You guys need to add "Iron body"
It’s Urien’s technique, which is why when he blocks, there is a metal “ting” sound.
And in case you don’t believe me, look at Hugo’s win quote vs Urien in 2nd Impact…it says something like “oh you have an iron body, eh? does it rust?”
Iron Body is a part of Urien’s Earth manipulation
Earth manipulation isn’t just about manipulate just dirt or rock, it’s also about manipulating the minerals such as Iron.
it’s a side note…but I seriously think it shouldn’t be considered the same.
I mean, if it’s Earth manipulation, why wouldn’t Urien use something stronger from the Earth? Like “Diamond body” or “Corundum body”?
I’m being serious here.
Whats Gills mission???
So pardon me for coming late to the party, but…
SF4 is being developed?
1- WTF?
2- Psycho Break Smasher (seen in A3) pwns eeet! :devil:
3- Yes it is. He states it several times in the Alpha games and implies it frequently in VS games like SVC.
To find the best of the best, to preserve them after judgement day.
Not officially, but there are rumors (and also TAS’s word which I’m not sure if we can rely on, I don’t know him too well).
BTW the list of techniques is OVER-complicated. It can be simplified to:
Psycho Power (assuming it is a technique from the illuminati)
Soul Power (from the impression I get it is the opposite of Psycho Power or just a lesser form of Psycho Power)
Manipulation of the elements (wind, water, fire, earth and lightning)
Immortality (soul and body)
All other techniques mentioned such as ki, telekinesis etc. can’t be categorized as one of the 66 SUPER SECRET ILLUMINATI TECHNIQUES.
I believe Psycho Power is a variation of Akuma’s evil energy. It is implied (ryu’s A3 ending and CvS2 Bison’s ending) that they are related and that they are sister-powers. It would also explain why Bison wanted to kill or attacked Gouken, he didn’t want anyone else to know the techniques he knew. Bison’s immortality on the other hand, is something entirely different, possibly related to the Illuminati.
Okay, this is a longshot question if there ever was one, but…
…is there any way to approach Capcom with storyline ideas?
The Manipulation of physics ( Time Manipulation , Space Manipulation , Gravity manipulation , Magnetism manipulation and Kinetic Energy manipulation )
Manipulation of the elements (wind, water, fire, earth, lightning, Dark and Light )
Is it actually in production? Probaly not.
There has been alot of pre-production stuff done for it though.
No, it is NOT over complicated. There are 66 Techniques, canon, simple as that. Capcom officialy stated there 66 techniques, that means there is ALOT of techniques, it dosnt mean the least is over complicated.
That sucks, and if thats all The Illuminati had they’d really suck.
And its easy to figure out some of the powers like Light and Dark the powers Gill was supposed to have, but didnt, so those would HAVE to be on the list, yet you dont have em listed.
Uhm yes they can, and no doubt are. Also Id like to see what you’d say when Capcom publishes the list of them and those things are listed on the list.
The Satsu No Hadou is an offspring of Hadou, which is an offspring of Ki/Chi, so no thats not correct.
Un-Canon Bad Translations are your aurguement?
Satsu No Hadou and Psycho Power are ONLY related because they feed off negative emotions, and that is the ONLY reason they’re similar (aside from them both being purple, which is a common color used for evil)
And that reason makes no sense, considering Gouken didnt like the Satsu No Hadou, never used it, and if Bison didnt want anyone else using Psycho Power then he’d have to kill a bunch of people in The Illuminati who also know who to use it, so that reason makes no sense.
If you go to Japan, and set up a meeting with them, otherwise no.
Let me explain something once and for all, just to shut the fanboys up.
Satsui no Hadou = evil/murderous/killing intent. This exists in EVERYONE, and Akuma/Gouki is the expert at utilizing this energy. Ryu possesses a great deal of this energy because he’s dedicated his life to the fight, but chooses not to summon it because he knows its path is one of destruction. Sakura has it in MSF/MvC2 because it’s conjecture based on canon; kind of a “what-if-Sakura-kept-fighting” easter egg.
