How did Gill survive the Raging Demon again?

I thought that fact was retroactively changed.

If it is true though, its something that will benifit the story Im writting.

I had posted everything I knew on the subject of SF4, even posted a link to it once which NOBODY cared to inspect, and that kid took it as a joke and threw it in my face. But hey, 80% of this site’s populated by spoiled little brats who can’t analyze a good fighting game for the life of them anyway, so it’s not like I really need to single GD out or embarass him. That’s impossible.

I understand people wanting the Vs. trend dropped for a SF4. It’s just that those people, from story-whores to hardcore wannabes, are also the ones that are killing the whole SF scene. Whenever Capcom puts out a new fighting game that is truly new (and I don’t believe storylines are that important with such a LINEAR genre), it gets no support. SF3 and CFAS make it crystal clear. Can Capcom help it if the only profit they can make lies in what they know works? Can they help it if they’re not allowed to live in the '00s like Midway is with MK? Can they help it if SF fans continue to forget they make games other than fighters?

Yes, Capcom does not seem to care about SF, true, but that’s largely because we are telling them that WE don’t. And people like GD and Time-Stop? They’re worse, because in spite of all these facts (maybe they’re dyslexic? I dunno), they still dismiss them as lazy and come here to troll and spread their bullshit with the intent to kill the ONLY remaining support that the genre has, which does nothing but further enforce their believe that we don’t care.

I’m just glad there’s still going to be a Darkstalkers 4, because if Capcom USA can’t make a good SF, and I do hope I’m wrong, then it’s as good as gone.

Psycho Power and Bison’s immortal-soul-that-can-jump-bodies are 2 different unrelated/independant abilities/powers, the plot guide even implies this clearly. If this is true, this means that Bison’s immortal soul (which is the key factor that makes him beyond human) could very well be out of hell somewhere recovering.

Gill too has an immortal soul btw (taken from the plotguide as well).

It was changed from Bison killed Gouken to Bison beat up Gouken but spared his life, only for Gouken to be killed by Akuma.


You know that The Illuminati has 66 Secret Techniques? Some of which are Immortal Soul, Ressurection, Creation of Fire, Un-Creation of Fire, Creation of Ice, Un-Creation of Ice, whatever the hell Urien’s power is, etc, etc, and then its also possible that Bison’s Psycho Power, and Rose’s Soul Power are also part of the teachings, along with any and every other power in the SF Universe.

Anyways considering Bison’s soul powers are similar to that of Gill’s its possible he learned them from the same place (The Illuminati) along with any and every other power Bison has.

Okay, now what does that have to do with Bison being human or not human?

And they are obviously 2 diffrient powers, specialy given Gill, and the fact that The Illuminati has 66 (quite a large number of) teachings.


The fact that Bison’s soul is in hell is CANON, meaning there’s no way it can be out of hell or else that statement would be a flat out lie, which if it were wouldnt of been stated in the Capcom books in the first place.

Yes I know its one of the techniques he learned from The Illuminati.

Just wait till I finish my Bison’s Origins story, as its the conclusions I came to about Bison after speaking with Capcom.

That all comes into play in my story, ie you’ll find out why Bison bothered even seeking out Gouken in the first place.

Kataklysmic - I agree with a lot of what you say. So long as the games are well recieved in Japan, we’ll continue to get sequels. CFE was pretty well recieved over there making the Tourney rounds and the next DS is sure to be very popular so I’m not worried that much about Capcom’s 2D future, but I think 2D as a whole will be gone in 10 years. I myslef don’t get why they gave Capcom USA the rights to SF with all the money it’s made them over the years, the only game series that has made Capcom more money is the Resident Evil series (Megaman is third) but I just hope Capcom of Japan closely monitors whatever Capcom USA does. Still, with Funamizu and Okamoto gone from Capcom, I don’t think even if COJ made SF4 it would be quite the same thing.

