Hori Soul Calibur V Arcade FightStick & Mad Catz Soul Edition!

Well looks like Hori has answered some of are questions regarding there Soul Calibur V arcade stick, link http://www.hori.jp/us/soul_c_press/. It is confirmed to be only stock hori parts including joystick that sucks, hope it’s mod friendly at least.

well look on the brite side it should make the stick a lot cheaper as long as the stick is has a good mounting bracket you can just mod it Most of us on here end up doing in the first place


I thought Hori was going to do something quality (with GOOD, removable arcade parts) that would be worth picking up…!

I might have to pass on this.

I’ve got far too many nicks and cuts on my hands from my last (and probably final) Agetec mod project to care for another round of the same on another mid-tier joystick!

I’ll either finish up the joystick cases I have on my backed-up work, or take a wait-and-see look at what Mad Catz has up next.

This is a disappointing move from Hori…

They are not reading the American market (at least from the top- and middle-end) very well now…
Kudos to Mad Catz for the FightStick Pro case and providing a decent upgrade path with their SE cases!

Hori still has much to learn here.

I would wait georgey before calling it a disappointment lets get a price point first then we can say
so many people end up pulling the buttons and throwing them on the trader anyway. I remember seeing loads of white buttons from the all the TE’s people modded If its like $100 or under and the case is quality then it wont be a bad deal, remember too its licensed so that adds like $20

I’d say the disappoint right now would be the high possibility that swapping out parts isn’t going to be easy, like what Mad Catz does. That doesn’t mean the stick is bad, though.

I think something like this should have parts that easily replaceable since it’ll be at least $100.

i just hope the buttons aren’t soldered directly onto the board, i hate soldering.

Given Hori’s track record with non-HRAP joysticks (which include “licensed” HRAP’s), I wouldn’t count on Quick Disconnect buttons.
Hopefully, Hori will surprise all of us with an easy-to-mod joystick but I wouldn’t count on it!

Hori loves those soldered to the PCB stock knock-off pushbuttons!
I share everybody else’s dislike for desoldering Hori stock buttons – I desoldered them from 1 Wii Fight Stock, 7 American T5’s and 2 Arcana Heart 2 joysticks!
(Still, with the exception of the Wii Fight Stock, the mods on those “HRAP-lites” were still far less involved than what I’ve had to do to fit Sanwa and Seimitsu parts into the Agetec case. The Agetec, unlike the Fight Stick, has plenty of space for replacement parts without squeezing or modding arcade parts. The problem is all the plastic you have to cut and the careful measuring that has to be done to fit Seimitsu joysticks into that case!)

Off the top of my head, the Agetec Dreamcast joystick, and the Mad Catz SE and its variants are the only low-/mid-tier joysticks I’m aware of that have QD’s on stock buttons. Unlike the Mad Catz SE QD’s, the Dreamcast QD’s are useless for Seimitsu and Sanwa pushbuttons but can be cut and easily replaced with standard 0.110 QD’s. As long as you cut the wiring close to the original QD’s, there’s plenty of leftover wiring to install 0.110 QD’s — that’s if you care to reuse the original Sega Dreamcast PCB in the Agetec.

The hrap 3 (black/red) Hrap EX, Hrap T6 all had hori buttons with qd’s. So hopefully Hori recognizes the market. You have to remember the market has changed since the those sticks you mention came out and I think Hori realizes this. You have company’s like Joytron and Qanba stepping up when they use to make POS now everyone wants one

Those are all top-tier joysticks now. All at least $120-$150 by the time they get imported.

Lowest-priced top-tier stick nowadays is the HRAP V3/VX SA. The rest start at least $10 higher and up.

I wouldn’t count on a $100 joystick (at least in the US!) that has QD’s unless it’s a Mad Catz SE re-issue.
I hope Hori learns its lesson but I’m not counting on it…

Seems like this new stick has longer/more wrist room than my V3 SA.

the Hrap3 was a US stick it retailed at $99 with hori buttons but came with a JLF If this stick is all hori buttons and Stick it should retail at $100 will prolly not but logically yes it should and it looks like this one will be available locally so no expensive importing fee’s

Tried it out at NECXII, felt nice, the buttons didnt seem as ass as typical hori buttons, could not tell if the stick was a JLF.

and you didn’t take a picture shame on you all I’ve seen is the photo shop junk

did you get to see the inside of it? how was the wrist space?

The sticks were part of the SCV display, we obviously couldn’t open them up, very little room and time to mess with them. The stick is huge, larger than the MadCatz version, which was also there. You’ve played on a TE you know what to expect from MCZ. The start button is indeed in the right upper corner, the cover was missing from them. Its the HRAP3 start button, but grey. Also a bunch of switches on the CP, 4 of them, but forgot what all of them where for.

I could get pictures, need to get them off the camera first. Looks exactly like the images sadly enough, though the 360 version is darker, black is deeper.

I think the madcatz stick looks awesome. I am def gonna pick one up. I am really hype for SC5

so which

which one did you like better Does it look quality or cheap?

I also got a good look at both of them at NEC this weekend.
Wasn’t a fan of the hidden start buttons compartment on the Hori, the plastic felt really really stiff, I can see it being a problem down the road. Wasn’t a fan of the shape either.
was really happy with the Madcatz one, the colors looked really nice, the “Soul Bezel” or whatever they’re calling it is actually really slick. The White Start/Select buttons are getting swapped out though, I wasn’t a fan of that. Otherwise it looks really really well done.

Hmm… I was hoping Hori would step up with this one.

Soul Calibur really is the one Namco fighting game series that I care for. I just can’t get into Tekken much.

Looks more and more like I might bite and get another Mad Catz TE for SC V. If I were going to mod (beyond swapping out the JLF for an LS-32/-40), I’d be likely to get skeleton buttons or Pearls.

I do want to hear more details about Hori’s SC V stick but it’s sounding less and less like it’s going to be an HRAP 3 type (moderately moddable at least) and more of a FightStick-mod chore. Not a huge fan of the non-HRAP Hori joysticks…

I have pics. You guys should follow my twitter for these kind of updates. I always tweet about sticks.


Here are some direct links:

Please excuse the quality. These were taken from my phone.