How did Gill survive the Raging Demon again?

TAS I look forward to your Bison’s origin story.

Urien’s skin tone change is probably him turning on "Iron body"
As for Gill, I don’t think his skin tone changes, he just starts glowing with power, kinda like all anime chars when they “level up” themselves.

Fuck story. If Capcom doesn’t bother to do a good job with it, then why should they bother trying? I wouldn’t give a shit if Bison were in SF4 with no story. So long as I can play him, I’m cool.

stupid double post.

God, you must have trouble reading english. I don’t care if the Illuminati have 66 techniques, what I am saying that your list of techniques IS NOT THE list of Techniques, simply because many of the things you are including in the list shouldn’t be there - either because they are repeated else where or have no factual basis to be founded on.

My list is incomplete and was intended to show how easily YOUR list can be compressed and how unnecessarily big it is.

1- Isn’t the Illuminati a secret organization? Hell we didn’t hear of it until SF3. Why would a secret organization that trains would-be gods share their secret techniques with the likes of Guile and Zangief?

2- It is possible that the techniques leaked out, hell it’s very likely if the Illuminati is an old organization. But you’re basing your whole list on assumptions and not facts. Bison hasn’t taught anyone Psycho Power.

Evil Ryu never happened, if he did we would never have a Ryu in SF3.

Hate and Anger aren’t the same but they can’t exist without the other. You can’t be angry and not hate, and you can’t hate without being angry.

Isn’t that what I said? Moron.

You going to Capcom of Japan offices has no relevancy in this debate. This debate is based on canon, things we all have the privilege of knowing about, not just you.


I would love to have Bison in SF4 too, but you can’t bring back a supposedly dead character without a logical explanation. :slight_smile:

@The Damned

On the contrary, I fully understand that CUSA constantly make mistakes and mistranslations. However, until someone shows me that the Ryu in SF ZERO 3 had a different ending than the one in Alpha 3, I will still to my point that Ryu DID say that the power Bison shoots into him is the same as the one Akuma told him about. Feel free to correct me.

Lol Nerd Fight Nerd Fight Nerd Fight!!!

Uhm no its not considering creation and un-creation HAVE to be seperate, yet you dont list them as seperate, and its even stated Gill has the power of creation and uncreation.

SOME of the stuff on my list is wrong, The Damned helped me out with that, but ONLY those things he listed, and those things ONLY.

1- Isn’t the Illuminati a secret organization?

Yes, but that dosnt mean people dont know about them.

Maybe you didnt hear about them to SF3, but quite a few people know about The Illuminati, thats why Tiamat says “yes THAT Illuminati” in the plot guide. Go type in “The Illuminati” on Google if you actually want to know about the originization.

And who said he did?

Oh yeah then, if SNH Ryu never existed please explain to me who gave Sagat his scar, and how and why Sagat got his scar.

And btw Ryu struggled with the SNH ALL through the Alpha series. Its not known when he slipped in and out of it, as it was like how Ryu and SNH Ryu were in the Alpha anime, Ryu having no control and forgetting everything that happend after slipping into it.

SNH Ryu officialy existed in SF1, and as part of Ryu in the SFA series. The version of him in SFA3 is what he’d be like if he completely submitted to it like Akuma did, its not actually how Ryu was with the SNH in the Alpha series, if it were a more accurate version, he’d be be in SvC: MOTOM, all crazy and just growling all the time.


You were saying Bison could find Gouken because of the SNH, but Gouken never used the SNH, so Bison could never “feel him out” because of that.

I actually have a well thought out reason as to why Bison bothered going after Gouken, and it has NOTHING to do with Psycho Power, and is nothing like that crackpot theory of yours (its part of my Bison’s origins story)

Yes it does, because I talked to them about things relating to this.

You just dont like the fact because the fact that I went there and talked about the canon with them, which gives me the upper hand here.

No, its just like I said above. You only want to talk about things you have the ability to find out about, you just dont like anyone having the upper hand over you. Oh and if you had went to Capcom (like I did) you’d be saying the EXACT samething, so stfu.

Same pictures, diffrient text, and it be pointless to post the Japanese endings since you cant read Japanese.

Attention. Moron on the loose. Moron on the loose.

Btw you being part of these forums automaticaly makes you a nerd.

He asks if it’s the same, he doesn’t state that it is.

Wow, no shit? Your a fucking genius!

Eh, fuck you if you can’t take a joke.


(or I just cant take you)

I never said Gill can’t un-create. I merely didn’t list it because it couldn’t be compressed. So you’re right, create and uncreate are two different things.

The Illuminati in SF3 isn’t the same as the Illuminati in the real world dumbass. There was NO mention of them in the SF universe at all.

You’re such a fucking idiot! You keep twisting my words to make me come off as a liar. Evil Ryu NEVER existed, SNH exists in Ryu but it NEVER took over Ryu completely, therefore Evil Ryu NEVER existed.

As I said earlier, clearly you don’t have a firm grasp on the English language. I said Bison seeked out Gouken because Gouken knew how to manipulate SNH/negative energy and Bison doesn’t want anyone other than him to be able to achieve such a feat.



