How to Stop Worrying and Love the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth - The Ultimate Doctor Strange Thread

Yeah, I’m considering doing battery Strange so I thought resets for meter/kills would be a good idea. Maybe burn the meter for problem characters.

On that note, is it possible to air grab in the corner, then set a grace, shoot a flame and OTG before the opponent recovers? And can somebody try super jump, grace L * 2, fly, grace L, flame, teleport. Trying to get some ideas for working from super jump height.

You don’t have time to set a grace and otg in one shot, if you want to do corner throw stuff you’ll need to have one set already.

Found a way to combo two Spells of Vishanti without X-Factor. Using Strider’s Vajra Assist while Doctor Strange uses Spell of Vishanti while causes Hard Knockdown and enough time to pull off a second Spell of Vishanti. (Note: You’ll have to call Strider’s assist before you perform Spell of Vishanti in order for Strider to land Vajra.)

I finding this to be the truth, especially when I bring Strange in on his terms.

Hey, you’re in New york? im in North Jersey, I’ve only been going to my local tournament at Local Battles, but now that im done with this semster im planning on entering more tournaments. Where do you usually go to play? Next Level?

Nah, I usually don’t bother w/ Next Level as no one I know/want to play against goes there regularly (also I’m poor :sweat:) . I just go to house sessions most of the time.

oh i see, i’m new to the scene so idk about that stuff yet lol but i’d like to play you sometime maybe online even? i know its not the same but we’re pretty close so connection might not be bad. any tourneys you go to regurlarly? i think its cool that you’re relatively close i’ll defitnately make the effort to find other strange players. BTW do you play KOF? cause im trying to get into it lol

read cougar’s post in patch thread. how bad is the hsd on palm? is jump loop still viable?

I’m worried… I can’t test until later, won’t be home for a least a few hours…

Edit: Yeah, false alarm. Everything still works.

Also trying some ideas for resets… I might make a vid later this week when I have a little time.

yea im at work too, so what was he talking about?

Apparently he tested it in H&H mode, stuff works differently in that mode I guess? shrug

Anybody had a chance to try bypassing the 3 actions per jump rule with Strange by making the 3rd option fly yet? I’ve done similar stuff with Doom before (managed to get 2 plasma beams, fly, another plasma beam, a photon shot and drop into a foot dive). Maybe you can get two graces, fly, into another grace, a flame and a teleport. Or zone from super jump height with grace, flame, fly, grace, flame, teleport, etc.

I like your way of thinking. It’s definitely something to look into.

I do it all the time.

Grace, Grace, Flight, Flame, Teleport.

^Alright, thanks. Another question though, can you alter the trajectory of the flame once it’s already out? Say, set a yellow grace on the ground, super jump, red grace, flame, fly, yellow grace. Would the flame then travel to that grace? Also, can you have more than one flame on the field at a time?

Nope, once you’ve sent a flame out, it will ONLY go to the ones that were already set. If you try and set a new one it’ll ignore it.

On a side note, if you had 3 graces out already, you can cast flame then set a new grace w/o losing the effect. IE, you have 3Y graces out, you cast flames, if you put another Y grace out you still get the crumple beam.

You may only have one flame out at a time.

Alright, thanks man.

so strange is normal? yeeeeeeees.

So, I’m here again. >_>
Daggers (L or M, maybe even the EoA) during fly. Does Strange immediately fall, or can he continue to act until fly wears off? Since Alzarath said two flames is a no-go, trying to find something else to fill the void the second flame leaves.

Nope, you fall immediately. Guess they’re not trying to have vanilla Phoenix nonsense again :stuck_out_tongue: (even though there’s still much worse shit around)