How did Gill survive the Raging Demon again?

You’re both crazy.
The andriods were only in the SF2 movie, which is not canon (official, part of the storyline). So, no, Q is a person.

PhoeNix_ReMinD: I’m gonna take a wild stab that you’re not the actual PhoeNix_ReMinD…The pro WC3 player. Couldn’t come up with a better name? :lame:

Ok I just asked a question. If that’s not apart of the real story then he’s not a damn android. Well who and where did he come from? Why does he only come out when you do well in 3S? He really has no place in the SF world IMO if he isn’t one of bison’s androids. I can explain necro, but I can’t think of why Q is in SF3 besides he looks like imspector gadget. Necro is a experiment gone bad. 12= the experiment gone right. Q is ??? :confused: :wtf: :wtf:

Is there a website I can goto to read up on my SF time line instead of sounding like a dumbass when I ask question’s about things I always ponder about.

I wasn’t trying to make you sound like a dumbass. You asked if either of you were crazy…I answered.

All you’ll ever need.

Thanks :tup:

He’s intentionally to be mysterious and doesn’t have much known about, so that Capcom can do whatever they want with him if they decided to make a sequel.

You can also check up Tiamat’s guide in the GameFAQs. Go to Features, Contributions, then look up Tiamat.

Now if Balrog can killed a elephant in one blow that must mean his punching force is 8,000lbs Psi. Ivan Drago has a punching force of 2100 psi which is enough to kill somebody and Balrog punching force is 4 times greater than that.

Kataklysmic, why are you bashing me? When I’m not around to read it, no less? I know we’ve beefed in tha past, but that was months ago. There shouldn’t be any hostilities remaining between us. It’s just a matter of differing opinions. It’s nothing personal. No need to label me a Capcom hater. You call me pessimistic, whereas I think I’m being realistic. There’s a difference, y’know. I honestly believe that Street Fighter is dead as long as it’s Capcom Japan property. Capcom’s shitting on the franchise that’s responsible for a lotta’ their riches, when it still has so much potential. They oughtta’ get their shit together. I’ll never understand the idea that we should continue to buy their crappy games and hope that they MIGHT make a new SF. That’s just silly. Y’know how long ppl have been saying that? We’re the consumers. We don’t work for them. I think it’s the other way around. When we buy their lackluster crappy rehash games, it’s giving them the idea they can put out whatever cheap-ass game they want and we’ll buy it 'cuz it has a Capcom logo on it. I’ll pass. I’ll never buy CFJ. I’ve read posts and it seems like a lotta ppl (not everyone, but a lot) are forcing themselves to like it even though they know it’s complete shit. A lotta people seem to tolerate it 'cuz it’s ‘playable’. I say FUCK THAT! It’s a Capcom 2D fighter! Of course it’s playable! That’s a given! At this point, that’s not enough anymore. I want more than that. MUCH more.

For flame-avoiding purposes, lemme just add that there’s always a chance I could be dead wrong. I’m just a dude w/ an opinion. All I know is that even tho I love Capcom, I know a crappy game when I see one and I’m not gonna make excuses for their laziness. So again, plz don’t label me a hater. I’m still a Capcom fan, just not a Capcom fanBOY. Well, I’ve said my piece. Regardless of the disagreements, I don’t want anymore hostilities. We shouldn’t be enemies 'cuz of this. It aint that serious. Sano’s another guy who sees this situation differently from me and I still think he’s fabulous. So plz, let’s be friends.

Denial is the last resort of the doomed.

Ryu slipping in and out of SNH for very short periods of time DOES NOT MEAN EVIL RYU EXISTS. Evil Ryu is a what if character, as in what if SNH took over Ryu.

I can’t really answer that, I’m merely offering a quite plausible theory to WHY he attacked Gouken. I guess a good explanation is that people like Bison can sense other people who have the same powers, kinda like “the force” in Star Wars.

We don’t know WHEN Bison attacked Gouken now do we? It could be at a time before Akuma became the Akuma we know, when Ryu and Ken were too young or weren’t even students of Gouken.

I am fully aware the above is my own conjecture you dumbass, I never said otherwise.