Psycho Power = a universal power that stems from the collective negative emotions of everyone in the world. It’s not inherent in a particular individual, but is a collective wellspring of hateful energy that can be controlled if you know how. Soul Power is a mirror image of Psycho Power; thus, one cannot exist without the other.
The difference? Satsui no Hadou is a PHYSICAL power, Psycho Power is a SPIRITUAL power.
I see TAS enjoys being a pedantic ass.
Yes it is. I am fully aware that there are 66 techniques - what I am pointing out is your LIST is shit because it complicates things just to fill space.
No one said that is all. But the little list I made perfectly replaces most of your list which IS unnecessarily oversized.
You obviously didn’t see the point of that sentence. How can “ki” and telekinesis be SUPER SECRET ILLUMINATI TECHNIQUES when every street fighter with a projectile knows how to manifest their ki. It’s not really secret and super now is it?
Un-canon? Don’t give me your bullshit. They are in MY GAME therefore, they are CANON. Ryu says in his Alpha3 ending that the power that Bison shoots into Ryu is the same power Akuma told Ryu about.
WTF?! PSYCHO POWER IS FEEDING OFF NEGATIVE EMOTIONS and SO IS SATSU NO HADOU! Therefore they are one and the same. If something looks like a duck, sounds like a duck and smells like a duck then in all likelihood it IS a duck.
Gouken didn’t use satsu no hadou but he knew the technique, which would make him a viable target for Bison.
And stop spouting shit about the Illuminati knowing how to use psycho power, there is ZERO canonical indication that the Illuminati teach and know psycho power. If you have canonical proof that the Illuminati know how to use psycho power, feel free to correct me…
Until then, stop posting things as if every word you say should be heeded as fact, cuz from what I’m reading it’s a lot of opinion, a lot of your fan fiction mixed with some facts you picked up from the plot guide.
That’s one interpretation.
Allow me to explain it the way I see it.
Satsu No Hadou is when you feed off your own negative emotions (hate, anger, fear) to become stronger, more powerful.
Psycho Power is when you feed off the negative emotions (hate, fear, anger)of yourself and others to become stronger and more powerful.
The similarity is both powers manifest negative emotions in a physical form (purple energy). The difference is the source of the negative emotions.
This makes my theory that both powers are more than likely sister-powers and/or possibly one and the same very sound and realistic. I’m not making shit up you know, go play Alpha 3 and beat the game with Ryu.
Hey sano! CFE was the shit. But you suck man. Start getting good info . All your shit sucks.
Capcom Fan’s one of my friends outside of the forums, I’ve hung out with him a few times. He said he would purposely flame me just for fun, so just ignore and laugh and continue with you current debate!
Can’t gasp be gasp concise.
Ha. I suppose that I’ll attempt to act as some faux mediator simply because this one of the few threads that I can remember having subscribed to without posting in it first (and thus being subscribed automatically). It’s not that I enjoy such a role, but I do it enough that I might as well try since I don’t want something as petty as passionate emotion to mar the thread.
That said, there are two central issues at present: the whole Psycho Power (can anyone tell me how exactly Soul Power is different? I know that they are, but even Rose doesn’t really say anything about it in-game)-Satsui no Hadou connection and the partial guessing of the supposedly existent 66 “Super Secret” Illumanti Techniques.
While the former is one of great concern for me presently, it is the easier of the two, if only because the answer is far more definite. Speaking of definition, I must say to you Daemos, that, although I can see you’re definition as equally relevant to Dasrik’s (not saying that I agree with you on them being the exact same thing, but that’s what opinions are for), I will say that you misunderstand TAS on at least on point:
What TAS was trying to say here, I believe, is not that your own citation is gone from SFA3–anyone can get the ending ratyher easily with Final Battle Mode to see that you’re telling the truth–but merely that Capcom of U.S.A. tends to add in things that don’t fit with the plot and, even worse, completely contradict it.
