Still the same, Capcom said awhile ago they dont have any plans to release it till 2007-2008 at the earliest, ie there’s no garuntee it’ll even come out then.
They have a bunch of SF4 related (pre-production) stuff in a single folder, so when they actually start on it, they can just dice right into the folder, which already has alot of work done.
Capcom likes Sakura Ganbaru, along with all the other SF mangas Nakahira Masahiko (Street Fighter Zero, RYU FINAL, etc) has done. If Capcom likes an adaption of SF they let it show, like they like Sakura Ganabru so much that they put Karin Kazuki in SFA3, another example would be that Capcom liked the SF2: Animated Movie so much it inspired them to make the SFA series (which includes dozens of tributes or take offs on the movie)
There’s one out there, forget where I read it, it was either on GameFAQs or Fighters Mania.
That reminds me there’s plot guides for alot stuff, not just fighting games, like I’ve read/seen a Ghostbusters (yeah thats right Ghostbusters) Plot Canon Guide.
Still I don’t think it’s possible to kill a elephant with only 2100 Psi of force in one blow so the force of Barlog’s punch stll has to be greater than 2100 Psi even if it’s not 8,000 Psi.
KAPCOM if you can show me some mathematical calculations on how fast Balrog would have to go if he want to kill a elephant with a punch I would appreciate it.
I almost forgot KAPCOM I want you to answer some questions with a yes or no answer
Is it possible for a human to kill a elephant with using only 900lbs Psi in one punch ?
Is it possible for a human to kill a elephant with using only 1100lbs Psi in one punch ?
Is it possible for a human to kill a elephant with using only 2100lbs Psi in one punch?
Now since you said a punch will cover only about 1/80 of a single side of an elephant can you please pick from this list I’am about to make and show me what you think is Barlog’s correct Psi of force ?
I think it would be cool if they could make a decent story about Bison coming back to life. But doing a story seems very impractical to do because it’s so hard to do a story without the endings contradicting each other. =/
Like I said, so long as I can pound people with Bison and in revamped shape, I wouldn’t pay any attention to his story. =)
The 66 Techniques of The Illuminati
I agree that creation and un-creation(of the elements) should be separate but I also believe that un-creation and manipulation should be synonymous. The ability to make fire go away sounds like a pathetic technique by itself. Like Pyro(X-Men) who cannot create fire, only manipulate it, has the ability to make fire go away(seen in X-2). Blanka can create electricity but Urien can create and manipulate it.
I have a few problems with the current theories. One being that the understanding of “elements” should not be so uniform as the laws of physics differentiate them enough to make the idea unsound. Electricity is a manifestation of energy, water is a form of matter. What would you call the “un-creation” of electricity? Does a technique have to be learned to just be able to no-longer generate electricity(Blanka player stop pressing Punch rapidly)? With water/ice/etc. creation, I think this is alittle misleading or just plain incorrect. If matter can be made out of NOTHING then that makes the idea of alchemy pointless(i’ll get to that later). Gill has ice attacks but I doubt that he makes ice without obeying the rules of how ice is made. It would make more sense if he just manipulated the pre-existing water vapor that is naturally in the air to create the ice. The “creation” of the elements that are matter(water/ice/the fuel for fire/earth) should all reside within the technique of alchemy.
Alchemy is the turning of one item(matter) into another. Pb into Au.
Fire= Alchemy(making fuel to burn) + Heat Manipulation(Heat Manipulation should be a technique to make more sense of this
Ice= Alchemy(making the water to freeze) and/or Water Manipulation + Heat Manipulation
Water= Alchemy or Heat Manipulation
Earth= Alchemy
Alchemy might be the number one technique of the 66 as its rules filter out into the other 66. (cont.)
I assume the manipulation of earth would include magnetism.
Moving along I’ll submit my other topic(s) of interest which is Soul Power. Soul Power should be combined with the Technique of Psycho Power. I believe that Soul Power is not unique enough to be considered seperate from Psycho Power. Rose just prefers the candy coating. Also Chi/Ki is, for the lack of a better english explanation, Soul Power. When Goku shoots a kamehameha he is letting out the energy his soul generates(or he’s just letting out a piece of his actual soul, which is energy). Because of those two reasons Soul Power should not be its own number.
I assume that Psycho Power takes over one’s soul and their chi/ki is turned into Psycho Power. Bison has no understanding(or at least no interest) in chi/ki but since he was born human then at one point he had a normal soul(thus he had some amount of chi).
Some fighters can turn their chi into fire(Ken HP shoryuken, Fire Hadouken), some into electricity(Denjin Hadouken). Chi seems to be the energy that they start with, the fuel that powers most of the other 66(unless the character is a robot or a mutant or something).
Acutually i think Gill’s ice ability might be similar to the Iceman’s ability from the X-men and his fire ability might be similar to The human torch’s ability from The FF4
Im still in Highschool, I haven’t taken zoology so I dont know about elephants. But I know, that at around 2000psi, you can puncture, easily, a friggen elephant. But anyway, your calculations might be right, I just reflected on how ridiculous your calculations are.
