I may mock sirlins hairdo and he can be a bit sniffy at times but you have to give it to him, he is a clever guy and he did a great job on remix with limited resources. Given more time and resources a great game would have been even better for sure.
There is a debate as to which game is better but not because of anything sirlin did or didnt do.
There is this snobbish attitude surrounding remix and all the baby zone crap. That is a total red herring, the bottom line is certain individuals want to crush remix because they arent the best at it. Snakeyes, phlush and others have hurt a lot of people’s butts and they dont like it one little bit.
Let’s go back to one aspect of sirlin’s vision. He realised that execution wasnt an issue for players at high level. The best players can always execute their moves but it can be a barrier for new players. So lets remove the execution barrier for beginners without affecting top players in the slightest. This allows people to get to the heart of the game which is strategy.
How is that babyzone unless we put all emphasis on executing a dragon punch or spd which we can all do anyway. Remix was responsible for bringing a lot of new players to SF. Many people who never touched ST became experts at remix.
That can only be good for the community as a whole but clearly not for a bunch of geriatric ingrates with entrenched attitudes and over inflated ego’s. If more people had been willing to accept a little change we may have Remix at Evo. Instead we see a community divided and polls showing pathetic numbers where the community should be united behind a new, fresh SF2. I dont believe ST should be at EVO, i believe the new better version of SF2 should be there instead.
In what way is superturbo a better game? Remix is more balanced, no doubt about it. Some of the new moves are so much more fun. Tiers have been compressed and less impossible matchups, witness sim vs guile now.
The graphics are arguably better in remix I say arguably better cos ST has a more sober classy look about it, but remix is more enjoyable to look at and fresher.
The japs like it, daigo has gone on record to say he likes it and that he feels it would be popular as an arcade release.
My message to remix players is dont feel pressured into saying ST is the better game. It isnt.
Dont feel its cool to say that remix is baby zone. It isnt unless you happen to think doing a dragon punch or SPD makes you good.
Dont believe ST is harder to play. It isnt.
Remix is a new, different, better and fresher game than ST and it makes me sick to the stomach that the game is going to be consigned to the dustbin of history because of a bunch of people who claim to love SF2 but are actually the enemy within.
Certain big names within the community have an intellectual leadership over the community. They have a lot of knowledge for sure but iv also seen that some of the same people spout a whole lot of crap too. Yet people dont want to challenge them. We need to call BS if its BS unless we say these people are bigger than the game. If you believe they are bigger than the game then fine, just dont cry when there is no SF2.