How did Gill survive the Raging Demon again?

OMG , i came in too late!!!

Ok, TAS nice to see you’re active in the whole SF thing (So happy!)And I know you’ve asked Capcom of japan lots of stuff(ask them more!!) but i bet even they forgot or don’t know a lot fo stuff that were ‘supposed to be’

Ok, frankly theres some stuff I have to voice out about what some of you may have read, but from what I’ve compiled over the years this is what I know…


  1. Goutetsu did tap into Satsui no hado. He was the one who developed his schools version of it. In fact, SNH only stopped at Gouken because he abhorred it’s use. In the Final seconds of Goutetsu’s life, he was about to release “Messatsu Go Hado” before he got steamrolled over by Gouki with SGS. Anyway it’s kinda mixed in with Ansatsuken, i have to refiorm my thoughts on this first.

  2. I swear to all the fighting gods in the world CoJ just dumbly went along with the fan favourite thought of that SGS LITERALLY sends a person’s soul to hell. Well, since they say so NOW, all the fun figurative meaning has been kicked out of it and it is now sadly, (and uncoolly) canon, if what you say is true. There was and is a perfectly logical, non-sent-to hell explanation as of why SGS hits some people harder and why it doesn’t get to some people at all.

  3. satsui no Hadou doesn’t tap into evil/anger etc, it taps into your subconscious instinct to survive/win at all costs ie the fight is all. That’s why only with it can you disregard ‘mercy’ and ‘life’ and just go all out to do anything you want. ala Ryu against Sagat Original match. ala Gouki VS Goutetsu. If you embrace it, you better know how to control yourself, because you can get pretty reckless with it (ala Ryu VS Sagat again) It’s kinda hard to explain in words… And anyway, don’t for a moment there think that Gouki only gets this strong because he embraced SNH. If Ryu wanted to train and break Ayers Rock in half, he could too. But what on earth would he be doing training to do something like that if it ends up as a move that ONLY kills? Now you see the diff between someone with SNH and someone who doesn’t? It’s all about the “Killing Blows”. “Killing intent” is the most accurate translation , “murderous” and “evil” cannot be used at all because, it’s just…wrong.

  4. Gouki Has not been consumed by Satsui no hado. He chooses to be one with it. UNFORTUNATELY because it’s a fan favourite ‘idea’ thats been going along these few years, I’m sure that it’s unofficially, officially canon that ‘He has been consumed by it.’ Which if you really think about it, is illogical. This is not Orochi iori going around on a rampage you know.

  5. I’m also quite sure that CoJ is just going along with lots of fans favourites ideas and decided to be lazy with the “Fighting Spirit” plot and go ahead with other , still nice, but not so much on pure fighting and the Fighter’s soul thingy anymore. how many people here know what Gouki really wants in life? Ok maybe a lot of you NOW because you’ve been ‘educated’, but how many of you REALLY caught on earlier?

  6. Sakura was always sunburnt sakura, never with the SNH. Even just for fun.

Twas fun :smiley:

I remember reading some where that Chun Li won the 2nd tornament. Is that true? Is the Street fighter EX story real? Dores it make any sense? Does it fit in anywhere with the story? Finally is Retsu from sf1 Dan’s dad?

back for a sec…

  1. Bison came to look for the place and people that were purpotedly learned in the art of Goutetsu’s version of fighting. as in, it being an ansatsuken with SNH and all. That’s how he came accross Gouken. That’s how they came to trade blows (Goutetsu was dead by then, Gouki, who Bison should really looking for, was already not there). Thats how Gouken came to lose. After all, Bisons a ruthless bastard with Psycho power. Bison did NOT come looking for Gouken, NOR did he Feel Gouken’s power, and actually he didn’t even specifically know who he was looking for, either by name or face. he even dissed Gouken after beating him. Cos he thought that was it to the powers he heard of!

  2. Goutetsu developed the style. Gouken and Gouki both learned under him. This MAY seem like conjecture, but i’d have to be an idiot to say that Gouken didn’t learn anything that was remotely linked to dealing fatal blows Ansatsuken style. And I’d really have to say this as an edit, That if you’re gonna use any form of Ansatsuken, you’d probably won’t mind embracing SNH since you’re going to embrace fighting to the end anyway.