Recently, Capcom got a US Patent for a game called something like “Capcom Beatdowns. Fight for Vengeance.” This may mean they are working on something like a new Fighter or a Beat’em up like Final Fight and it may mean nothing since people patent a lot of stuff that never comes out. Still I’m excited. We need more of both genres.

No matter what the Capcom haters post, Resident Evil, Megaman, Devil May Cry, Onimusha and others will always insure that Capcom stays around, and there will always be fans asking for fighters, so Capcom’s future doesn’t bother me if you look at the big picture. 2D’s future on the other hand, now that even Gameboys and the PSPs can play 3D games, it’s only a matter of time before they are all fazed out. So we either adapt, or hang up our controllers, but that’s how the world works. I hope Cel-Shading continues to grow as it’s the next best thing to 2D IMHO.

Yeah but there’s the question now if RE, DMC, and Onimusha are even going to continue given their creators seeem to be done with them. I’ve noticed Capcom is about 50/50 when it comes to deciding whether or not to keep a series going after the creator leaves the company or decides they dont want to continue the series (althouth I know DMC4 was just announced)

As far as those 3 series are concerned, Im looking foward to seeing Onimusha continue, as RE seems to have run its course although RE4 put a new breath of life into the series, and next DMC game is coming out soon, with #4 on the way. I mean I really liked Onimusha 2, thought 3 was really good too (and probaly has the best FMV intro I’ve ever seen for a game) although that Blade Warriors game was HORRENDUS, but anyways if Capcom is actually going to keep improving upon these series like they did with Onimusha 3, Devil May Cry 3, and Resident Evil 4, then its all for the better.

Also Capcom should start producing/funding/backing some smaller companies, to bring in some diffrient stuff into their fold or the gaming world, ie alot of small companies out there like Dimps (Rumblefish, DBZ Budokai series) Lightweight (Bushido Blade series, Kengo series) Aquire (Tenchu 1&2, Way of The Samurai 1&2) tend to focus on gameplay when it comes to games but lack the money and time to produce the best quality versions of their games, ie small companies tend to make good (hidden gem) games, but dont have the resources to make it as good as it could possibly be.

Urien’s powers are wind/lightning, earth and the Aegis Reflector

Yeah, but what is Aegis? Thats what I was trying to figure out, does Urien have “Aegis Power” ? Whatever it is Im sure its one of techniques of the Illuminati.

I know some fools do come and troll, but I seriously don’t think you can blame GD and Time-Stop for this. I mean, I know GD contributes a lot to the faq by tiamatroar, so why would he want to ‘kill the only remaining support’?

Mohammed Ali

That’s what I want to know.

Try reading what he says outside of the plot thread.

Aegis Reflector is probably a self styled technique by Urien. It is lightning based, because when you get hit by it, electricity crackles all around them. As for an Illuminati technique…I would say maybe, but most likely not. Urien and Gill have a lot of shared techniques (and frames, if you look at the frame rips…Urien even has Gill’s Bk + MP)
Aegis isn’t really a power, I don’t think…it’s probably some electrical manipulation that Urien can do. I guess, for stuff like Temporal Thunder, he moulds the electricty into a fireball, while with Aegis, he moulds it into a wall of electricity.

Alright then, that means the Aegis Reflector is something that stems from Urien’s power of lighting/electricity, which is one of The Illuminati’s teachings.

Right now Im compiling a list of what most likely The 66 Techniques are, which I’ll post later.

So GIll wants to distroy the Church…???

i thought he just wanted to make people like him…(as in, to be like him)

So, with everything discussed so far… what are the official, Capcom-made tiers in terms of cannon power? If not, some plausible, detailed theories?

And, does events in Darkstalkers take the same time as events in Street Fighter? Like, in different dimensions, planes, etc etc?

Tier 1
Akuma, Gill, Oro - the strongest three out of the SFer’s. They outclass
everyone. These guys are in the godly range. Oh, and SFA3 M. Bison
probably goes here, too.

