How to Stop Worrying and Love the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth - The Ultimate Doctor Strange Thread

Yeah, you CANNOT push buttons randomly against Strange, all it takes is one whiff.

I don’t see how that makes him “broken” if you actually meant it in a literal sense.

After first impressions, he suffers badly against rushdown (I ran sets against a strider/vergil) and a Vajra protected by Vergil’s horizontal cut assist absolutely stuffs Strange’s teleports and projectiles.

SoV into hit-confirm kill is nice, but it looks like it shouldn’t be wasted on the opponent’s point character. His incoming mixup game is hurt a lot by the fact his teleport doesn’t crossup in the corner… so the mixup is basically just assist/projectile and l.teleport or m.teleport which is relatively weak compared to dormammu’s flame carpet / assist / air normal blockstun / crossup teleport high/low+left/right mixup stuff we were seeing in vanilla

I can’t see how a character with bad keepout, a meh corner game, and airthrows that garner no full combos (outside of using XF or otg assist and even still that only works in corner) can ever be considered a ‘broken’ character. NOT to mention he has combos with strict timing and assists that take forreevverrr to become active.

I’m not trying to be a pessimist and I’m hoping some stuff is discovered along the way to help alleviate these problems, but I AM trying to look at him objectively when compared to the rest of the cast. And plz don’t get me wrong… I love the guy and will main him until mvc4 or sumvc3:turbo or whichever

*Also after teleport crossups, I’ve been rapid firing c.:l: into c.:m:, c.:h:, impact palm, l.mystic sword, dash impact palm,:s:… for my hit confirm combo. It seems really hard to ever be in range for a full crumple impact palm, and when you are you only have a 2-hit hitconfirm window in order to do it. Do you guys rapid fire into naked launcher or do you guys just let it rock with c.:l:, s.:h:, impact palm and if just cancel into l. mystic sword if they are blocking?

This is the Strange forum. Who are you talking about?

So did anyone else notice you can trigger his super counter with vjoe bomb assist? Trololol.

It’s hard to incorporate it into a combo though.

not keepaway, keep out. as in, when someone’s mauling you what are you gonna do? are you gonna spot an airthrow oppurtunity for a full combo? No. because he can’t full combo. Are you gonna jump over and backdash away? No. because He’s big-bodied, has a slow jump, and an extra slow wavedash. Are you gonna SJ and fly away? No. because his fly is almost worthless outside of combos and he has no air dash. Are you gonna teleport away? No. because all his teleports put him in proximity of the opponent.

Everyone else in the game his size has something that allows them to get away from situations where you’re constantly being mauled

You know this is why I hate SRK sometimes because people’s first inclination is to post sarcastic remarks instead of actually thinking about the initial post at hand let alone trying to have intelligent debate. Good stuff though, way to liven the D.strange discussion… Also, if you actually read my initial post, I stated that even with his myriad of projectiles, he stills gets stuffed by junk like assist-covered vajra. Vanilla Dormammu (and probably current Dorm) had a much better keepaway because of flame carpet alone

(CHI) holly brings up a good questions/discussion, that I would like to hear answers for.

Most of my games with DS are me getting started and mixing up to death my Opps, or not getting started and getting mauled to death, Ghost Riders Heartless Spire does keep the wolf’s at bay and gives me breathing room.

incomming characters don’t come right in the corner anyways so you could port up behind them

plus since you have + advantage moves you just do what somebody like taskmaster dose

apart from that you have some points

Erm, just because his max damage without setup, assists or x-factor is weak doesn’t make it a nonviable option. If your main concern is breaking pressure, raw airthrow with no followups alone is even a viable option because of the range it sets him at ,optimal for mixups and setups if you don’t want to cancel into Vishanti

You can s.jump into dagger or eye then teleport though.

thats not a bad thing, especially if you can teleport out of a pressure string (presumably after well timed pushblock) to get frame advantage.