There are egregious examples of this, such as names (Gouki’s, Nash’s, Sodom’s, the whole confusing Vega-Balrog-M.Bison bullshit), backgrounds (Maki’s supposed hatred of things violent…besides having street fighting as a past time; is she secretly an Iori Yagami fan?), meanings/translations (ummm…Satsui no Hadou, oh, I mean Evil Intent since we’re discussing it), textual dialouge (Urien’s knowing Tom in the U.S. version of SF3), and, thus because of the need for text in-game, even ending (TiamatRoar gives an example with Cammy’s SF2 ending), though this is not to say that the ending you point to is necessarily incorrect.
Point is CUSA seems to tend to mess up on things.
Hell, we’re still trying to figure out whether Poison is/was a man or not because of them.
However, as I stated earlier, this is not my issue, so I leave the rest for you two to attempt to work out; I’m far more interested in the latter issue.
Apropos the list, I, again, side more with TAS at the moment than I do you Daemos, though I can see what you say about some overlapping parts; I do, however, thing that creation and un-creation of the elements are seperate things and you cannot really blame TAS for having them seperate if Capcom probably did seperate them…not that he knows everything.
Anyway, before I start trying to speculate myself about some of the things mentioned, I figured that I should probably suggest a revision of the overlapping ones. Since I’m using 40 post, I’m not sure whether this will be on the same page as TAS’s (barely more extensive) list and thus I’m going to quote it again. Besides, I’m sure that will be a bit more helpful when pointing out some of the wierd things that I found when the numbers and words are more immediate.
But enough of my words:
Okay, first I’m getting rid of the ones that I flat out disagree with:
Smoke/Mist/Fog Manipulation (#13-14)
This just seems odd since the rest of the list could be at least be described as “elemental”. Also, they don’t seem all that useful, especially considering you yourself later list “Invisibility (#32, though it should really be #31 unless you accidentally omitted #31 when you posted…meaning that you would have 40 techniques, not 41…but I digress)”, which is at least supported by Twelve.
It’s made even more queer (as in odd, not gay, I’ve just being use the word a lot lately because I had to “Ballad of the Sad Cafe” for my English class) by the fact these essentially just “by-products”, at least in terms of smoke; as far as I can guess, Water Manipulation (#5-6) could be used to make Mist and/or Fog (I forget whether there is an actual difference or not, but there probably is). Going back to these supposed technique’s usefulness or lack there of, they’re all really damned weak for “super secret” things in actuality. I mean, if you already have Invisibility and straight-up “Death (#29)” techniques, then why the hell would need something that could, at best, kill someone through slow, probably avoidable suffocation? …Especially when Gill and Urien could probably chokehold people with one hand.
Gill: “Is the -Saviour- going to have to choke a bitch?”
While I can why you would have the Scientific Trinity (Water, Ice, and Mist/Fog/Water Vapor), even if it does make sense with a probable seperation of Water Manipulation (#5-6) from Ice Manipulation (#3-4), considering that Water Manipulation isn’t even officially on there and that #13-14 is so egregiously pathetic…it doesn’t really make sense. At least to me.
Mind (#27) and Mind Manipulation (#35)
Unless you can tell me exactly why you think that these deserve to co-exist as seemingly repetitive categories, then I’m going to have follow the infamous “Highlander” quote: “There can only be one!”
I mean, REALLY, is there anything that actually makes there different?
Going even further, considering that Mind is so generic, especially comparative to a lot of things, and the fact that people that are psychics in-game don’t necessary have all the abilities of the mind, i.e. Dhalsim’s ability of Telepathy without in Telekinetic feats, besides minor feats of Levitation, I think that we can at least seperate Telepathy and Telekinesis into two different numbers and get rid of these two.
Time Manipulation (#36)
There is no, I repeat, NO way that the Illumanti has this, at least at very powerful/fully-mastered (if any of them actually are) technique. If they did, then–chrono loops and “time travel ettiqutte” aside–whatever leader was around in the past probably would have went into the future and bitch-smacked it already so that Gill wouldn’t have to wait for the next 200 years.