That’s one interpretation.

It would interesting to note the similarities between Shadowlaw and the Illuminati.

  • Both are lead by immortals.
  • Both conduct forms of genetic engineering (cloning and creating “bodies”).

It would also be interesting to note that Bison tells Rose in Alpha3, that it will be her standing victorious on the day of doom (Gill’s judgement day?)

SNH Ryu DID exist. He existed PAST TENSE. You cant say that he didnt just cause you dont want to admit your wrong.

Btw remind me who Capcom officialy states as giving Sagat his scar?

What a suprise.

Yeah and makes no sense.


Gouken did NOT use the SNH, and NOBODY in SF can sense what another fighter is capable of, ie Bison cant even sense if anyone cane even use ki.

Bison cant sense somebody because of what they could possibly do or know, thats fucking retarded and makes no sense.

Gouken used Hadou, not SNH, MAYBE if Gouken did use the SNH Bison could of sensed him that way, but otherwise no.

Uhm no.

The Force in SW is one whole divided in two, light and dark. In SW a force user can sense another force use because its the SAME thing.

Bison = Psycho Power
Rose = Soul Power
Gouken = Hadou
Akuma = Satsu No Hadou


Theoreticaly Bison could sense Soul Power as its the opposite of Psycho Power, and POSSIBLY SNH because they’re both “bad” however there’s NOTHING supporting a reason as to how or why he could just sense Hadou.

So no, that theory isnt possible.

Yes we do. It was after Goutetsu died and before Gouken adopted Ryu.

Yeah except for the fact Akuma submitted to the SNH shortly after completing his training. He was in his early 20’s at the time and looked quite diffrient then the Akuma we know (he had black hair that hung down in front of his face for example)

Yet you act like everyone else’s conjecture is worthless, or shouldnt be bothered with or taken into account, because you only want to believe what you want to believe and dont want to listen to anyone or change your mind, ie whatever you say goes cause you said it.

wheres pix!@

There’s two pics, one official and the other is fan (sortta)

The first (official) pic was done by Bengus and basicly was a concept for Akuma, and around the Capcom offices (and Japan) basicly became what the depiction of “Young Akuma” The most noticable diffrience in his appearence is that his hair the same with the topknot, but his hair wasnt spikey, it hung down, and was black, instead of red, but Bengus decided that he wanted him to look more menacing (sp?) and devil like, so he spiked his hair up, then colored his hair and his eyes red.

That pic (described above) appears in the SFA2 strategy guide (I think. I know it appears in one of the Capcom books, but Im sure its that one)

The second pic is in RYU FINAL and is quite similar to the above, and/or was obviously inspired by the Bengus pic.

I dont have either of the pics though Sano might though. He’s got more of the official and fan Capcom books then anyone else on the forum (I think) so if he does he’d have to scan em or something if you want to see em.

100% True

Capcom makes revisions and retroactively changes things with each game they make. (As an aside, this happens to other companies. Compare the original Warcraft 1 story to the current version of it present in WC3 and World of Warcraft. Completely different in many ways.) Haven’t all the people who worked on this part of the original games left the company?

I told a friend about the SF story, condensed as I could make it using everything I know from almost 4 years here, from lurking on the story board back when Clay and Saiki made up the meat of all posts and Tiamat was starting to compile this mess, up to Tiamat’s current guide.

He finally said the story flat-out isn’t very good. And I agree with him, though I do find it interesting and enjoy some of the character designs, the story is no masterpiece. No wonder, considering how much it gets jerked around. Look at how much isn’t even revealed in the games, but in special books.

I wonder why Capcom of America changes so many details when the games get released. Either Capcom of Japan doesn’t care, or has no power to say “stop”. You’d think creators wouldn’t want their work being changed.

SF4 will do well with or without a good story. But I’d bet Chun Li/Ken/other people will appear when Capcom realizes they can make a new version of SF4 with them and earn that much more money.

When Daemos talks about SnH Ryu, I imagine he’s talking about Ryu after he is totally consumed by the SnH, rather than a brief moment of being overwhelmed by SnH. TAS on the other hand is refering to SnH being Ryu when he is ‘under the influence’ :lol:
In the end, it seems that both of you are just talking about different things and are both correct.

