How to Stop Worrying and Love the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth - The Ultimate Doctor Strange Thread

Some days, I just too weak to fight against it. XD

Dude I know the feeling

thanks, i figured as much, but i wanted to be sure

Just tested. Flame DOES NOT disappear at all if he is hit regardless if it went through a grace or not, nor does it lose active frames.

Re: Mystic Sword

L Sword can be ducked at point blank by smaller chars.

M Sword may not be at safe as I thought (mind you this pushes them back a fair bit on block). I had Nova set to dash and s.L me asap, I kept getting hit every time. So L Sword is the best way to keep yourself safe.

Thats awesome! Thanks. Strange is looking good. I can’t wait to open him up tomorrow

projectile push back assist + his teleports is godlike. been doin it all day, this guy is easily top tier. he feels like a phoenix + dormamuu. very odd at first but once u get used to him he is very fun

Guys, this character is absolutely broken. I’m going to show you why in a video. Basically if you land a spell of vishanti and have x factor (any level), the other guy is done. Think bionic arm on crack.
(I’m the guy who made the Iron Fist tech video)

Yeah, Strange is fucking ridiculous.

“Yo, Strange is cheap.”

“idk, he doesnt seem that bad to me…”

100+ matches later

“WOW, fuck this character”


hurry with that video :slight_smile:

sad cuz apparently midterms is next week (yeah, like how dare school get in the way with UMvC3’s release right, lol) so I’m pretty much swamped with work. gonna have to hole up until friday or saturday before I get the game, when it’s my free time. :frowning: the game should be released now here in Asia, but just in case, I’ll make the call to my store later so I can verify if I already have a copy set aside for me or if I’m gonna have to wait anyway. don’t expect anything new from me yet.

Re: double SoV combos

For this, you basically need something that either holds them long enough for strange to recover and super again. The # of practical assists that meet this requirement is limited I think. Some examples-

Strider’s Vajra is fucking PERFECT for this. j.S, call strider + super, strider hits, super again.

Hawkeye Vertical Shot / Doom Missiles work too. After knockdown from air combo, call hawkeye and backdash, wait a little bit, then super. This is to give the projectiles enough time to come down and hit.

My audio got WMG’ed because of the X-men 90s theme. I’d rather reupload it with Strange’s theme throughout than put in a trashy Youtube - approved dance/dubstep track.

Reuploading now. X_X


oh man legit. i need to start practicing this loop

Found an easier loop too. If you reduce 1 impact loop, rep, you can then replace the rest of the combo with a different, easier ender that does the same damage.
Also, was having trouble connection all loops against Rocket and Ammy, but you can kill them very easily with just 2 loops. The modification for small characters makes killing them even easier because of their low healths. Will post notations/video later.

Ok I started trying this loop and for some reason I can’t get it to work on shuma gorath. He gets knocked too high for the teleport to follow him. Maybe I’m just shit with my execution but it works fine on other characters. Anybody want to help confirm this for me.

Man his normals are really unsafe. At least canceling them into :l: Mystic Sword makes them safer, but if they Advancing Guard it early, it feels like he’s at a disadvantage still since he just whiffs the rest of it.

I like the forward movement of his standing :m:. I also like what his :d::l: does to his hitboxes (makes him less gargantuan for a moment).

I was enjoying playing around with 2 bar THCs. Ending a combo with a Spell of Vishanti + Okami Shuffle THC means that Doctor Strange recovers very quickly compared to how long Okami Shuffle goes on. He’s able to setup some Hosts, an Eye, whatever. Also it’s nice because Okami Shuffle hits the full screen, so you can use it even after an air or ground throw.

Watching Ryan Hunter play him on stream last night was really cool - Ryan did a great job of working in left/right mix-ups using teleports, and it made Strange look really legit from that standpoint.

You’re right. I just tried and couldn’t get it to work either. Added as an annotation in the video.

Shuma is known for popping out of a lot of combos, he’s just strange like that

this really made him REALLY scary. don’t whiff shizz when he is on the field. legit.