How could his Resurrection move even work if his soul was supposedly taken to hell? If it’s because Gill’s a demigod and his soul is “different”, then wouldn’t it be fair to say that Bison could’ve survived because his soul is “different”?
Because Capcom said so.
One thing people forget about the Raging Demon is that it is the sins of the victim that send it to hell (those demons). When Gen was atacked by the Raging Demon he apparently cleared his mind, spirit and heart so that he wouldn’t be effected. Bison on the other hand clearly didn’t and so he was sent to hell. It is possible that Gill cleared his mind etc as well.
Mohammed Ali
Or another (my) theory:
Bison always knew what he was doing was Evil or Wrong and enjoyed it as such. “I will destroy you with fear itself, gwoooooooo.” So, being taken to hell and confronting his demons was just too much for him because he was ALL evil. There was just nothing good about him.
While Gill may consider what he’s doing as completely right, that he hasn’t sinned in any way shape or form and so he had few or no demons to face when Akuma used the move on him. So the move just didn’t effect him.
As for Gen, well, as it was said, he was a “true” martial artist and could clear the mind and such.
That’s my own personal take on the matter anyway.
As a personal note I never “liked” Bison much after Capcom decided he relied on an outer power such as The Phycho Drive or whatever it was. Akuma is a powerful bastard (weather you consider him evil is dependant on if you think its okay to kill someone in a fight and consider it the proper show of power or not) but at least all his power is his and under his full control. To me at least, means I would fear and respect Akuma far more then Bison. Or maybe I just saw Bison die at the end of SFA3 too much.
Prove it.
There’s no proof that Gouki vs. Gill actually happened. The game shows you what would of happened if they fought, it may or may not of actually happened. It’s there for Game Playing purposes, so you can fight Gouki/Shin Gouki once again and reminesce the ol’ Gouki fight of the SF2 days, or the current Alpha/Zero games or whatever. Note that Gouki does come out and kill Vega(Cape) in SF2, but chances are it was after Vega lost to ____.
From the Street Fighter Plot Canon Guide Version 4.1 -
“Gill is also shown to be powerful enough to withstand the Shungokusatsu in Second Impanct. Although the event may or may not have happened in the official canon storyline, it’s demonstrated in the SF3 Second Impact Shin Akuma ending that he can live through it.”
Gouki fighting Gill seems iffy that it actually happened. For you to get the ending where Gill ressurects, Gouki has to fight the person challenging Gill at the time which was officially Alex AND loose the first few rounds, come back as ‘Shin Gouki’ (AKA not holding back) and… LOOSE AGAIN!!! And there is no evidence of an Alex/Gouki meeting and if they actually fought it would last a split second with Alex dead, in a coma, or just knocked the F**** out. Of course Gill vs. Gouki could of happened after Alex and Gill fought, but since that already happened in SF2, it seems hella repetitive for Capcom to state Gouki attacked the final boss after everyone left once again IMHO.
We’ll see how Udon handles this in a couple of years. And in response to that other SF3 Thread currently on this page - YES, in a couple of years. Patience.
so is gill the main man then? meaning if bison was alive he would be able to beat him? and what about urien? it sounds like akuma is the wildcard that has been thrown into it but if all akuma has is that finshing move and it cant beat gill hasnt he met his match?
and its not ryu?
Can akuma actually die? i know cvs2 is not in the same world as such but you’ve all seen his ending right? shin akuma cant be killed in that is it the same in SF.
Gill didnt clear his mind, he clearly fell and died, unlike Gen who just stood there.
Rose was part of Bison’s soul, she was good, the Shun Goku Satsu sends the victim’s soul to hell REGARDLESS of if they were worthy of entering heaven or not.
It dosnt work like that.
Direct answer I got from Capcom of Japan.
Now you prove that I didnt, which is impossible, but always know I can always act like a bigger ass then you can, and make you look dumber then everyone here already thinks you are.
Thats true, and I never thought to ask about if that happend or not, although I did find out from Capcom that Gill cant be killed in any way unless his powers are weakened or removed (something that comes up in one of the SF4 plots they have)
(the next time I visit CoJ you guys are [Tiamat, Sano, Saiki, etc] are gonna have to give me a list of stuff to ask about incase I forget)
If you’re refering to “Could Gill beat Bison?” then yes, fairly easily I might add given Gill’s powers, plus its canon that Gill was a great fighter even without his powers as he beat Alex’s mentor Tom in a fair fight that left Tom hospitalized, but then Alex managed to beat Gill.
Urien is powerful, but not near as powerful as Gill. Urien’s power level is very questionable.
Well Capcom kinda made the mistake of making Gill a little too powerful, and one of their storyline plans for SF4 involves him being weakened.
Ryu post Oro training will no doubt be a serious force to be reckoned with, and will no dout finally be on Akuma’s level for once.
Yes thats what i meant if gill could beat up bison i guess he can.
Yea i kinda thought gill was a bit too powerful since he can walk all over shin akuma who was top dog after ST.
I dunno how capcom goin bring him down a level or two since he has that reseruction thing.
i guess the main contenders are akuma/ryu/alex?/urien too bring him down unless some new characters are added.
Yea i guess capcom will have a headache sorting out the story to plz everone since i figure this would be the last SF.
nxt time u go capcom ask them if their thinking of adding new characters or just redesigning characters in a older form perhaps.
Fans in Japan were complaining about the fact that Akuma had been the most powerful character for too long, so when SF3 rolled around they came up with two chars who rivaled Akuma’s power, Gill and Oro.
One of Capcom’s SF4 plots involves someone from within The Illuminati depowering Gill and brining fourth the Apocalypse. Then a tournament is held to decided the fate of mankind.
They were telling me one of two things would happen, either Ryu would be the only returning character, or 1/4 to 1/2 of the cast would be returning characters, and Ryu would be the only pre-SF3 character, ie character designed before SF3, to return (so dont expect anyone from the SF1, SFA, or SF2 cast, aside from Ryu to return)
Also SF4 will take place around whatever year its released to expect the returning chars to look diffrient sicne SF3 took place in 1999.
hmm i dunno what to make of that just ryu out of the orginals (scracths head) no akuma?, no ken? no sagat? i can understand the others like chun li etc but those guys i thoughtd they’d be in their, yea i can see them leaving out ken, but for me he would still have to be in ryus life its his best bud so maybe throw him in a ending.
I guess sagat never got any stronger or just gave up trying to match ryu.
And akuma i know they problay didnt give you answers for this but if they left him out would it be gill or ryu-oro that killed him? unless their including him as a 3s character in which case he could appear.
hmm yea if this game sees the light of day im going to be very interested in what roster they come up with.
Yeah, that’s how I saw it, Gill could survive the Shungokusatsu as the game indicates, not sure if the fight itself happens though.
Definitly let us know when you’re going to talk to Capcom of Japan. I’ll think up questions when the time comes.
I doubt Gill can beat Bison fairly easily, especially if he is fighting SFA3 Bison (in his most powerful form). Bison is pretty darn powerful, in fact the main reason Akuma was able to beat and supposedly kill Bison was because Bison was weaker in SF2 and weakened after the fight (since Akuma most likely attacked Bison AFTER Bison lost to the winner of SF2, whomever that is).
The only thing Gill has got going for him is his resurrect ability, which makes him possible to beat but impossible to kill.
I still would like to point out that the effects of the raging demon could differ on Bison than on others because his soul is immortal and has transcended humanity; Evil never dies.
Actually if the two fought without using their powers Im sure Gill would kick his ass. There’s nothing in the canon, or games that shows or proves Bison is actually a great fighter, only that he’s powerful, however there are at least two instances with Gill that I can think of that shows how great of a fighter he is.
No, his soul is in hell, its a canon fact, plus I was even talking to Capcom about it.
The only way it seems plausable for Bison to come back would be if Akuma died, because then there’s the good chance that the powers of the Shun Goku Satsu would die with him, thus freeing those souls from hell who are worthy of entering heaven, although Bison’s soul being good and bad (Bison+Rose) would most likely get stuck on Earth, between the planes of Heaven & Hell.
Too bad we won’t see Gill’s 3rd strike ending coming true anytime soon. That would be a great excuse to stop using all old characters as they should have done in SF3.
Seems like Capcom has forgotten about Ryu vs Sagat for SF4? I guess there would be no point anymore if Ryu has trained under Oro, he would be too strong for Sagat.
I don’t know if Capcom has forgotten about it but they’ll never settle it I don’t think. They have an Eternal Rivalry. Fans of Anime and Manga know what I’m talking about. Eternal Rivalries are never settled even though sometimes you can tell who’s stronger.
Kyo vs. Iori - King of Fighters. A winner is never declared.
Sol Badguy vs. Ky Kiske - Guilty Gear. See above.
Goku vs. Vegeta - Dragon Ball. They both have cheap wins over the other, just like Ryu vs. Sagat. The first time Gohan jumped in, the second time Majin Vegeta cheap shotted Goku with a chop to the neck when he wasn’t looking. DB GT is unnoficial since it wasn’t made by Toriyama, but even then Goku is disqualified from the Tourney they are supposed to fight in so the rematch never happens.
Saito Hajime vs. Himura Kenshin - This was never settled. Something happened to interupt both times they fought. In the Manga and The Director’s cut of Rurouni Kenshin reflection, Saito remarks how he no longer wishes to fight Kenshin because he wanted to fight the Battosai and that won’t happen. In the director’s cut he says, “The Battosai is dead. I’m still alive. I win. What a boring victory.” Saito rules!
OT Note - Watsuki, the creator of Rurouni Kenshin stated if the two fought Saito would win. But if kenshin had something to protect in the fight like Kaoru, he would win.
These are the best Eternal Rivalries I could think of for the time being.
Usualy rivalries arent settled due it being obvious or to not upset fans, or leave something to the fans imagination.
Although it reminds me that Sagat wants to fight the Ryu that gave him the scar, but he dosnt know that is SNH Ryu, although if he found that out I dont think he’d wanna fight SNH Ryu, cause that isnt Ryu’s true self, so Sagat could come to the relization that thre is no point trying to get revenge (or whatever) over his scar, but could still want to challenge Ryu to a great fight.
Although as far along as SF4 would be in the timeline its doubtful the fight would ever happen, as Sagat would just be incredibly old.
maybe when gill was sent to hell scared the devil & tricked him to sending him back since he looks like Jesus?
iet me be the blesser of all souls!
++chip damage kills shin akuma & shin bison++
Heihachi Mishima anyone?