Strange normals are extremely unsafe on block, so if there is no chance to hit with impact palm i always go for c.L, c.M or even c.H. If the enemy blocks, then cancel into mistic sword L.
i’m running a Thor (mighty smash M) / Strange (bolts) / Amaterasu (cold star) team. Thor assist is good for Strange in two ways, it’s 100% invincible as a crossover assist, so if Strange is about to die and under heavy pressure, Thor comes and save the day. The second use for Mighty smash is it causes a ground bounce. Strange can start the impact palm loop after of any ground bounce (jump, j.M, j.M, j.H, j.Impact Palm, land, repeat X3).
Ammy cold star is a lockdown assist usable for instant crossups/mixups that will keep the enemy grounded and give more than enough time for a teleport > impact palm > full combo. The lockdown on block also gives Strange time to use an eye of agamotto/daggers of denak and create a distance, or to teleport M, c.L, flying, j.S, for blockstring pressure.
Mistic sword M have 8 low points of projectile durability so it beats almost everything. uncharged flames of the faltine beat Doom and Iron man beams. He cannot win a projectile fight with Arthur in gold armor though.
flames of faltine and Mistic swords dont dissapear, only daggers and eye of agamotto.
Grace of hoggoth M only for adding damage to the combos and OTG, grace of hoggoth L for his mixup game with the flames. When a grounded character is between two spaced grace of hoggoth L chances for a mixup are high. Three grace of hoggoth L above the superjump range are also a powerful tool.
not cancellable, not even into hypers. I would like to know other Strange users opinion on illusion, i’m having trouble playing keepaway with characters approaching by the way of superjump and probably illusion is the AA tool that i’m overlooking.
no, it’s terrible, the most of Lv1 hypers beat it. The tool for punishing hypers is Seven Rings of Raggador. It has 33 frames of startup invincibility though.
EDIT: I would like to contribute with my own experience on Strange matchups with other characters, but there is no a thread open for it yet? why dont you guys open a matchup thread? I would do it myself but really dont know how is the process.
Thor is in almost every team ive used and ammy is in my main team so im trying to change things up by trying out other characters. And i kinda figuired that lockdown assists arent that important to strange since he can setup mixups on his own, which is why i went for HM since it works for both lockdown and zoning.
i can’t wait for finals to be over, then i’m gonna be grinding it out with strange to find some new setups. i found that if you Hidden Missile your last launch and launch and hit em with j.S you can actually have time to setup three graces and mixup you opponent with a teleport lol it keeps you up there.
Guys, question. Since Strange is weak to rushdown, in a game where rushdown is very viable, does this make him not viable? Also, what are his options if the enemy is blocking in the corner?
No because its alot easier to zone in this game, and if you’re smart about how you approach the match you’ll be the one rushing down. if the opponent is in the corner you can just keep chipping them and keep that pressure on. for example i like to call out EoA and hidden missiles and then once the guy is getting hit by HM i’ll do M Daggers, and that goes behind them and will actually pushed them out of the corner and you can cross them up.
oh ok, i will see what i can do. By the way, how are you guys fighting Vergil with Strange? his teleports assisted by drones / Dante gunshots / beams are very hard to block, one hit and Strange might be dead, not to mention a motion for a mystic sword L sometimes turns out to be a Teleport L due to Vergil teleporting behind >_>
Doom HM is a great idea, Strange need something to deal with people approaching by the way of superjump.
Once you are able to get an eye of agomotto on screen strange is no longer weak to rushdown. You just have to find ways to get agomotto on the screen. It’s basically a special move version of stalking flare that keeps the opponent out. The only thing you have to worry about is teleport that appear above your head that you can always air throw or spell of vishanti on reaction.
Likewise I always attmpt to have Strange come in on his own terms with a momentum. So I never start him first. I’d rather TAC, DHC, or sometimes raw tag him in. Then you rarely have to worry about being weak to rushdown, because you’ll be the one rushing them. Of course if your point gets killed and Strange comes in on welcome… well that’s another story altogether
i havent actually tried it yet, but can we xfactor 7 rings of raggador and do a palm loop like after SoV? and does 7 rings have full startup invinc? like if we’re getting pressured can we mash 7 rings into a dhc
The thing I really love about strange is that any random hit consistently leads to a loop. This is most apparent with a stray confirm into S launcher which then gets TK cancelled into H teleport.
I’ve been super lazy about it though. I perform the S x tele by holding S and doing the reverse dp motion. It seems like some people prefer this function to be disabled and I’m having a hard time doing it the normal way. Any suggestions?
I had problems at first doing Vanilla Tron’s instant jumping drill. I was doing the motion as: b, n, d, d/b, b, b/u + C
After getting way too many punishable ground drills I started doing the motion like this instead: b, n, d, d/b, u/b + C
So basically I just jerk the stick from down back to up back as fast as I can and hit the H button - I’ve noticed this works for doing H teleport as well for Strange off of his S (which is WAY easier than super jumping up with them and trying to meticulously time those H and f+H’s … ). Your mileage may vary though.
lol, today i was having fun in player matches with my team of Hulk / Dr.Strange / Ammy, and fought this guy with Wesker on the third spot. My Strange absolutely destroyed his XF Lv3 Wesker, then the man sent this message: “a 5th lord and u hav a p*ssy team like that wow your terrible kid”
Wesker users sending hate mail over my Strange is so satisfying xD
Serpentaurus I seen your herpaderp team murkin people and know you got some skill but you didn’t start using that Thor Strange combination until you seen me using it first.
Anyway strange is good and I’m gonna keep using him for now.
Good stuff on the thread so far.
So, any reset tech with Strange developed yet? Figured since it’s so hard to get a hit in the first place, you’ll want to milk it for as long as you can, so I started looking at stand L during MMH Impact Loops to air reset and force the guess between air hit (starting a new MMH Impact Palm loop), low M and air grab (haven’t found much use for grab outside of the corner with at least one yellow Grace set; maybe a fast OTG assist can be used in place of that). Added to the options after finishing an air combo (M Daggers -> teleport, Flames to a grace -> teleport, etc) it could be a decent tool.
Funny, I’d considered messing w/ resets but I usually kill in one touch so it’s like… What’s the point lol.
Anyway. From playing various ny heads (rayray smoothviper xaqshinor etc), I can say Strange holds up pretty well @ high lvl. I just need to make less mistakes x_x
I wanted to pick up on some new characters, Dr.Strange is one of them is there anybody that works really well with him and what’s like … his best move to counter blocked unsafe moves from the opponent? Like for Chun Li I use her cr.m because it is long range and quick.