If they have it, it’s not “very” powerful, meaning no out and out time travel. sighs of relief
If they have it, it’s probably either like some bastardized version of Viewtful Joe’s power (which possible considering Capcom did make and that game is quite sucessful) with the power to “stop” time being it’s apex.
I don’t really like it, but that’s mostly because of the scale of Gill’s power makes it seems like Illumanti would have either really powerful forms of techniques or none at all, nothing in-between.
Space Manipulation (#37)
I also disagree with this because at it’s apex, it’s only probably immensely “broken”.
In fact, the only type of Space Manipulation that seems to ever be shown or documented in the Street Fighter universe is, guess what, Teleportation (#20).
So, until Gill starts destroying solar systems ala Sephiroth on a regular basis, I’m going to have vote against this.
Gravity Manipulation (#38)
Considering that Gill got killed in his ending by Akuma/Gouki in what I’m going to assume he knew was a death match, then Gill couldn’t have this or else Gouki would have been crushed flat before he could even shout “MESSATSU!”. I mean, Gill isn’t idiot like in-game Gravity Man; he’d be far more likely to use intelligently ala Bob and George’s Gravity Man.
So I’m against this one.
Now for the ones that I just feel “iffy” about:
Immortality: Youth (#21)
I can kind of see this since it seems like Gill is the definitely the one that’s going to be waiting 200 years–unless it wasn’t literally 2200 or whatever the hell the date of the Apocalypse was supposed to be. So I do mostly agree.
However, I will say that this would probably the most recently and thus sixty-sixth technique or else it seems contradictory that the Illumanti would have the stored brains of all their dead leaders.
Alchemy (#26)
I’ve been watching FMA a lot as well, and while there is no definite proof, I can definitely see the Illumanti as one of the few organizations to take advantage of being able to create the gold and not (egregiously) destroy the world’s market by being unworthy and overzealous.
Still, even with all the bullshit Edward pulls, I don’t really see how this could be a battle technique…assuming that all techniques of the Illumanti are battle techniques…
Death (#29)
I don’t think that we have seen any evidence of this in the Illumanti, but they do probably have them.
So…I don’t necessarily disagree with the idea itself, but I can say that the name sort of leaves me wanting…since (almost) everything on the list (and countless other things not on it can cause Death).
Thus, I merely ask that you think of a better name if you can; all I can think of is “Spiritual Death”, but there’s nothing proven that the Illumanti has Ansatsuken one-strike techniques, nevermind ones that send people to “Hell”.
Decay–I’m sorry, but “Dissolve” sounds wierd to me, to say the least (#30) and Destruction (#34)
Same thing as “Death”, the names are WAY too vague. These ones seems even more iffy though as a general category, since a lot of things cause Decay and Destruction.
Hell, I’ll even say that #30 “absorbs” #34 definitively unless you can prove otherwise (I could gladly make this longer with “proof” but I’d rather wait for you to disagree with me first).
Okay, now with all that said, I can only think of two to add: Super Endurance like Urien (agree with EndLeSS8 that inferior Earth Manipulation sounds rather queer, especially when he listed tougher materials) and Shaping (pretty much Shape-shifting, but that word leaves a bad taste in my mouth due the fact that people using transform into things with more mass…which I’m so glad that Twelve cannot :tup: ).
Feel free to disagree with me. Or beat me to death for hurting your eyes with another non-concise post.
Especially since I plan to double post an explanation about the reason why Ki/Chi is a possible technique.
i dont think dissvolve is a power. i think gill & urien power rushing threw there body is tears there clothes.
Stop the stupid!!
God did it ever occur to any of you that Capcom has no real coherent storyline in mind? They just make this shit up as they go.
As for the post that preceded mine all I can say is familiarize yourself with the etymology of the word psycho before spouting off about more nonsense.
Why I think Ki is probably category?
This one of the few times that I could actually think where it’s beneficial to double post, since I don’t want people to miss this. So, forgive me–for killing your eyes too–but I find this necessary.[/bias]
Anyway, as I said above, I this post will be entirely about a point that Daemos raised that I personally think is the reason why Ki/Chi could probably be a general category for the Illumanti:
-Ki/Chi- (#25)
To paraphase Daemos’ genuine complaint: Why the hell would Gill’s orginization have “Super Secret” techniques when almost everyone, even Zangief, can manipulate ki?!
To begin a lengthy answer: It’s simply because theirs are “better” then everyone else’s.
A seemingly childish answer to a serious question, I actually find it rather crude and to the point and thus a good place to start: difference in ki.
Sure. In-game, the game and character battles tend to be Special and Super Technique fests that show us that nearly everyone in the SF universe can control ki, even Dan and Sean! They all seem to do it rather easily, whether it’s the “scrub” fireball spamming or the “expert” using selective fireballs for space control, the characters easily and effortlessly gather the chi for the attack in less than the blink of eye and the resulting damage, at its worst, is a pixel of “block damage”, and, at its best, is probably only half a life bar.
However, in the “reality” of SF, ki and everything in general is far more powerful. Ryu never spammed special attacks in the exoteric the Street Fighter II animated movie. Guile, a person whose projectile probably the most whored of all in-game, personally shocked the hell out of me when the always slow and seemingly more-for-annoyance-than-for-damage Sonic Boom zoomed through Bison’s fading image and split a shack in half!
“But that’s not how projectiles behave in-game!” I mentally cried. Due to the disparity, I somewhat shrugged it off. I mean, the USA network’s somewhat atrocious SF cartoon had used this, and we all know how well-written that. So, as aforementioned, I forgot about it.
Enter Tiamat’s guide. Enter my saving of the guide to Word. Enter my recent reading of the guide.
I believe the passage the best illustrates this is found under Charlie’s entry:
“The Sonic Boom is actually created by using ki. Nash will concentrate his ki into his hand, arm of whatever and thrusts it at a speed faster than sound. When someone is hit by the Sonic Boom, it’ll feel like getting smashed into a brick wall. It’s also colder than Russia’s winter and is also supposed to be the fastest projectile story-wise. The games don’t show this at all though.”
What? The games said not to be an accurate representation of the “reality” of SF, at least in terms of projectiles? Blasphemy!
Well, the blasphemy is rather official, especially considering that very guide has pretty much been approved by Capcom and is being used for the very comic that makes this section that allows this thread to exist.
So…it seems that SF2: TAM was/is rather accurate with ki being rather slow thing that does more than a “pixel of damage”, even if you block it in “reality”.
I mean, hell, in the SF universe, ki is usually cold or at least cool, but M. Bison’s projectile burns, the Shinkuu Hadoken (I believe that it was said even in this thread) can kill if Ryu gave into Satsu no Hadou, and, hell, despite their weakness, I don’t think you or I would be getting up as easily as an SF sprite after getting smacked by Sean’s Hadou Burst or Dan’s Shinkuu Gadouken.
So…we can be agree that there’s ready evidence that ki can be devestating, something that is barely less dangerous–perhaps more when you higher up the “tiers”–than the physical techniques of some characters–Shin Shoryuken anyone?
However, before I go to the “highest of the high”, I will emphasis that an additional reason to why ki may itself be a category: Not everyone uses ki, at least externally. Rainbow Mika doesn’t use ki. Karin doesn’t use ki. Cammy doesn’t use ki. Hell, two of the “Kings” of Shadaloo, Balrog and Vega, don’t use ki; discount Vega’s use of ki to make “living” form of his of snake tattoo, despite how cool you might think it is. So yeah, while arguably everyone in the game has greater “external ki”–ki can be external–than the average Joe (heh).