No proof of this. In fact, I recon the opposite to be true as fighters can often sence the chi that others produce, be it good or evil.

Bison doesn’t need to sence anything. He has dolls that can check a persons ‘fighting potential’. Someone mentioned before about a method to work out Chun-lis weight using the potential ratings in Alpha 3 (I think). Anyone know what I’m on about?

Read HnN #29 by vasili10. Here you can clearly see that Hadou and Psycho Power are both the same power. Also, SnH is linked to Hadou. It is an extention of Hadou that Gouken cut out from his teachings (official). I also imagine that ‘Soul Power’ and ‘Psycho Power’ are some how linked as Bison and Rose share the same soul. If this is the case, then all of the above are different manifestations of the same thing.

Again, just read HnN #29 by vasili10.

I didn’t realise the time given for when this fight was retroactively changed. Where did you read this?
I was under the impression that Capcom only changed it from Bison killing Gouken to him beating Gouken, with everything else being the same. If this is the case, then the fight with Bison and Gouken would HAVE to be after Ryu was adopted and trained by Gouken. Otherwise, the Bison killing Gouken story would never have worked (as Gouken would never have met Ryu).

I didn’t realise this info was disclosed either. Where was it stated that Akuma finished training at early 20s and was made corrupt?
Also, Sano… If you could be so kind as to provide a pic :tup:

Both lists are ONLY ideas. There is still NO proof of Bison even being a part of the Illuminati so the list that TAS has supplied is only a fan fic idea. This also goes for Daemos. 66 sounds like a random number Capcom came up with, and I doubt they have all 66 teachings listed anywhere.
It seems TAS has tried to complete the list given the current info and has therefore made it longer with creation and uncreation as seperate things, whilst Daemos has made a more compact list so that there are more possible powers that are currently unknown. Again, both lists are just ideas and may be largely inaccurate.

Mohammed Ali

"Also, Sano… If you could be so kind as to provide a pic :tup: "

The only instance I am aware of Gouken having black hair is from the Ryu Final Manga and a Hong Kong SF 3 Comic. (but HK comics are VERY unreliable and make lots of stuff up.) I’m not saying what TAS is saying isn’t true, I just don’t have a picture from Capcom of Japan depicting this, only in unofficial Mangas. Gouki/Akuma actually doesn’t have that much official art to sift through compared to Ryu, Chun-Li, etc. So I’m skeptical a pic of black haired Gouki from Capcom exists in anything beyond sketch work never reprinted. I could be wrong though.

Thank you MohammedAli for being the voice of reason. The difference between me and TAS is that I CLAIMED several times that what I am saying about SnH and Psycho Power is all theory. TAS keeps referring to his “theories” as factual.

Akuma was around 28 when he killed Goutetsu

Assuming Akuma was a pure Japanese and not mixed or anything, I think we can safely assume that he had black hair. All Japanese SFers have black hair. Even Ken have black hair under that blond dye even though he’s only half.

Is Maki’s hair naturally blond? That would throw that whole theory out.

Well, I’m new to these boards, and there’s a shit load of pages here…

BUT, point is that this is some real interesting stuff. But I have two big questions

1)How do you all know all this factual stuff? Books? Direct discussions with CoJ???
2)Is all this condensded somewhere?

And one side note/question
What’s the status on SF4? I believe there’s just theories and storylines floating about at Capcom? Sakura should make it back! :stuck_out_tongue: screw the ganbaru manga. haha (my 2 cents)

Anyways, it’d be helpful! And none of this “noob” stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

onslaught this might help you out

surposed to be facts (cannon) anit read it yet myself just finshed readin KOF cannon.

Would anyone know of a tekken cannon anywere?

status on SF4 lol who knows will their even be a capcom around to do it. i wouldnt hold out 2 see that game dude.

Lol, aren’t you a dumbass. How did you get the figure 8k psi because he “can” kill an elephant with one punch. A large african male weighs 7k kg which is around 15400lbs. Now, a punch will cover only about 1/80 of a single side of an elephant. If you did your math, balrog couldn’t apply 8k PSI.