Hori Soul Calibur V Arcade FightStick & Mad Catz Soul Edition!

Damn, I was hoping to play with the new Hori parts.

I’ll keep the buttons, sell the JLF and get an LS-32 or LS-40…

Good to hear Sanwa is being smart! Makes the stick more enticing for more people.

Besides, the black-rimmed red Sanwas are nice-looking buttons. I installed six of them in my HRAP V3 SA…

You can probably get one of the early demo Soul Cal. V arcade sticks with the Hori buttons and stick, who knows how many were made to be demonstrated might show up on ebay or auction someday.

Hey any chance MadCatz might go all seimitsu parts now that Hori up and changed to all sanwa from stock Hori parts, I’m just sayin but it would be nice. Lol.

I’m guessing that the price will be $150 then.

your guess is probably right, im guessing $169.99 for the MadCatz version.

Won’t happen.

Wrong guess.


I like this game.

Was joking around with the seimitsu change, but on the price for madcatz version of the arcade stick is it greater or lower then what I guessed. I know pricing is not available to public yet but won’t hurt to ask. Thanks


Thanks for your reply Mark will be getting both.

To be honest guys hori buttons aren’t that bad, I had them on my tekken 5 stick, and i love that stick. The only thing I actually didn’t like about that stick is that it didn’t have quick disconnects in case one of them went out.

As for the SCV Hori stick, I’m kinda wondering if it’ll be released with no licensed attached (of course under another name). The shell just doesn’t look like an HRAP or a HRAP V series stick.

Markman Thanx for the Namco Stick, so far the best looking TE s stick, thank you man!!!

The madcatz one looks pretty cheap so for me it’d be the Hori.

Hurm… I’d have said the opposite.

Somehow, that makes me happy.

Then we are all… happy…

I think I will get both. I know some of you guys have dozens of arcade sticks but these two will be number 2 and 3 for me.

looks cheap hahaha

internet is the best

I meant it as in taste wise, but I imagine the majority of that is out of your hands anyways.

For those of you that hate and say these arcade sticks look cheap they don’t to me, you say they look ugly, I find them both beautiful in design. What now to do but give MadCatz and Hori my wallet. Thanks MarkMan and MadCatz for this marvelous arcade stick you guys produced, Hori didn’t forget you thanks for the wonderful design on your version. To all hope you have a merry xmas and a very happy new year, Godspeed everyone including haters they got to eat too.

Everyone complaining has not seen them in person, or in a particular case someone wants the Hori to be a MadCatz TE, well guess what there is a MadCatz version so I don’t see the problem. Hori goes out of their way to differentiate their products from MadCatz, they offer a different look and feel. It would be idiotic to make it the same exact product as your competitor.

The Hori is extra solid and rather hefty, and the MadCatz is what you expect from the rest of their TE’s. Its highly foolish to speculate the quality of these products when people are providing information on first hand physical experience.