Hori Soul Calibur V Arcade FightStick & Mad Catz Soul Edition!

Also. The start button door is a slide and drop mechanism (on the Hori stick). It wasn’t removed. And it is not a JLF, the stick/buttons are Hori’s original parts that they have been working on for awhile/collecting feedback from the community.

Thanks for the pics MarkMan!

Do you have hat hair?

Aside from MarkMan, I think I’m only person on SRK to have pictures of the Joystick.
I’m not allowed to show them online yet.

lol yes. brokentier hat broke my hair.

Hey MarkMan nice pics, so no usb cord storage compartment on the Hori, any hint on how mod friendly and spacious for modding parts the inside is. Thanks

No comment on modding.

There is cable storage on both sticks.

Thanks for the pics and thanks for the info regarding the Hori parts - I noticed that the colors of the buttos on the Hori stick seem brighter than what they used to use (unless you’re camera is giving it that shine).

I am more and more curious about the HORI SC stick, especially if the joystick uses a 5-pin harness or separate wires soldered to the microswitches.

The same one from Devastation, the sensitive one?

Just got this response from Hori on buttons and QD’s. So which is it Hori buttons or sanwa this contradicts with whats stated on Hori US site.

infous infous@hori.jp



Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 6:14 PM

RE: Soul Calibur 5 Arcade Stick

mailed-by hori.jp


Important mainly because of your interaction with messages in the conversation.
[RIGHT]hide details 6:14 PM (1 hour ago)[/RIGHT]


[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Thank you for contacting HORI USA.[/FONT][/SIZE]
We apologize for the delayed response.
In regards, the SOULCALIBUR V Arcade Stick will feature Sanwa parts and the buttons are quick disconnects. This product is due to be released in the US in Q1 of next year.

[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.[/FONT][/SIZE]
Thank you very much.

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[SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma]From: hori_usa-owner@hori.jp [mailto:hori_usa-owner@hori.jp] On Behalf Of********[/FONT]****[/SIZE]**
Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2011 9:24 AM
To: infous@hori.jp
Subject: Soul Calibur 5 Arcade Stick

Just read the about this stick on shoryuken.com, what I want to know is are the buttons stock hori and if the stick been designed with quick disconnects instead of having buttons soldered on directly on pcb. Also will this arcade stick be released in theUS. Thanks**

^ Hori are a hilarious company, and now they are contradicting each other.


What is… the Truth…

I don’t know anymore!!! XD

I guess we won’t know what is actually inside the stick until we get are hands on it.

I’ll say this, The parts did not feel bad at all. I just assumed they were Sanwa without asking any questions. The setups were PS3 sticks btw.

Maybe Hori decided last minute changes to buttons because of the almighty MadCatz Soul Edition use of sanwa premium quality parts, probably just error on hori communications pipeline, unless there is a super secret not yet announced HRAP V3 SA and VX version.

Man, they are both pretty, but I’m still leaning more towards the madcatz, especially with the sanwa parts. I’m also glad the ps3 sticks don’t have all the colorful buttons.

Did you read the letter they both have sanwa. You can also tell from Markman’s picture

Permission to front page this?

Seems there is some contradicting evidence here.


Contradiction indeed!

What’s the story, Hori?

Sanwa or not? QD’s and moddable, or not???

Like Blak said, you’ve got a lot of us confused… What’s the reality here???

IF they’re using Sanwa parts on the SC V stick, I’m getting the Hori. If not, then MC gets my money.

Maybe we have again reached the Namco glory days when stock parts WERE as good as Sanwa…