How to Stop Worrying and Love the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth - The Ultimate Doctor Strange Thread

discovered a sort of low-flight mode with Strange. I don’t know if other characters are capable of this, but I tried TK’ing random shit today and I found that if I did 2147:atk::s: occasionally Strange would go into this sort of low-flight mode where you can instant-overhead everyone in the cast, even the Racoon, with j.:m:. I don’t know yet exactly how to get it to come out more consistently because the timing’s kind of finicky, but I suppose that means some new Strange tech. it’s probably just a TK’d flight mode with really tight timing but hey, instant overheads on everyone is pretty nice.

edit: just did it with Magneto, it’s probably doable by other flight-based characters as well

I could see this being useful w/ an assist covering you, preferably one w/ decent lockdown where you might be able to fly unfly several times. At 22F startup, it’s too slow to be used on his own IMO (more reasons not to play Strange as anchor?! :p). I’ll mess with this next time I play.

W/ the fastest possible TK Flight, he barely leaves the ground heh.

Here’s a fun question for you guys, and if it requires full team context have at it: let’s say you achive the positional holy grail, and you just killed a character with Strange, and now you have a second or two to do whatever. What will you usually do? I’ve been first putting out an Eye and pushing it, then calling drones if I’m using a Sent team, then maybe an M daggers, and then depending if they’re midscreen or cornered coming in will teleport M or H. I don’t know if this is ideal, though, hence asking what you guys do. Midscreen it can net me some damage, but cornered a lot of times it’s just guaranteed chip. Any fun setups you guys are using when you have time to do whatever you want? (this can include non-lethal SoVs as well, since that still gives you some time to do stuff).

i’ve been using:

  • EoE for cover
  • yellow grace
  • palm the EoE to reset hits for more coverage
  • yellow grace

by then: your opponent can do two things:

  • If they pushblock you to the middle, you can SJ backwards, set up your last yellow grace, FoF, teleport mixup.

  • if they decide not to pushblock you, you have the advantage from EoE blockstun so you can run in and call assist and do fly/unfly overhead and if that fails then chain into l.mystic sword. by then, your assist should almost be ready again so back off and by the time that happens they’ll be making their way out of the corner where you can call assist/teleport crossup

hey guys just whipped up this tshirt concept. what do you think?

in response to the above: I call eye and nova pulse assist at the same time, then medium daggers and teleport above or behind. Unless im worried about that character’s ability to counter teleports, then Ill call nova and eye, and dash across the screen and eye again as the first eye stops, and call light daggers and medium swords to keep them out. random light sword when they get close can lead to a full combo too.

Looks cool to me :slight_smile:

Played in a local tournament tonight, something I’ve noticed is that many people will not respect the Eye of Agomatto. They will literally tridash or jump onto it. Plus, you can start an Impact Palm jump loop off it.

Do your best to keep one on the screen.

Yeah… they’ll learn. Eventually.

I’ve been messing with fly-unfly stuff with impact palm and it’s pretty good. it’s similar to UMvC3 Iron Man’s air dash cancelled normals, but with the added benefit of a possible X-Factor kill off an OS throw. Impact Palm if done low enough while falling from unfly is a pretty fast overhead which is safe and can lead into a crumple if you can confirm it. I’m still working on the confirm part, lol. I know I have enough time for Alzarath’s midscreen jump loop setup off an Impact Palm overhead but it’s just a matter of training my brain to recognize the situation quickly.

anyways for now, my Grace setup is pretty much just stay at a distance, call Plasma Beam assist, EoA, Impact Palm xx Y Grace, Y Grace. because of EoA, the opponent is pretty much forced to block and let me get 2Y up if he’s not at super jump height. then after that it’s as easy as SJ ub, Y grace, FoF, crossup/fake crossup teleport. viable for sure on the non-tracking teleport characters. haven’t found a good use for Vajra yet outside of double SoV DHC into Sphere Flame. gonna experiment more with incoming character mixups. I’m pretty sure Strange can pull off some Wesker-style resets and better because of all the tools he has. how 'bout you guys, make any progress so far?

Damn, you guys see the Option Select match vids with Ryan’s Strange? Too sick!! Though I’ve felt from the start that Strange doesn’t want to be in the starting position, and I think it showed a few times, but when he got going, it was looking pretty broken. My fear is after Rogue Yoshi displays his at NEC, he’ll get banned. Or even worse, banned-wagon!

Really loving Strange right now and my game has improved dramatically since I started using him. For awhile I was debating between Vergil and Strange, but I finally decided to stick with the good doctor. My Strange has changed completely since I started playing as him, mostly because I noticed people tend to play Strange differently depending on certain factors.

First thing I noticed is that people really change their playstyle as long as Strange has meter. Spell of Vishanti is just a great punishing tool for almost every move in the game, and everyone knows it. After getting hit once or twice by it, even heavy rushdown characters like Zero have to be careful as long as I have a meter stocked. I’ll gladly take a level 3 buster if it means I can hit you with Vishanti or 7 Rings. Knowing this, I now rather go for mixups instead of ending my combos with Vishanti (unless it will kill of course). My BnB (with the aid of Hidden Missiles) does just under 650K meterless off of M Daggers, Crumple Beam, or cr.L x3 hit confirm. This means it only takes me 1 wakeup mixup to kill every single character in the game.

