haha… nice try. sounds a little like tsang sung from mortal kombat. i don’t know if that name would fly either.
how about ken’s kid mel being a boss? like right hand man to evil ryu (main boss)?
haha… nice try. sounds a little like tsang sung from mortal kombat. i don’t know if that name would fly either.
how about ken’s kid mel being a boss? like right hand man to evil ryu (main boss)?
While I wouldn’t put it quite so bluntly, it is true that Capcom has flown by the seat of their pants in the past, and even outright re-written their own in-game stories several times. Just because Bison’s dead doesn’t mean that Capcom can’t change their minds and say that he returned somehow. Of course, it’s not likely that they -will-, but they can.
Personally, I like Capcom’s fighting games simply because they’re incredibly fun to play, and the characters are memorable and interesting. I don’t really care about the “story” or “plot”. If I were in Capcom’s place, I would consider the gameplay and characters first priority, and any underlying story that serves to tie the games together or such would be fairly low on the list. To me, it kinda defeats the purpose of the game when story gets in the way of the characters. Remember that these are video games, one-on-one fighting video games at that, not movies or novels. Of course, this is just my opinion.
Sorry but I love Street Fighter
Yeah But the comics are good. It’s not too late for them to clean up there act and make a good story line. I enjoyed Mortal Kombat Deception’s Konquest mode. Hell if SF ever copyed off of Deception I’ll do a jig! :tup: