How to Squash Your Meat: Hugo Match Up Thread

I figured as much. I was shocked at how difficult the matchup could be. Certainly some games I just go to town, but some games he ELF gets the knockdown and even with access to ex back breaker, its really tough. especially if he keeps you off generating meter. Hard to poke him.

Vs RyU Match Up Thread

Hey how do you deal with Guy’s ninja flip throw thing? I can’t seem to avoid getting hit by it.

Crouch Mp beats hurricane while in motion too.

best way to figure that out is to go in training mode and record guy doing the flip and use Hugo to react accordingly to it seeing what get beat traded or give u a free punish.

But im guessing Shootdown BackBreaker would blow up his flip probably before he can hit a button.

Seth’s tandem engine according to frames data is +19 on block. Sometimes I get away with just doing spd on reaction, but what should I be doing? I feel like its a free mixup cuz he can go low, command grab or regular throw,

Unfortunately the answer to that is that tandem engine is really, really good if he hits you with it, and there simply isn’t a universal escape. It’s a guessing game that is not in your favour.

Also, because Hugo’s jump in combos are kind of wimpy compared to his other stuff, the threat of jumping of it isn’t as scary as it should be.

DeeJay’s EX upkicks hit everybody crouching, it will miss low-profile moves though. His light/medium upkicks are very spotty against crouchers, mostly missing but I bet they hit Hugo most of the time.

This is fairly universal I think against shoto’s:

HP Shoryuken - Best BnB punish is HP Clap -> MP Clap -> etc… ( if you’re comfortable linking the clap combos )
MP Shoryuken - Start with MP Clap
LP Shoryuken - I think you can hit MP Clap, but honestly I’m speculating so you may need to use LP Clap

Against blocked DP’s you have time to do a lot, but I think the best go-to punish is the clap combos

Guys, this thread is not for matchup talk or advice. There is a link in the first post to the individual matchup threads. Ask questions there so that they don’t have to be asked again.

If a matchup thread does not exist feel free to create one with the title of “Vs whatevercharacter” and link it here. I will update the OP with the link back to that thread.

IMO, all matchups should just be discussed in this thread. The board looks like an absolute clusterfuck with 44 separate threads.

the board looks fine, the important threads are getting stickied and ALL of the individual matchup threads can be directly found in the master thread which is already stickied. Seriously, how can anybody expect good, solid information when people are talking about 40+ characters in one thread?

Sort of like how that one thread will be when you need information, or when people keep asking the same question over and over on separate pages?

The matchups people are not interested in will drop to the second page, the discussed ones will stay on the first. All the relevant information is contained in a specific thread and each specific thread is linked here.

Thanks for your input.


Just a few notes regarding rolento’s rolls, the tl;dr is basically just block and punish with -> lp palm pressure. The options are very slim here.

Punishing Non-EX rolls:

  • I could not connect any medium attacks, if it is possible the timing is very tight
  • cr. lp/lk both work reliably, too far to connect lk lariat though. you’ll still deal more damage than rolento chips
  • st lk is too slow, and st lp goes over his head when he’s recovering
  • reversal BB or U2 both miss, Super is too slow

Punishing EX rolls:

  • he lands further away, so your jabs and don’t even reach
  • st. mp is too slow ( or the timing is very tight )
  • cr. lk connects, timing is a little harder than non-EX versions.
  • reversal BB or U2 both miss, Super is too slow

Stuffing Non-EX rolls:

  • if he does it right in your face, you can react to his backflip and get a CH on him, but chances are he won’t be doing it in your face ( same is true for EX )
  •,, and all work, but the timing is tough and trades do not go in your favor in terms of damage ( except for )
  • best to just block

Stuffing EX rolls:

  • the timing much harder, the only things I could get to work were and, both trade in your favor damage-wise, but again the timing is still tough and you’re super prone to getting CH
  • best to just block

Played a pretty solid Rolento last night and rolls were one of the tougher things to deal with/punish. I do have two notes:

  1. Leap attack works very well to stuff it, and confirms into a lariat knock down if you are on top of your confirms.

  2. As far as punishing it, I haven’t got a chance to test it yet at home, but has anyone tried kara ultra throw? Regular or EX. I’m not sure on the start up of the kara UT, but rolento’s roll is supposedly -8. Theoretically I feel like at least kara EX ultra throw would work.

On a depressing note the main trouble i have with Rolento is that his pokes >>> your pokes. Half of Hugo’s strategy his finding those single cr.MP/st.MP hits, and Rolento makes those very difficult to hit. Very frustrating. Have to be very patient with this match up.

This pretty much sums it up

I main Guy and i’m trying Hugo so the few things i know about this mu is :

  • Bushin flip/elbow can be punished by spd on block
  • same for hozanto’s ex/hp/mp punish with spd
  • hozanto lp is -1 on block so U1 should be fine

Basically is almost like Gief mu,all Guy’s special will be punished on block,take the life lead then sit down in the corner and wait,let him take the risk
U2 works very well in this match,all flip baits get punish with good reactions

Watch out from st hk,can stuff Hugo normals if spaced properly

Sakura MU Notes goes here.

To start the ball rolling,

-cowardcopter corner escape can be chased by hk bb/u2 on reaction.

-butt rocket on sakura’s wakeup beats everything except block and u2. Non-meaty butt trades with u2 in sakura’s favor. Ex sho will whiff/hit once.

-fa at tip of sakura’s range. She has to walk forward for 0.5 sec to xx sho to break focus. You are +1/+2 on block(!!!) if you dash forward. Frame perfect u1 will whiff. Delay u1 slightly if you choose to.

Extra fa notes :

Crumple lv 1 backdash
-hp clap > lk bb/ex bb/u2

Crumple lv 2 backdash
-same as above

Crumple lv 2 forward dash
-UT > …
-mp clap > ex clap > lp clap > cr.lp xx lk lariat ( hp clap starter causes juggle instead of grounded combo )

I consider myself a very competent Sagat player, thought I’d share my match-up knowledge and what Hugo can do for Success.

This is a match that Hugo will lose more times than he will win, it’s just a basic design of the game. Slow high tigershots will give hugo huge problems.

-Max range by sagat can be counter poked with back HP(the elbow)
-High tiger shots recover slightly faster than low tigershots, so if you plan on FADCing through a fb punish, you’ll get better results with the low ts.
-EX Tk is completely safe from any punish, stay on your toes in case the sagat tries to neutral jump to bait your spd/throw
-All of Sagat’s uppercuts are 5 frames, so remember those 5 or better Safe jumps.
-TK is only safe if perfectly spaced, if you block it standing up, you have better frame advantage and have a great chance at spd. can stuff a lot of TS on start up, and the trades are heavily in your favour.
-Sagat extends his limbs far with his tiger shots, max range jump hp connecting should always combo into sweep at the right spacing.
-Do not jump at sagat unless you have the read or you’re empty jumping, his Kara game can take out hugo from 3/4 screen.
-Fadc through FB kara Ultra Throw is excellent in this match up
-Fadc forward or backward Tiger uppercut is minus 5
-Sagat’s string is NOT a true block string
-Sagat’s blocked is punished by SPD
-If sagat isn’t throwing Fireballs, do not jump, this is when you’re being baited to jump.
-Sweep can often beat ts on start up, but you have to be on point.
-Sagat’s forward step kick hits low and it’s SAFE ON BLOCK, so don’t try to spd it.
-DO NOT test Sagat with an ex bar, one EX Tiger Uppercut leads into Ultra with relative ease against Hugo, full Ultra.
-Well timed ex lariat in good footsie range will beat LOW ts.