Tier 2
M. Bison, Sagat (Note that this is Sagat in his most present state, not most
present state since when he was last seen in a game) , SF3 Ryu, Satsui no Ryu (Evil Ryu), Q, Urien

Tier 3
Ken, Gen, Rose, Charlie

Tier 4
Guile, Chun-Li, Hugo, Vega, Twelve

Tier 5
Adon, Guy, Sakura, Cody, Balrog, Cammy, Zangief, Dhalsim, T Hawk, Alex

Tier 6
The Twelve Dolls, Rolento, Sodom, Karin, Birdie, Necro, Dudley

Tier 7
Blanka, Fei Long, Honda

Tier 8
Makoto, Ibuki, Elena, Yun, Yang, Remy

Tier 9
Dee Jay, R. Mika, Dan

Tier 10

Here are some possible reasons for the Tier list from the plot Guide

Hope your list is better than mine Because I could only come up with 32 Possible Secret Techniques From the Illuminati.

1 Psycho Power
2. Soul Power
3. Fire manipulation
4. Creation of Fire
5. Un-Creation of Fire
6. Ice manipulation
7. Creation of Ice
8. Un-Creation of Ice
9. Immortal Soul
10. Ressurection
11. Lightning manipulation
12. Creation of Lighting
13. Un-Creation of Lighting
14. Earth manipulation
15. Creation of Earth
16. Un-Creation of Earth
17 Wind manipulation
18 Creation of Wind
19 Un-Creation of Wind
20 Water manipulation
21 Creation of Water
22. Un-Creation of Water
23. Dark manipulation
24 Creation of Dark
25. Un-Creation of Dark
26 Light manipulation
27 Creation of Light
28 Un-Creation of Light
29 Time manipulation
30 Space manipulation
31 Magnetism manipulation
32 Gravity manipulation

33 Stock manipulation :encore:

  1. how about in a blink of and eye?
  2. you forgot to add seraphic wing?
    3.vega’s soul is not immortal.

I could only come up with 41. Like you I found it quite obvious that creation and uncreattion would be seperate considering 66 is such a big number.

Anyways here’s my list…

1)Fire (creation)
2)Fire (un-creation)
3)Ice (creation)
4)Ice (un-creation)
5)Water (creation)
6)Water (un-creation)
7)Wind (creation)
8)Wind (un-creation)
9)Earth (creation)
10)Earth (un-creation)
11)Lightning/Electricity (creation)
12)Lightning/Electricity (un-creation)
13)Smoke/Mist/Fog (creation)
14)Smoke/Mist/Fog (un-creation)
15)Light (creation)
16)Light (un-creation)
17)Darkness (creation)
18)Darkness (un-creation)
21)Immortality (Youth)
22)Immortality (Soul)
23)Psycho Power
24)Soul Power
27)Mind (telepathy, telekenisis, etc)
28)Life (Healing, Ressurection)
35)Mind Manipulation
36)Time Manipulation
37)Space Manipulation
38)Graviy Manipulation
39)Super Strength
40)Super Agility
41)Super Speed

Some of you may be curious about some of these so…


Well most of the abilities the SF chars have stem from chi/ki, however I doubt all the powers/abilites do, like the ones Gill, Urien, and Bison could use, but the ability to use, create, and manipulate chi/ki is no doubt a teaching of The Illuminati.


Dont know why I really put this down (maybe been watchin too much Full Metal Alchemist) but thought it could defenitly be a teaching.


Obviously the opposite of the Life powers, ie basicly the ability to instantly to kill someone, no doubt where the powers of the Shun Goku Satsu came from.


Seen in Gill and Urien’s intros.

Desstruction and Restoration

Desstruction (if the user was powerful enough) for example could destroy an entire building (crumble it to the ground) while Restoration could build that same building back up.

I think everything else is can be figured out.