How good would HDR have been if it was feature complete

LOL. You’re attributing to the wrong reason. Arcade only matters if you actually go there and grind. If you only spend like an hour each day playing casuals you will never be as good as the japanese top players.

SSF4 doesn’t have arcade release and Gamerbee grinds online with the japanese and he’s top 8 @ evo and won SBR and that shadolow thing.

On average, top US players don’t work as hard as top JP players (we’re talking about specific games here, ST or SSF4).

Just check how much time daigo spent on SSF4 AE. Bet that he’ll be better than most US players on that game?

On the flip side, US is way ahead of JP in MVC2 for the same reason - we put in more time in that games than the japanese (read NKI’s japan log: Justin went to Japan and beat their top MVC2 player pretty convincingly).

Watch tomo’s interview. He mentioned back in the days he’s playing 8 hours a day like a full time job and he just doesn’t have that time now to keep himself top in the competition.

Why Elton and Shari are fighting with each other? They are both amazing in my book :slight_smile:

BTW, none of you point guile75 to Sirlin’s Secret Garden. He’ll definitely love it there :smiley:

PS I actually agree with the title of this thread.


How does this disprove Kurropi’s point? Yes you are one of the top HDR players, but that’s not the point. The point is that it seems that most of the top 8 in all HDR tournaments are littered with people who came from the previous ST generation/scene. You winning a tournament/s doesn’t disprove his claim.

Point taken. I should have specified EVO, because that’s what I was mainly referencing since EVO had the biggest HDR tourneys of all.

BTW, I supported HDR as much as anyone on here so direct that venom somewhere else. My main point was directed at Elton, who has no credentials talking about the old ST players he never faced and just read about.

Why does there have to be all this arguing and putting down the other game and their players? I still don’t understand the need to promote one game over the other.

Are these guys consistently top 8 at HDR tournamentS? They both were never ST tournament players?

Tell me this, a contemporary scholar of WW2. Was he there?

Let me make it clearer for you. A contemporary authority on Alexander the great. Did he know Alexander?

That is the beauty of research. It allows someone with an enquiring mind to find out information on things they didnt witness or didnt previously know.

So my credentials are my education and grounding in research. Thats all anyone needs.

And i didnt limit my research to secondary sources ie things i read. I conducted in depth primary research so i tapped into the experiences of people who WERE there.

I accept my function is one of humble vessel. Obviously I wasnt there but others were.

It just so happens that Elton Chong is the medium by which the true story of the golden era is communicated.

My comment was in response to the statement “Look at who dominated HDR tournaments. Aside from Snake Eyez, it was almost made up entirely of former ST players”, which is not true.

If only certain members of the ST community shared your enlightened way of thinking!!

you’re talking to me again! sweet.

but your partly right. until the internet, the arcade was the only place to meet with others and grind. once the arcade scene died, there was no other place to learn new things and practice it.

As i am seemingly being compared to Elton or at the very least people think i am arguing with him let me make something clear.

Nobody in Europe takes him seriously.
His supposed attacks on me is worth to me as much as an insult on XBL from “Slutwagon69”.
He is not worth the effort.

His own continent and countrymen consider him nothing more than a joke.

Why are all you US guys taking into account his opinions on people he has never played ?

More excuses, DSP!
15 years ago you can grind in the arcade playing sf2 like tomo did.

15 years later, you have ST running on emulator, training mode with PS2/DC/HDR, online resources like wiki pages/character strats, youtube vids showing you all the tricks from top players, and a 7.5 out of 10 offline experience if you properly configure the online match making service of your choice.

neoray and a few others said they are online warriors for the most part. and they have god like execution and usually kick us player’s butt. yes he said he practiced various 360 setup for 3 years straight.

It all depends on whether you still have the heart playing this game and whether you have TIME (which ironically a lot of us don’t).

US’s ssf4 level is fairly close to JP’s, but still not quite there. The US SSF4 players do grind, but nothing like daigo/mago who actually spend all their waking hours at the game.

Put your claws away and stop acting like a Swedish tart. U have nothing to say and u saying it too loud and meanwhile ur derailing a debate that needs to happen. We can have our discussion another time.

I know sweden is the most boring country in europe and id be pissed if i lived there but seriously dude, On every thread ur butthurt about something. Man up and try getting out more.

Re: your point that I never played those guys, iv already addressed it a few posts back.

I’m not going to respond to u any further on this thread unless it’s on topic and a reasoned well argued point.

The real reason Japanese players tend to be better than US and EU players is not only due to their readily available offline competition.
The main factor is their different mentality towards getting better at the game.


No Kuroppis point was sayin that no one besides Snake Eyes dominated HDR tournaments and that if they did they were former ST players and thats obviously wrong thanks to me. But he said he meant to say EVO so whatever… Unfortunately I couldnt make EVO last year… Wonder if it woulda made a difference…

I know you supported HDR alot man and like I said earlier I have no hate towards people who play ST cause they prefer it just like I play HDR cause I prefer it thats fine.

Unwarranted self importance.

That was in no way directed towards you but towards Papasi.

Please refrain from talking to me.

Word. But you need to be careful to quantify it. Not all of us are like that. Some people living outside of japan share the same mentality. Luckily you’re not from USA or you’ll be labeled as JP dick rider.

Yeah so you also get it right?

Snake Eyez is mad good no doubt, but ST players are not butthurt because they lost to Snake Eyez.

Same reason Royal Phlush said he can be good at ST too if he wanted to (ie. put in the effort).

People who put in the time with HDR will be good at it, whether they are previously ST players or have never touched a fighting game before.

People can also be good @ ST if they put in the effort.

ST players are not butthurt because they lost to certain HDR players, some of them just don’t play HDR enough or care to.

Have any of you seen Otochun vs Aniken’s HDR first-to-ten? They are playing like garbage.

Every thread evolves, some devolve, but all get infected with a virus, the troll virus.

Anyway, i started this thread because i looked at the proposed graphics for HDR, they were brilliant, thats all. No ulterior motive.

This thread doesnt have aids yet, but its definitely got a nasty cough.

How can you say this and keep a straight face?

If HDR had the original graphics that were planned I’d need a towel every time I played.