You know you can reaction :b::h: shit like that into a full punish?

I ran sets vs a few Vergils recently. It was annoying, but not as bad as I thought it could be.

Are you using Eye in neutral? It stops assists like those completely. And if he tries L/M Vajra to react to projectiles, you can super.

H Vajra can also be beaten w/ super (as he starts to re-materialize), and if he called Vergil he’ll just run into it. If you trade, even better. You get another super, and a third w/ xf if you want. If he tries to do that in neutral to get in, you can stuff it w/ j.:h:

After a corner kill, dont stay there, move back towards midscreen. I agree its not as strong as Dormammu, but eh.

Combos are w/e. They’re not that hard. As for the range problem, use s.:m: for combos as it moves him forward. That should help you w/ getting Impact Palm.

So yeah. “Broken”? Nah, not quite, he’s got his share of flaws. Strong? Very, imo.

I know that’s why I said his only real incoming mixup is assist/projectile, and l.teleport (front) and m.teleport (behind). the inherent problem with using strange’s air attacks is that while it does yield +frames, he has no forward moving move (tasky’s spidey swing), command dash, or crossup teleport that can keep pressure if you’re advanced guarded.

I wish, with daggers or eye, once you throw it out, you fall to the ground letting your opponent get a free crossunder mixup and if you get hit, then your projectile disappears which makes it pretty meh. this happens even with flight mode

Using command counters in mvc3 is hella risky, we all know this. When has a top player ever won a tournie match using a non-super counter? I’d rather block Vajra since it doesn’t give Strider +frames, BUT like I said… assist covered vajra destroys him… especially covered with an assist like Vergil’s Rapid Slash which pushes you all the way into the corner. So yeah… you’re not really gonna :b::h: that and if you do decide block (which means your opponent randomly threw it out instead of trying to punish you while setting up projectiles like they should be), you no longer get the frame advantage because of assist blockstun AND you’re backed up into the corner.

lol, I this point I’m just happy I dont’ have to deal with vanilla wolvie with strange

to be fair I’ve seen ammy counter work

everybody else’s is ass which is why they ain’t used

One thing I’ve been thinking about regarding the corner… it isn’t necessarily so terrible that he cant mixup well in the corner if you have the life lead. You can just stay fullscreen and cast spells. I don’t see many chars beating Strange in fireball wars.

Sooner or later, they HAVE to come after you and that opens them up to teleports.

At the risk of sounding like a fraud, I have to admit that I named the video ‘Doctor Strange is broken’ partly because its sensationalist and gets attention, the original title was ‘Correct ways of punishing with Dr. Strange’. However, the more I think about it, the more I feel that this isn’t far from the truth.

‘Broken’ in a literal sense would mean a characters that are so overpowered that they lliterally break the game (something like the quicksilver glitch), or they are so powerful that everyone picks that character. However, I feel that the term broken is thrown around so much that its lost its original meaning. If we go by the definition, even Wolverine and Phoenix are not ‘broken’. But when we use the term broken for them we mean characters that are really amazing compared to others or characters that can cause a lot of damage really easily.

Now that I’ve got that out of the way, here’s why I consider this broken (as in Wolverine broken, not ST Akuma broken).

  1. Its a guaranteed kill off a very fast punish. Someone pointed out that SoV is an 11 frame startup. That maybe true, I’m not one for frame data. But 11 frames is still very fast. I’ve punished pushblocked launchers, hard attacks, fireballs, whiffed hypers, and assist calls.

  2. You get forever to hit confirm your attack. You can activate X factor right when it hits, or you can wait for it to launch your opponent up, X factor, then teleport.

  3. The whole setup is easy/safe enough that you can autopilot. If you land SoV and do the loops, the opposing character is dead. But if the SoV is blocked, or countered, you’re still safe because of the X factor activation. In case they block it, the worst case scenario is that you input the teleport and they pushblock. Or, they can Bionic Arm/7 rings/Level 3 you on reaction, but even in that case you’re safe because of the XF activation, and you force them to pop their own XF or DHC into a safe hyper.