Rokiseph - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE join us in the Warrior’s Fate Thread where we discuss SF’s storyline over at the Fan Fiction forums. We need all the storyline people we can get! I posted the link on this page! :pray:

  1. Chun-li is one of the most likely candidates to win the SF Tourney giving Urien says her legs crushed the organization. However, there are many ways to take Shadowloo down without defeating Vega(cape). Guile is the most likely candidate to win the tourney because he is the only character for who his ending to take place, he has to defeat Vega, and then of course Gouki shows up and kills Vega afterwards.

  2. SF EX has it’s own storyline. It’s not part of the SF canon. In SF EX, Kairi has killed Gouki and Ryu has defeated Sagat in a rematch, and Vega(Cape) never dies. None of these events happen in the official storyline.

  3. Retsu is not Dan’s dad. Dan’s dad was killed by Sagat a long time ago when Dan was a kid, and there is an official drawing by Bengus of Retsu defeating the older Dan that we know of. Not to mention, Dan’s dad was killed looooong before SF1.

Sano’s the man

Isn’t Kari Akuma’s son? He has some of his moves. [EX]
I’ll join the warriors fate thread if it’s okay when I’m done reading it :pleased:
So who is Retsu and Lee? why would lee take over the restaurant?
Does Sano like the maybe SF 4 story?
The whole end of the world setting?

  1. Kairi is not Gouki’s son. Kairi is part of a fighting clan (the name escapes me right now and no before anyone asks it is not Bushin, Guy’s martial art - a popular misconception) along with his sister Hokuto. Nanase is also part of the clan. Kairi was defeated by Gouki (that’s how he got all his scars plus his missing eye, Gouki does not mess around oooh…) and lost his memory. He somehow managed to only remember Gouki’s moves that he used against Kairi. When they fought again, Kairi killed Gouki. Gouki’s death led to the creation of Garuda who is composed of souls that fell victim to the Shun Goku Satsu. Kairi was last seen fighting the ‘evil’ version of his sister. The two had a death match as Nanase witnessed and apparently Kairi and Hokuto killed each other and fell off a cliff. They haven’t been seen since.

  2. Retsu’s one of Gouken’s old friends who entered the SF1 tourney. Lee is related to Yun and Yang somehow as either an uncle or their father, Capcom never stated which. As for the restaurant Lee/Yun/Yang/Gen issue, it’s really complicated. The American version of SF Eternal lists Gen as Yun and Yang’s grandfather while the Japanese version does not. In Capcom Fighting Jam’s bio for Yun, it says he has a granfather when it lists relatives and lo and behold Gen is in his ending. The comic still hasn’t flat out stated the relationship between Yun, Yang, Gen and Lee but it looks like they are leaning towards Gen being the grandfather and Lee being the father.

  3. Um, I’ll wait until SF4 comes out and see what they do. In some ways I want the Illuminati story to end, in other ways, I want Ryu’s journey to continue and be the main focus so it’s 50/50 with me.

EDIT: Now I remember. Kairi, Hokuto and Nanase are all part of the Mitzukami clan.

Hello every one I was wondering if anyone here would happen to know the name of the Japanese Strategy Guide for Capcom Fighting Jam. I’m asking for the name beacuse most Japanese Guides have really funky names. I’m intrested in the japanese guide because it’s supposed to have all the endings in the books which the U.S. version does not. Sorry to post this here.

“Arcadia Extra Volume 19 Capcom Fighting Jam Advanced Guide.”

I see SF4 mentioned in this thread a couple of times, is there any actual information available or are you guys just speculating?

Either reread the thread in detail or send TAS a Private Message and ask him. Not trying to be a jerk or anything giving you a half assed answer but questions like this regarding things TAS says end in flame wars. It’s best he handles questions like this, and no offense to TAS. :karate:

Sakura and Ryu?

Hope I don’t get yelled at for this. But is there any chance of Ryu and Sakura getting together around the end of SF3? Like when she’s in her 20’s? :rolleyes:

I think they would make a cute couple :tup:

Anyone else have Sf characters they would like to see match up? :clap:

I’m a big fan of this sort if thing

In all honesty Ryu will never hook up with anybody. If he hooks up with somebody he’ll be about the wife, the bills, the kids and not about the fight. He’ll basically become Ken.

Yo sano I had no idea how much you loved street fighter
That’s so cool man. I tip my hat to you. I’ll read it as soon as i get the chance.

