or beats that team.

I don’t like that Wolvie gets to duck under almost everything. It’s nice that fuzzy guard will force him to block beams though. Otherwise I feel like it’s mostly just about smart blocking and spacing.

Iron Man beats Wolverine/Vergil? Uhhh…

Iron man beats doom clean, and mad hopper unblockable / dirt nap beats vergil or RR stalls XF vergil. X23 goes toe to toe with Wolvie.

As a team, I feel like X23/IM/RR beats Wolvie/Doom/Vergil. Never said IM beats all three or anything close to that.

Crouching H is invaluable in dealing with Vergil. You don’t commit to it and it allows you to dictate how he will move to avoid it.

As a support character Iron Man actually has decent or good matchups against most of the common anchors in the game. All the more reason to put a strong point character first that really benefits from Unibeam, so you can kill the shit out of the game’s pesky point characters and when you’re done to Iron Man you only have to kill Sentinel, Magneto, Strider, Doom ETC

Lol you are commiting fully everytime you do that move, every followup and the move itself loses to 5h or 6h, that move is a death sentence in the matchup vs someone competent. Then again to be fair he doesnt actually have any options in the first place.

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It has it’s uses in 1 v 1 against non-xf vergil…but honestly…how often does that ever happen. :confused:

If he’s XF’d or has meter or has some hori assist that doesn’t lose to UB or c.H you’re pretty much fucked. (so you’re always fucked, is what I’m saying.)

I’m assuming that you have saved IM to the end and have meter/X factor to Iron Avenger, XF his ass. Vergil can’t cancel whiffs.

Vergil can pretty much react to the startup and press H can he not? Or does the explosion hit him?