It’s a rhetorical question therefore it isn’t really a question. Bison also states that Ryu has “the power”, power that is evil (negative; psycho power aka evil energy). All this together gives VERY strong reason to believe that Akuma’s evil energy and Psycho Power are very closely related if not one and the same. The difference is the way they are being utilized.

Dont get all pissy with me cause I made you look like an idiot.

Now who’s the fucking idiot?

SNH Ryu gave Sagat the scar on his chest (canon) SNH Ryu existed during SF1 (canon) Ryu struggled with the SNH through the SFA series (canon) Ryu slipped in and out of the SNH through the Alpha series (used to be conjecture, but Capcom told me it was true/canon)

And how exactly would Bison even know about Gouken first of all and second how would he know Gouken knew how to manipulate negative engergy if Gouken never used it? Explain that to me.

So he goes after Gouken, the guy who hates it, rather then his brother (Akuma) who is surging with the power of the SNH/Negative Energy?

Yup, that makes total sense.

And for someone who is like “CANON ONLY STUFF STATED IN BOOKS” the above is your own conjecture, and shitty at that, considering it makes no sense as I just proved with the above.

Put you in your place is more like it.

How related can they be if the SNH is drawn from Hadou and Ki/Chi, and Psycho Power isnt?

Also the SNH dosnt feed off negative emotions, its TRIGGERED by a negative emotions, Greed, Lust, Desire, etc. The two instances where it was triggered (Akuma and Ryu) were diffrient though. Akuma completely submitted to it (and knew how to) to becoming stronger. At first he just wanted to be stronger then Gouken, but then everyone eventually. Ryu’s SNH was triggered by the desire to win, which is why it eruppted after Sagat beat him in SF1, and the reason why Ryu threw every fight in the SFA series, cause he didnt want to hurt/kill Ken, Sakura, and/or Sagat (SFA2) ironicaly though it was those three that saved him in SFA3.

Bison says: “Why…? You have the power…”
“Power that is evil itself…”
"Yet you refuse my command…"
That leads me to believe that Bison THOUGHT they were the same, but discovered that they aren’t, because Ryu wouldn’t obey him.
He probably wouldn’t have had any trouble controling him if it was the same as Psycho power.
They might seem similar, but they’re really not.

M. Bison (Vega) Street Fighter

182 cm Psycho Power

96 kg unknown around 50

He was invincible until Akuma killed his soul

Psycho Crusher

He trained along with two other, unknown, students and learned the Psycho Power. To become more powerful, he exorcised his “good” side which eventually took the form of Rose. He created Shadaloo which became very powerful, until his body was killed by Charlie and Guile. His soul took control of Rose and lived on until Shadaloo could build another for him. He then held the second tournament to attract and kill his enemies. However, Akuma appeared and killed him using Shun Goku Satsu.


I always imagined that Rose’s body was put in suspended animation somewhere. Of course Capcom had no actual answer for me when I asked them about what happend to Rose’s body, then I said could it be she was frozen? And they told me that could be a good way of looking at it.

I have a question. Is the women in remy’s ending rose?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? She’s frozen. Not trying to be an asshole, just asking a question, so don’t flame me damnit. :xeye: This is the best thread on IMO.

No. Long story short, Rose was dead prior to SF3.

no, it isn’t.

Rose splitting from Bison and Bison taking over Rose’s body are both purely conjecture, the latter being from SFA2 artwork, which didn’t mean anything of the sort.

If Bison is dead, Rose is dead. They seem to display an inability to kill each other directly, and have literally said they share the same soul. Accepting that as true, I’m inclined to believe that if Bison were killed that Rose would go with him. That aside, her only purpose as a character is to stop Bison or get in his way, as that’s how she was written. Maybe I’m just a pessimist, and she’s sitting in a bathtub relaxing circa SF3?

Did it occur to anyone that the 66 secret techniques are like, martial-arts stuff? That not everything is some sort of godly superpower, only a few of them? Or no? Did it occur to anyone that 66 was just an arbitrary #, and if you asked the guy who wrote that part of the story, he wouldn’t be able to tell you either?

Urien’s fireball look like a bigger version of M.Bison’s A3 FB’s. Maybe they are similar. :xeye:

thanks for the quick responds sir. :tup:

I have another question I want to ask.

Is Q one of those androids M.Bison sent around the world to find the strongest fighters in the world to join shadowloo?!?!? Me and my friends had a big debate about that. He think’s Q is an alien. WTF?!?!?!? That’s why they have the X files music when you fight against him. I think he’s one of those androids because you can only fight against him if you get great grades on the computer before you get to your rival fight on 3S. You make A’s or higher on 5 or more characters and perfect the sean ball parry bonus stage you will fight against Q. Thus giving my threory of Q’s origins better than he is a damn alien. Am I crazy or is my friend crazy? :xeye:

i wanna see oro vs akuma :tup: . i hear he is pretty strong himself. :clap:

TAS: Aegis is the name of Athena’s shield. The name “Aegis Reflector” probably was just inspired by how Urien and Gill were supposed to look like Greek gods.