  4. You need 1 bar of meter, and you build at least as much as you lose. In XF level 1, you build just the bar that you require the finish the opponent off with, but in higher XF levels, you can start with just the 1 bar required, but end up with 2+ bars since the loops are enough to kill them.

  5. This is the real reason why I consider this so good. Back in vanilla, Wolverine could get you with an airthrow, kill off your character, build enough meter that he can mix up your incoming character and kill him too. Magneto could build 2 meters right from landing 1 hit and finish you off. And then there was the DHC glitch. Now we don’t have a DHC glitch, the hitstun makes people jump out of Magneto’s loops, he can’t build as much meter, and Wolverine can just barely kill your character with the nerfed XF level 1. What I’m getting is that most players believe that this time, getting a ‘one touch one kill’ scenario is going to be rare. The only characters who can get a touch of death are guys like Wesker, Vergil, Hulk, Haggar, and even then they require either X factor or multiple bars or both. In a game where touch of deaths are rare, and zoning is viable, you can imagine why a full screen, fast touch of death punish can be really, really cheap. Sure, Strange can’t insta-kill your point as well as your incoming character like Wolverine once could, but now, so can’t Wolverine.

Sorry for the Wall.

lol i know you didn’t mean broken in a literal sense, but I agree SoV into XF character kill is very nice and should be part of every Strange users’ repertoire. Though I still hesitate to put it on par with wolvie’s XF1 off throw because while they both accomplish the same thing (dead character while leaving a lot of time left on XF) wolvie had the impossible mixup on incoming characters and he always had just enough time on his XF to kill the 2nd guy free

I wonder how consistent this would be for happy birthdays? If very… then that would be one factor that would be above wolvie’s XF1 prowess. back to the lab I guess!

Also here’s a DoD trick that can work on people who like to press buttons… though it wouldn’t… errr… shouldn’t work more than once on the same person


I fully admit that its NOT in the same league as Wolverine XF level 1 kill + mixup, but I believe that Wolverine can’t do the same this time around in level 1 X factor. Then again, I don’t play Wolverine and my belief is based on hearsay, so I might be talking out of my ass. If Wolverine still has his bullshit, then yes, this isn’t as good as that, but if he doesn’t, then this is as close to cheap that we will get in this game (for the first few weeks at least).

@DoD trick.
Heh, thats a good single use trick.

I’m lovin’ these teleport shenanigans I’m pullin’ off. It’s kinda weird not being able to air dash with him (mostly a me thing because all my other characters air dash in some shape or fashion), but everything about him is tight. Barely even scratched the surface.

Yeah, in that case i’d just be setting up graces of hoggoth to bait them, just don’t go nuts with planting those graces (i.e., too close or too high since you’ll be pretty vulnerable after the fall) and obviously don’t let yourself end up cornered by a strong rushdown char…just my 2 cents on a possible way to circumvent his weaker corner offense.

I don’t get how to play this dude. Is he a keepaway character? A rushdown character? Or is he just around to make cool combo videos.

Totally lost here, trying to run him: Strange/Storm/Sentinel

a little bit of everything with an edge in offense. Strange can zone and rushdown with his self-created teleport mixups. IMO he’s more suited for rushdown because he’s best with utilizing his projectiles for his left-right mixup game midscreen, where he is most dangerous. he has a lot of options to get in on your opponent, but not many getting out since he has no airdash unlike Magneto and Storm. Drones is good for Strange because you can lockdown opponents midscreen, buying time for Strange to either get started on his Grace of Hoggoth stuff (which, when you get to 3Y, means a near-instant left-right mixup if you FoF then teleport immediately after-- VERY difficult to react to and block properly) or put some distance between you and your opponent.

Double teleports = gay.

Do it.