How did Gill survive the Raging Demon again?

I can set you’s up with a screenshot…

I agree 100%
it seems like he’s just reaching and trying to get to 66 and that will somehow make it official in his mind like that’s the real one if he can just think of 66.

by the way, do they ever say theyre all FIGHTING techniques?
givent the illuminati controls world powers on the DL, I’d say some of the secret techniques are probably oriented toward mind control/suggestion.

not to mention DNA manipulation.

actually he needed the psycho drive to feed of the worlds negativity didnt he? without the drive it was just his own. making them even more similar.

I’ll scan it from the Ryu Final Manga, that’s where it came from originally and Capcom took it straight from the Manga and put it in Oro’s ending. Even Oro sitting on the rock and levitating the duffle bag is from the Manga. Of the in-game one, If coco_j sets you up with a screen shot you should be straight. If not, I could scan it from one of my books with Oro’s, whichever comes first.

by the way Sano I suspect that Q is the heaviest person in street fighter and not Hugo.

Giving that he might be a cyborg which means he has skin over top of a exoskeleton and ,a exoskeleton over top of metal.

Well since neither have official weight info And Hugo’s size varies on who draws him, who knows?

I think Hugo weight was offically said to be 200kg

But, is that Andore’s Final Fight stats or Hugo’s? Since the SF3 characters have no mini bios, height, weight, etc. Unless it’s in his personal bio? As in, “Hugo is in this tourney because bla bla bla yakety smakety…”

Hugo can do a chest bump with Alex in the game. He couldn’t do this with his huge SVC Chaos size. In the Ryu Final Manga, he was drawn about the size of a Gundam. In an arcade flyer, he’s the size of buildings! In Udon’s SF issue one poster art with all the characters, he’s the biggest one there! I’m more inclined to think that he can’t bump chests with Alex and that’s just an Easter Egg to reference Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant. I doubt Alex and Hugo ever met, since Ryu defeated Hugo, Oro defeated Ryu, Ken defeated Sean and dropped out, leaving Alex to win the SF3 tourney.

Anyway, I think Hugo is really big, but robots in Anime/Manga tend to be extremly heavy, best example I can think of is Dorothy in Big O. Not that Q himself is a robot since we don’t know what he is. Heh, heh, imagine he’s like Alphonse of Full Metal Alchemist and there’s nothing inside! Or like Shredder of the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon and a Krang like brain controlling a robot body, LOL!


Height: 233cm (7’8")
Weight: 230kg (507 lbs)


Height: 240cm ( 7’10")
Weight: 200kg ( 440lbs)

about speed in gameplay

Speed in gameplay is shown through four things

1 Blue Waves,

2 Fade outs

3 Dust

4 Multiple Images of the character ( the Dashing Head

Hogan is 6’6" while Andre is 7’4"

Andre is 10 inches taller than Hogan so for Alex to do the Chest bump with Hugo he would have to stand about 7 feet and 0 inches tall.

OK thanks! Here are the images of Oro’s SF3 Third Strike ending. Plus the drawings from the Masahiko Nakahira’s Ryu Final Manga that inspired that ending. And just for fun, check out how big Hugo was in Ryu Final!

I say the Boulder’s about the size of a compact car which means the Boulder he is hold weighs 9 to 10 tons base on it’s size.

and Oro probably weighs no more than 135lbs

so total weight ryu is holding is 20,135lbs / 10.06 tons or 10 and Three fourths tons…

which means he can carry around a total of six and three fourths tons to eight and three fourths tons before he starts to strain.

well if you what to compare Hugo’s height to Ryu’s just go to this site

enter hugo’s height and scroll down to Annette Bening

Really want to know the “offical” story

Sorry I’m a noob and I suck. Where could I find the plot guide you are talking about? Is it still around? I’ ve been a street fighter fan for years. But there so many different story’s that make it so hard to follow. Could you point me in the right direction? Do I need to read japanese or something?
Ment to quote Sano. Cause the man know’s his street fighter! :pleased:
Oh yeah what exactly are The Illuminati ? Will they be introduced in the udon comics? Is the official canon books available to english fans? Will udon release a version of this?
I like the
Is there any more?

The Plot Guide we are talking about is the one you have the link for. It has no equal.

The Illuminati is an urban legend of a secret organization that really controls the world, the UN, everybody, etc. And is responsible for everything like JFK’s death and whatever other conspiracy you can think of. Capcom tacked on the name Illuminati after they invented the organization. Capcom’s Illuminati is not the same as the legend. If you’ve ever watched the cartoon Gargoyles, they nailed The Illuminati perfectly right down to the eye in the triangle symbol. Capcom’s Illuminati prolly still controls the world secretly (or why else tack on that name) but the symbology is quite different.

Will Udon use the Illuminati? I don’t know. The word Illuminati does not appear in the US translation of SF Eternal (but there’s a chance that it doesn’t show up in the Japanese version either, it’s not as great as the All About Capcom books.) They could go with the “Gill Foundation” or something like that as the English version of SF Eternal calls them. And if the Illuminati is real, Udon is prolly better off omitting the name Iluminati for their overall safety! :rofl:

As for books that have official information in english, write now your best bet is the English version of SF Eternal Challenge. It’s no comparison to the All About Capcom books for info, but those are not available in English. Living Room Games is making an RPG board game based on SF, and has even referenced the plot guide and will credit Saiki, TiamatRoar and Siegfried (there real names of course) as contributors! They are supposed to release a book that details SF’s info so that’s something else to keep an eye out for.