Yeah, I figured there was something about it in here, then I thought “ehhh, 12 pages…ehhhh.”

Sorry to be lazy, but that’s a daunting read :xeye:

I won’t bother anyone else about it, I’ll just go through the thread when I have the time.

SF4 bosses I create in Heromachine 2.0


Powers: Water M

Height: 5’8"

Weight 116lbs

occupation: member of Illumanti

Psychological profile: unknown

Super arts

1 Tsunami

2 ???

3 ???

4 ???

5 ???

Special moves

1 ???

2 ???

3 ???

4 ???

5 ???

6 ???

7 ???

8 ???

9 ???

10 ???


Height: 5’0"

Weight: 195 lbs

Powers: Water, Fire M

plus: shape shafting

occupation: serial killer / member of Illumanti

Theme song: Something that expresses cannibalism.

Psychological profile: Drago is canniballistic he often eat’s his victims raw but he only eats those that have Sin, which of course to drago is everyone expect him.

Super Arts

1 ???

2 ???

3 ???

4 ???

5 ???

Special moves

1 ???

2 ???

3 ???

4 ???

5 ???

6 ???

7 ???

8 ???

9 ???

10 ???


Height: 7’8"

Weight: 535lbs

Powers: Super Endurance , Steel Body , Chi , Super Strength and Lighting M

Psychological profile: Unknown

occupation: U.S Congress man / member of the Illumanti

Theme Song: something that Describes Brute Force

Special moves

1 ???

2 ???

3 ???

4 ???

5 ???

6 ???

7 ???

8 ???

9 ???

10 ???

Super arts

1 Lighting Rush

2 ???

3 ???

4 ???

5 ???

Name: Roxwell

Powers: Invisibility , Super Speed , Super Agility and Chi

Height: 6’2"

Weight: 215lbs

occupation: headmaster of Illumanti’s secret ninja squad / plus Roxwell also secretly runs ibuki’s home village from the shadows.

Psychological profile: Uknown

Theme Song: Ninja like them song duh!

Super Arts

1 ???

2 ???

3 ???

4 ???

5 ???

Special Moves

1 ???

2 ???

3 ???

4 ???

5 ???

6 ???

7 ???

8 ???

9 ???

10 ???

SF4 Boss

Height: 6’10"

Weight: 265lbs

Powers: Mind Manipulation , Time Manipulation , Light Manipulation , Dark Manipulation , Earth Manipulation , Steel Body , Immortality (Soul), Chi , Life , Super Endurance , Super Strength , Super Agility , Super Speed and Decay.

Psychological profile: He has twisted veiw on the Illumanti’s religion and thinks that all life should be destroy for the sake of the world.

personality: mix between Scar ( FMA) and Kefka ( FF6)

Theme Song: theme song like Kefka’s from FF6 mix with Rock.

Super Arts

1 Dark Earth ( with this super the boss Combines the powers of earth and dark into a destructive force)

2 Holy Saskuto Blast

3 The Redeemer

4 Ressurection

5 Doomsday ( this move is sort like scar’s move From FMA the Boss Rushes at the victim and combines the powers of Light and Dark and Chi and Decay to do Massive damage to the Character’s Body.

ps: this Move cause instant death if not block just like gill’s angel of death super.

Special moves

1 ???

2 ???

3 ???

4 ???

5 ???

6 ???

7 ???

8 ???

9 ???

10 ???

My First SF4 Main boss Idea and Suboss / Rowell concept 1

Me and Elena.

Vega and Zangeif.

Gabrielzero - Yeah, I wrote the Capcom Fighting All Stars Fan Fic too in the second link just for those of us who wished this canceled game came out. Haven’t you realized yet that I’m insane! :rofl:

Sagatryu - Wow, I’m really blown away by all the SF4 work you’ve done. Great job man! :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup:

Insane is good

There’s nothing wrong with insane. :badboy:

I’m as obssessed as any other fan boy. We’ve got to be if we are going to dig through all the non cannon bullshit to find the true story of street fighter. I’ve made it my hobby a long time ago.
Do you know as much about final fight as you do street fighter?

Nope. Just what’s in the Plot Guide.

Maybe I should just stick to the 5 bosses I already made but I would like to see a Cyborg sub boss for SF4.