SNH Ryu DID exist. He existed PAST TENSE. You cant say that he didnt just cause you dont want to admit your wrong.
Btw remind me who Capcom officialy states as giving Sagat his scar?
What a suprise.
Yeah and makes no sense.
Gouken did NOT use the SNH, and NOBODY in SF can sense what another fighter is capable of, ie Bison cant even sense if anyone cane even use ki.
Bison cant sense somebody because of what they could possibly do or know, thats fucking retarded and makes no sense.
Gouken used Hadou, not SNH, MAYBE if Gouken did use the SNH Bison could of sensed him that way, but otherwise no.
Uhm no.
The Force in SW is one whole divided in two, light and dark. In SW a force user can sense another force use because its the SAME thing.
Bison = Psycho Power
Rose = Soul Power
Gouken = Hadou
Akuma = Satsu No Hadou
Theoreticaly Bison could sense Soul Power as its the opposite of Psycho Power, and POSSIBLY SNH because they’re both “bad” however there’s NOTHING supporting a reason as to how or why he could just sense Hadou.
So no, that theory isnt possible.
Yes we do. It was after Goutetsu died and before Gouken adopted Ryu.
Yeah except for the fact Akuma submitted to the SNH shortly after completing his training. He was in his early 20’s at the time and looked quite diffrient then the Akuma we know (he had black hair that hung down in front of his face for example)
Yet you act like everyone else’s conjecture is worthless, or shouldnt be bothered with or taken into account, because you only want to believe what you want to believe and dont want to listen to anyone or change your mind, ie whatever you say goes cause you said it.