As Ryan showed, his mixup potential on wakeup is just absolutely crazy. The mixup I use is a little different then the one he does, but still effective. Whats crazy is that if they manage to block the setup mixup, on my team they have to block another one because I’ll call in Magneto and teleport behind them. Once Strange gets going he is unstoppable and he does a ton of damage while building a ton of meter. I have lots more to post, but I think this is enough for now :wink:

whats strings best normal for aa?

l.mystic of course! na, his standing jab is comparable to magneto’s but mystic sword is nice… u get a free alzarath loop after.

has anyone ever killed someone with l.mystic sword? this man looks hella stylish waving that fluorescent sword around in slow-motion :]

hell yeah, from chip. L Mystic Sword is so good as an AA and safe enough that you can throw it out as a poke every once in a while to train people to respect Strange when attempting a jump-in.

I’m becoming more and more optimistic about Strange overall. the fly-unfly Impact Palm stuff I was talking about earlier seems to have its use since Impact Palm easily OS’es into throw -> SoV -> XFC -> dead character. and since you’re in the air you won’t have to deal with high-low mixups. if you smell an AA coming you can just unfly and block. against non-teleporting characters I’ve been messing around with an EoA -> Impact Palm xx fly, then fly towards the opponent while following the EoA. makes for some Guile-style sonic boom shit that I think can open people up with an overhead Impact Palm crumple into Alzarath combo. it’s just a training mode thing for now but hopefully I can make use of the setup in a real match. if you stay inside of EoA while putting out graces, that means characters with tracking teleports means they really can’t do a naked teleport. gotta respect that EoA otherwise you’re gonna get opened up into a jump loop -> Daggers mixup and your herpaderp Vergil unsafe Rapid Slash means you can get SoV XF killed.

as for incoming character setups off a snapback or kill, I usually time it right so Strider assist is on the way down when the opponent enters, and I either go for an air throw or j.M j.M j.H ~ Impact Palm loop (aka the Wesker 50/50) so they’re pretty much gonna have to respect the assist and the incoming mixup. if they pushblock, that’s good because you’ll be at midscreen where you can put Graces down safely behind an assist (I use Doom beam so it’s even safer because of the durability)+ EoA soaking up projectiles. I find having distance between you and your opponent is also crucial because you should typically have enough time to react to your opponent calling an assist unsafely/whiffing stuff and SoV -> XF kill.

So guys, what are your opinions on the Hsien-Ko vs Strange matchup? I ask this question because some idiot says that Hsien-Ko outclasses Strange in every way, and doesn’t seem to be trolling, just extremely stupid and ignorant. He also believes Strange is bottom tier.

Lol you must be talking about loffter on Gamefaqs. As soon as he said HK has a better teleport than Strange I gave up on him lmao. Anyways what I was going to say to him before he started making up stuff, Strange can easily beat out HK’s “zoning” by using EoA + Bolts. Even if you let her put out 4-5 H gongs at the same time Bolts will deplete most of their durability and then EoA will plow through the rest of them and hit her.

lol according to him H gong is completely unpunishable by Strange and Strange can’t touch her.
I swear, people like that make the whole gamefaqs community look stupid.

Heh well just cause his friend doesn’t know how to counter the gongs doesn’t mean he can’t. I admit it took me a couple of matches to figure out, but he certainly has the tools to do it. A lot of Stranges I face never use his Bolts but they are freakin great. Both bolts hit all but like 8 people in the cast while standing and you can pretty much spam it.

hey guys i rly wanna pick up strange so i got a few questions:

1- What attacks do you use at the start of the combo? i have a lot of trouble landing impact palm midscreen after a LMH (and sometimes even st.MH) because its range is just terrible. So is there a way to land it more consistently or do you guys usually just avoid using it midscreen?

2- What kind of assist benefits strange? right now im planning on using Skrull (tenderizer) / strange (bolts) / Doom (HM). Im using HM for combo extension and zoning, for skrull i just picked tenderizer cuz i figured it would be a good AA but still not sure.

3- How durable are his projectiles? I dont know much about durability points so i would rather you just answer by comparing it to other projectiles.

4- Do all his projectiles disappear on hit? i noticed that EoA and the daggars disappear but what about his QCB+H projectiles?

5- Is there any reason to use the red GoH for anything other than OTGs?

6- Is his 4H counter useful? and since its a normal is it possible to cancel out of it at any point into a special?

7- Does his level 3 have any invincibility and is it good for punishing anything?

1- If you have trouble landing Palm omit the st.H.

2- Anything that a) keeps/gets ppl off him and buys him time to cast spells (Tatsu, Jam Session, Lariat, etc) or b) allows him to mixup (Plasma Beam, Aim Master, Disruptor, etc)

3- Pretty durable, most characters will flat out lose to Strange in a fireball war.

4- Daggers disappear if he’s hit before they activate, EoA disappears if he’s hit, Flames/Sword will persist no matter what.

5- Not really. Red during combos, Yellow during neutral game for the most part.

6- Have not found a solid use for Illusion yet. You can be hit out of the teleport, thats not good. I guess you can call an assist before Illusion so they’ll have to block when they land.

7- 33F invul, you can punish stuff w/ it just like any other lvl 3.