Hori Real Arcade Pro 3 SE (PS3) Announced!

He probably means Sunday our time.

Edit: Box is uber sexy.

well i sure hope so…

retard question :looney:

when are they getting the sticks, tomorrow or monday next week? :confused:

The box is sliiiick. The stick is okay.

hrap 3 SA looks nicer…

Fo’ sho’. Wish I had one.

I’d like to know as well but as the stick releases on the 25th, I’m assuming it is going to be next Monday, but who knows.

I could email and ask but i already send like 4 mails asking about other stuff :lol:
So they might just get annoyed and block me :rofl:
And by the way i payed total $230. :looney:

It says on the front page of Akihabarashop that the sticks have shipped and that we’ll get tracking numbers tomorrow.

That is fan-F’in-tastic news

Yup just seen it on their site and I’m super stoked. Akishop is ftw!


Edit: I posted in the wrong thread

I love boxes!

I already modified my HORI Real Arcade Pro. 2 SA with Seimitsu parts.
Cthulhu PCB and it is good to go.

That’s one beautiful arcade stick. I really wish Hori considers releasing more. :lovin:

i want hrap 3 ex se

Has anyone received tracking number yet?

Got it! Great

The sticks are apparently off the shelf Sanwa arcade sticks ($85 MSRP x2, which helps explain the ridiculous high price), so it should last a while. Even if they break, you can order a replacement stick (might be good to buy one spare just in case they get discontinued).

play asia doesnt even have se posted anymore