Wow, and here I thought I was the only one to have that cartoon pop into his head everytime you guys mentioned Illuminati. :ohmy:

We miss you, only half-way decent Disney cartoon!(at the time)
Must find this series on DVD.

mysterious corperation

Wow, thank you so much! I’m so glad I asked about the Illuminati.
So you read japanese? How’s the manga?
But seriously I’m glad I asked. I had a totally different idea of what they looked like. Thaks for clearing that up for me

I can’t read Japanese but it’s great to have Online buddies that do. :smile:

For more SF storyline info, here’s a link where the bulk of the information of the SF Plot Guide comes from.

I love your sano avatar man. I was always cheering for sano in the kenshin series. I wish he got with megumi too. I’m also a big Ryu and chun-li fan. Are there any good fan manga of them getting together?
Anywho thank’s for the link, it looks really cool. It’s the closest I can get to the all about capcom book. Intill my Sf eternal book comes in.
Thanks man

Well, towards the end of the manga Sano was coming home! And in the unofficial OVA he spent the entire time looking for a doctor, COUGH COUGH never found one, and said he wished he’d gone back to Japan but couldn’t do it right now. And the two are next to each other in the group sketch of the entire cast on the DVD. :tup: I say there’s hope for these two yet, but anyone hooking them up and Kenshin with Kaoru and Yahiko with Tsubame is gonna come off as being super cheesey, it can only exist in the viewers mind… sadly if the two ever do hook up, it will be too late for them to have children. Well, that may be for the best, I think they’d make horrible parents! :rofl:

Do not read Rurouni Kenshin fan fiction. I’ve read lots of them as a Sano fanboy. They suck. Why? Because people who write them refuse to crack open a history book and study what was actually going on during that era and it’s extremely important. Not only that, any fic that addresses Sano and Megumi together as married and living together does not answer the simple question of how Sano was pardoned by the government. He just came back to Japan and the country forgave him and took him off the wanted list after he walked into a government official’s office and kicked his Ass?

The only good Rurouni Kenshin fan fic I’ve ever read was called “Back to Nerima.” It was a Rurouni Kenshin and Ranma 1/2 crossover and Sano and Ryoga had an ultimate fight! They tied of course. Unfortunately the fic was never finished, the site it was on closed down and it’s gone from the net. :wasted:

Fan mangas of Rurouni Kenshin I’ve never encountered. Not even when I was in Japan but by the time I went in 2002, the Kenshin flame sort of fizzled out. And of course I don’t know everywhere to look and my number one priority was acquiring the All About Capcom books.

For my Anime class, I did create a fan manga of Sagara Sanosuke vs. Jack the Ripper a few years ago. I’ll try to post it up in either the fan fiction forums or the fan art forums or both in a couple of weeks or so. Of course, I didn’t do research either but at least I read “From Hell.” Ah, I’m as big a hypocrite as anybody. :badboy:

Oh, and in case you mean of fan manga of Ryu and Chun-Li getting together, no, I haven’t been that lucky to find one :bluu: but I’ve got a few Hong Kong comics where they are husband and wife! But of course to accept this you have to accept things like Vega(Cape) being Chun-Li’s father and Chun-Li being related to Alex and Blanka so it’s a double edged sword. :sad: Anyway, I’ve long accepted Ryu and Chu-Li’s hook up won’t ever happen in the games (and I’m the only storyline person who even cares about it…) but I still think Ryoga and Ukyo have a shot at romance. I’m insane… :looney:

Then there’s that X-Rated unoffical Anime called, pardon my french “STREET F****R” where you can watch the two have sex, but I kind of refuse to watch it because after seeing a hentai Manga of Piccolo getting down with Tenshinan among other scary things I don’t want to see it! Why can’t they just stick to good old fashioned The Legend of Overfiend Tentacle sex? Ryu and Chun-Li’s love must be pure or nothing at all… man, I’m a wuss! :lame:

Anyway, for Ryu and Chun-Li hook ups, this site should occupy your time.

I like the same character’s too.

I thought Ryoga and Ukyo should of got together too. It’s made pretty obvious since everyone save’s there match up in the secound movie. :tup:
I see so you are a victem of scary bad hentai too? I watched sailor and the sevenballz and was messed up for life. :tdown:
This was the only fanfiction I’ve ever read, and I really liked it alot. But it was never finshed. :sad:
I don’t know if you ever read the comic by Malibu. It was really bad. But at least Ryu and Chun li were together.

So how long have you’ve been a SF fan? It’s funny how much we have in common. I’m a wuss too. :lame:
Have you seen this pic. It’s been around for awhile.
That’s so awsome, that you went to Japan! Anyway thank’s for being so nice to me. :karate:
Maybe it’s better that Ryu and Chun-li don’t get together. Ryu would probally end up treating her bad. Like how Goku alway’s left Chi Chi. Goku is an awsome Character, but I feel really bad for chi chi. Don’t you? Any way it’s cool chating with ya. I thought I was the only one who cared about those characters. :rolleyes:
Didn’t that piss you off when Sano did his ultimate move to The burnt main bad guy of the Kyoto saga. [I can’t remeber his name!]
and it didn’t work! Because of a metal plate in his head. his hand was messed up forever!

Yeah, the Ryu and Chun-Li pic I saw! There’s a website called “Ryu and Chun-Li Forever!” that hosts it.

As far as Shishio vs. Sanosuke, I mean, it took basically the whole squad to take down Shishio giving Kenshin enough time to get back up so Sano played his small part. And after that, Sano never lost a fight again in the Animes and Mangas! :tup:

I became a Street Fighter fan after watching the SF2 Animated Movie and SF2V. Even though now I realized how much SF2V altered, back then I never realized that these characters had an actual story. And I’ve been collecting SF stuff ever since. The Malibu comic sux, Udon’s work on SF is like a fanboy’s dream come true. :clap: