He’d be ODLDER then Heihachi by the time SF4 roles around.
And i called Shinkiro and he told me Vega loves Blanka. Hey, you cant prove it he didnt!
The truth is, you dont have any solid backing up for most of the stuff you say. You constantly mentions “facts” that never happen and are never proven. You say Capcom is working in this or that game, then we get something else. The years pass without the games you mentioned ever showing up.
What a waste of time. :rolleyes:
And you have proof of this? No.
Just cause you act like a jack ass and have some jealous issues with me, isnt going to help anything, or help people forget the fact that you’re an ass.
Also Id like to know what games specificly I talked about that Capcom was working on that never came out, alhtough being the ass you’re who just likes to talk a bunch a shit I doubt you’ll be able to prove what you say.
Oh and “years pass” you’ve been here one year jack ass, so what would you know.
There’s some proof for you fucktard.
And dont get all pissy and bent out of shape with me just I make you look like a “genius” on these forums.
No. Even if SF4 comes out in 2027 instead of 2007, Heihachi would STILL be older. On top of this, Heihachis father who is in Tekken 5 is much older than even that :wow: :wow: :wow:
For those that want to know, Sagat would be in his early 50s when SF4 is released (assuming it is released in 2007/8).
Mohammed Ali
Street fighter ages in 2007
Age 57
Age 38
Age 41
Age 33
Age 39
Age 52
Dee Jay
Age 42
Age 55
Age 47
Age 38
Age 47
Age 43
Age 33
Age 33
Age 33
Age 42
Age 159
Age 43
Age 52
Age 33
age 48
Age 40
Age 51
Age 45
Age 42
Age 44
Mike Haggar
Age 66
Tekken Ages in 2007
Craig Marduk
Age 31
Marshall Law
Age 51
Age 24
Age 33
Asuka Kazama
Age 20
Feng Wei
Age 29
Christie Monteiro
Age 22
Paul Phoenix
Age 51
Anna Williams
Age 25
Baek Doo San
Age 51
Lei Wulong
Age 50
Nina Williams
Age 27
Steve Fox
Age 24
Kazuya Mishima
Age 52
Ling Xiaoyu
Age 21
Jin Kazama
Age 24
Lee Chaolan
Age 51
Julia Chang
Age 23
Bryan Fury
Age 34
Heihachi Mishima
Age 78
Bison did defeat or beat up Gouken (or was it his master) and that was before the Psycho Drive. Bison’s lifelong ambition (other than world domination) is to be honored as the greatest fighter of all time, he couldn’t achieve that with psycho power alone - weilding such strength requires skill and relentlessness. Gradually of course, Bison did start relying on his Psycho Power too much which inevitably lead to his destruction, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a fighter within him.
There are other plausible ways of bringing Bison (although yours is good and I never thought of it before). One way is to have a part of his soul still alive in Rose (her body) wherever she is, which means Akuma only sent the part that was in his SF2 body. The one I prefer is that Bison’s soul didn’t go to hell to begin with, because he’s not human - he bleeds psycho power for fuck’s sake.
uh? since when?
:wow: :wow: :wow: I’m impressed by the list Sagatryu. Nice one :tup:
I think Nina and Anna are a lot older than that though (albeit because they were frozen for 20 years), as I don’t think Nina gave birth to Steve at the age of 3
Oh, and you put some numbers next to SF players in another thread. Where they also ages or something else?
I think he meant Bison beat up his own master. This is true. In fact, he killed his own master (in combat I imagine).
Mohammed Ali
lol. I guess the CFE ending of Bison means nothing? Im serious.Not trying to dis anyone. But Bison easily beat the crap out of Gill in the ending. But Gill did use Resurection. This is a good thread. And I am impressed in your nolege TAS :tup:
look look look.
After reading this thread, I thought I might let you guys know.
I am a Capcom Developer!!!
And don’t worry! The story will be fine! But every new char is going to be peices of sprites we already used, no way in hell are we making NEW ones! God damn! You guys are picky.
“SF4 Storyline: E.Honda becomes ruler of earth after the biggist upset in Street Fighter history, marrys Chun Li, because she’s a gold digger, and wants her own chain of Tai Chi dojo’s.”
Cool huh.
Maybe you’re having a hard time understanding this…
Bison’s soul is in hell. That’s it. Done deal. Nothing’s left.
And NO. Bison did not defeat Gouken or Goutetsu. Akuma did. Bison doesn’t want to be the best fighter. I don’t know where in the wide world of games you got that conclusion, but that just isn’t true.
He wants to rule the world.
No I mean Gouken, Ryu and Ken’s master.
taken from the SF plotguide:
The CFE ending serves as a what if match. So IF Bison and Gill fought, it would result in Bison winning and Gill resurrecting. MWAAA HAAHAHAHAHA
You obviously haven’t played SFA3 for a while. Bison clearly states that he wants to be honored as the greatest fighter of all, that he wants his name and shadowlaw to echo for all eternity.
And yes, he wants to rule the world.
BTW, I admit that Bison most probably is in hell right now, but I also admit that there is a strong likelyhood that he will return in one shape or form, I’m merely speculating on a plausible explanation for why he COULD return.
You’re absolutly right. He beat Gouken in a fight. He also killed his own master. But this was all when he was really powerfull (i.e. SFA series).
I like your sig BTW :LOL:
Mohammed Ali
originally bison did defeated gouken, not akuma. capcom change the storyline to bison being a world dominator than a world champion. its in the tiamats street fighter bison story plot guide at fighters mania site.
tiamats quote
"According to Roland, the mook also stated that Vega/M. Bison once visited Gouken, looking for the heir of Ansatsuken. In the process, Gouken was thrashed (but not killed, of course). Besides mooks being generally very trustworthy, originally, back during the times of SF2 coming out,Vega/M. Bison was the one that killed Gouken. This later got retroactively
changed to Akuma doing it(probably when Akuma was designed). Most likely,Capcom decided that, instead of entirely retroactively deleting it, to editit into Vega/M. Bison just beating the heck out of Gouken, instead (FromSaiki, again. I’m starting to feel a need to get more specific with citing
my sources…)."
Bison never met Gouken, or his master Goutetsu.
Yes, this is true, and I am currently tieing that in to this Bison Origin story Im writting.
Thats not possible since Rose’s soul merged with Bison’s soul at the end of SFA3, in Rose’s body, then left the body to possess his SF2 body.
I always imagined that Rose’s body was put in suspended animation somewhere. Of course Capcom had no actual answer for me when I asked them about what happend to Rose’s body, then I said could it be she was frozen? And they told me that could be a good way of looking at it.
Bison was born human, its the powers he learned that made him seem beyond human.
Vega (cape) did meet Gouken, Ryu and Ken’s Master. Reread Daemos’ Post. It’s in the Plot Guide and comes from an old SF Mook. Rokiseph said so and he was around years ago talking to Saiki in an old Gamefaqs Thread that was one of the many precursors to the SF Plot Guide. Golden Dragon was there too, the only old schooler that still contributes to the Plot Guide regularly.
There’s are ranking points in the other thread
rankings are from Here
Interesting. I read the exact same thing from a TGS interview posted at Gamespot a few years back (around SvC’s debut). I just didn’t think SF Eternal would be a source for that news as well.
LOL, is it just me, or are the first ones to deny this hardcore always the ones that have it in for Capcom? They’re so caught up in their pessimism that they’re too fucking dumb to see the implications to this coughGolden Dragoncough.
Me? I say just wait it out. If it happens it happens. If not, oh well…
Ah… I hate it when my two friends Kataklysmic and Golden Dragon fight, oooh…
GD is okay. He just wants Capcom to return to what it was in the nineties. I’m more of a realist and know that’s not going to happen. They are not going to shell out 10 new fighters a year and go completly bankrupt. GD hates Vs. Games, but they are here to stay. Ever since the DC/Marvel crossover in the 90s, it seems we are living in a vs. World, everything vs. everything, (even Hollywood!) crossover games with little or no storylines are going to continue. I see GD’s points though, I don’t think he is a hardcore gamer like some of us, (Yes, even though sano’s a storyline person, he plays 2D fighters all the time) but for SF storylines and so on he’s a good guy.
And he’s actually enthusiastic about SF4 even if Capcom of America makes it. Many of us are skeptical SF4 will happen in 2007/2008 but that’s Capcom’s fault. It was there 15th Anniversary and all they could say was you might get something in 5 years. What’s to stop them in SF’s 20th Anniversary to say you may get it for their 25th Anniversary? We all want an official announcement released by the company when the game will come out, not something from Funamizu (the eternal staller) who probably said those words as he was cleaning out his desk. That’s all.