From want I know there’s only three possible places Barlog could have hit the elephant in
1 the elephant’s left side
2 the elephant’s right side
3 the elephant’s back
4 the elephant’s head.
I was think of more of along the lines of breaking the elephant’s bones or fracturing it’s skull. I also think it would take more than a puncture wound to kill a elephant.
But the source of these things makes them different…you can shatter glass with a high-frequency sound, or by hitting it with a hammer- the result is the same, but how it happens is what sets them apart.
Psycho Power is manifested by tapping into the well of negative feelings of human beings, and then turning it into matter (or at least a different kind of energy). Soul Power doesn’t seem to work that way- or at least that’s never been stated. It could have the same source, but as Bison is a hateful, evil individual and Rose is not, it manifests itself differently. I’d doubt that, though…
That said, compare Psycho Power to the chi manifestation that the shotos can do: emotional state seems to have nothing to do with the hadouken, it’s a technique that one learns how to do. While that seems to be self-generated but taught, Bison’s use of Psycho Power seems to be generated by human existence, but he needed to teach himself how to be maniupulated.
Also, and this is sort of old, but not everyone uses chi: traditionally, Guile/Charlie’s Sonic Boom for example, is created by breaking the sound barrier in a certain way with your own body. This may have been one of the ways the SF storyline has changed over the years, but if that’s still true, you have a clear example of a difference between two forms of energy. So, there would seem to be a difference between energy source, and a technique.
To use the Dragon Ball example, if Kamehameha is a chi attack, then the Spirit Bomb/Genki Dama is a Psycho Power )or really, Soul Power) attack. They both sort of look the same, but where they come from and how they seem to re/act differs.
If an elephant has his trunk puntured in a fight (usually by a lion or something), he will eventually die because he cannot feed himself. Otherwise elephants are strong enought to take down most animals.
This is the most likely way a human could kill an elephant in a single punch. I hope that helps.
Well I think Balrog might have actually hit the elephant in the head and not the Trunk.I also think the elephant was sleeping when it happen.
a sharp edge/point is different than with a flat surface. With a flat surface, pressure is much more evenly distributed. With a sharp edge/point, the pressure is concentrated at that area.
Animal Bite Pressures
a Wolf’s bite pressure.
1500lbs psi
a heyna’s bite is around 3,000lbs psi
a lion’s bite is 950 psi
Tiger’s bite is 1,000 psi
a bear hits for 1 or 2 tons psi of force but a bear hasn’t something a human doesn’t claws.
facts about animals
a leopard is 7 times stronger than a human
a Gorilla is 20 times stronger than a human
a Grizzly Bear is more than 20 times stronger than a human
This says a Puncture wound can only be cause by a sharp objects such as a Carivore’s canines or claws
also Barlog has to fight people like Zangief who can stand toe to toe with grizzly bears and survived tornados.
so Psi of his Punch has to be a lest greater than 2100lbs psi to even effect Zangief.
Think about any real life human would have gotten his neck broking, his back snap or his head crushed in one blow from the Bear’s Paw. also a real life human couldn’t survived a tornado.
Hmmm, that makes sense. So, had Rose been on the verge of mastering Soul Power like Bison with Psycho, she would have been able to collect energy through good(like the Spirit Bomb). Rose had more potential than I thought. Still, it seems that one cannot develop and control Psycho Power or Soul Power without simultaneously harboring it’s counter-part(EVIL/good or GOOD/evil). These powers are born together, afterwards one can be disposed of.
When Bison learned Psycho Power, he also learned Soul Power. From Bison’s actions in the SF canon, we can conclude that he never had the intention of learning Soul Power. Because of that I believe that Psycho Power and Soul Power should be one technique because Bison learned only one technique. Psycho/Soul Power analyzes the user’s soul. Whatever percentage of negative emotions the user has, they get Psycho Power and they get Soul Power for the good parts. Before Bison shed his good Psycho Power, he had some good thoughts in his mind. Bison is now pure evil. I’m not sure exactly how Rose was made but if she was a little girl that recieved Bison’s good then that means she had some evil in her since she is a human(natural sin and all that jazz). Rose could have gotten stronger by shedding her evil, but that evil would go to someone else(potentially making Bison stronger).
Maybe Psycho and Soul Power is a misnomer. Bison’s power was named as such bcause at the time he was the only one with that power. But Rose came along and the power she used needed a different name so ppl wouldn’t confuse her for evil. The power these two ppl use, reflects on the good:evil ratio in their minds. If Ryu learned Soul Power then he would also learn Psycho because of the Dark Hadou lingering in him(I would think that Psycho Power would eat and replace Dark Hadou).
About the Sonic Boom, I think they[CapJap] created that to explain how two americans with no training in the asian martial arts could understand and outwardly manifest what “looked like” ki. But it seems that they let up and now Guile and Charlie actually use their ki to move thier limbs at super sonic speeds(and yet the Sonic Boom is the slowest projectile).