OMG , i came in too late!!!
Ok, TAS nice to see you’re active in the whole SF thing (So happy!)And I know you’ve asked Capcom of japan lots of stuff(ask them more!!) but i bet even they forgot or don’t know a lot fo stuff that were ‘supposed to be’
Ok, frankly theres some stuff I have to voice out about what some of you may have read, but from what I’ve compiled over the years this is what I know…
Goutetsu did tap into Satsui no hado. He was the one who developed his schools version of it. In fact, SNH only stopped at Gouken because he abhorred it’s use. In the Final seconds of Goutetsu’s life, he was about to release “Messatsu Go Hado” before he got steamrolled over by Gouki with SGS. Anyway it’s kinda mixed in with Ansatsuken, i have to refiorm my thoughts on this first.
I swear to all the fighting gods in the world CoJ just dumbly went along with the fan favourite thought of that SGS LITERALLY sends a person’s soul to hell. Well, since they say so NOW, all the fun figurative meaning has been kicked out of it and it is now sadly, (and uncoolly) canon, if what you say is true. There was and is a perfectly logical, non-sent-to hell explanation as of why SGS hits some people harder and why it doesn’t get to some people at all.
satsui no Hadou doesn’t tap into evil/anger etc, it taps into your subconscious instinct to survive/win at all costs ie the fight is all. That’s why only with it can you disregard ‘mercy’ and ‘life’ and just go all out to do anything you want. ala Ryu against Sagat Original match. ala Gouki VS Goutetsu. If you embrace it, you better know how to control yourself, because you can get pretty reckless with it (ala Ryu VS Sagat again) It’s kinda hard to explain in words… And anyway, don’t for a moment there think that Gouki only gets this strong because he embraced SNH. If Ryu wanted to train and break Ayers Rock in half, he could too. But what on earth would he be doing training to do something like that if it ends up as a move that ONLY kills? Now you see the diff between someone with SNH and someone who doesn’t? It’s all about the “Killing Blows”. “Killing intent” is the most accurate translation , “murderous” and “evil” cannot be used at all because, it’s just…wrong.
Gouki Has not been consumed by Satsui no hado. He chooses to be one with it. UNFORTUNATELY because it’s a fan favourite ‘idea’ thats been going along these few years, I’m sure that it’s unofficially, officially canon that ‘He has been consumed by it.’ Which if you really think about it, is illogical. This is not Orochi iori going around on a rampage you know.
I’m also quite sure that CoJ is just going along with lots of fans favourites ideas and decided to be lazy with the “Fighting Spirit” plot and go ahead with other , still nice, but not so much on pure fighting and the Fighter’s soul thingy anymore. how many people here know what Gouki really wants in life? Ok maybe a lot of you NOW because you’ve been ‘educated’, but how many of you REALLY caught on earlier?
Sakura was always sunburnt sakura, never with the SNH. Even just for fun.
Twas fun