Now, we go those that “matter”, those that have “better” ki technique: The Unholy Trinity (or Quadriology if you include SFA3 M.Bison). Akuma, Oro, and, most importantly to this discussion obviously, Gill could all probably kill us with a “fireball” (with that term being somewhat literal for Gill), let alone obliterate our bodies with any energy “Super”.
And, now, actually getting to Gill. The reason that I think ki could be a category unto itself is that it would specialize in gathering and using large amount of ki…quickly.
The chief “evidence” of possible ki category comes in two simple yet devestating words: Seraphic Wing.
Think about it. Besides adding to Gill’s obvious religious purpose and influences, it subtly speaks of Gill’s power. Even in-game, it is THE Dreaded Move. Everyone freaks out when that bastards flies–quickly–to the center of the screen before, without any obvious charging besides the super animation, releasing -Angelic Death-.
Now, think about the how much damage that does in-game blocked.
Think about, if you’ve ever been unfortunate to be with it, how much life you lost.
Think about how the weaker Akuma was able to sink an island with a single punch and destory Ayer’s Rock with a single attack (I can’t remember where I heard that though).
Think about the fact that Oro is still, without a doubt, inferior to Gill while trying to imagine the expotential power that a “true” Yagyu Domou (if that’s what the EX version of the orb super is called) probably possesses.
Then, finally, realize that such a power is still dwarfed by the mini-nuke* that is unavoidable Seraphic Wing.
I’m not sure whether I got my point across; I wouldn’t be suprised if I didn’t. Either way, feel free to talk me about it since I don’t want to have wasted my time.
*I’m restraining myself here.
You’ve a point.
However, I personally do like to speculate, especially about superhuman things, so that’s not much a problem for me. I do, however, have more important things to be doing, so…
Sorry I’m such an asshole, sometimes I just can’t help it.
Yeah, and you enjoy being a fucking retard.
No, you dont like the fact that there are such a large number of techniques, so you chose not to believe it, or think your views on it better then even Capcom’s.
No, you list sucks, and is just flat out lazy.
Lets see, if someone was in The Illuminati, learned the techs then left isnt there a chance, oh lets say those techniques could get out? But no that could never happen right? I mean specialy since Bison seems like he was possibly with The Illuminati and is now still with them right?
All right fine believe your shitty Capcom of America SFA3.
BTW I suppose you believe “Evil” Ryu killed everyone right? I mean it showed it right there in his SFA3 ending.
So that means hate and anger are the exact samethings then?
Haha yeah right.
Gouken knew of the SNH, and knew how to tap into, but he NEVER used it, neither did his master Goutetsu. Akuma is the ONLY one to ever use it, because he let it completely cosume him. Ryu’s experience with it happend as a result of a freak accident given he was a student of Hadou.
Ok, remind me which one of the two of us has actually been to Capcom of Japan’s offices and have actually disscussed the canon with them? That was you right, not me?
Yeah, I was going out on a limb there, its not an element and it could easily be created with someone who had the power over fire and water.
Shit, I didnt relize I listed it twice. I did infact intend that Mind Manipulation was part of “Mind” just forgot I already had mind on there.
Yes, I thought of it as the way its used in Viewtiful Joe. Not an actual ability to control time, only how to slow it down a bit, or move faster through it a bit.
Its probaly not immortality given that, but rather just really long lasting, ie check out Oro, there has to be some kinda technique involved in his abilty to live for so long.
I actually seriously doubt any of the Illuminati techniques are meant for battle. I mean if you look at them none of them actually have to do with battle, its just the way the chars use them.
I figured since they obviously have techniques that invovle life, they’d natrualy have techniques that involve death as well.
Well whatever Gill and Urien use in their intros has to be the result of some kinda power, ie their clothes completely dissolve and their skin sheds/changes.
And its taking me forever to write this story about Bison’s origins, which would exlain ALOT of things, questions, etc, etc, with the SF storyline, although I think Im just going to write a summary of it and post it.
That’s why I think if Balrog ever learn how to use Ki he would become a beast. The guy killed a elephant with just using raw power.