Hori Real Arcade Pro 3 SE (PS3) Announced!

Mines should be arriving at my doortstep tomorrow morning. Can’t wait.

Mine’s already in the Midwest! Very fast transit.

Should probably have the stick in my hands by the end of the week easily…

I shouldve had mine today if it wasnt for custom fuckers :annoy:

They will tax it 25%

Hey Markman, where would you put this on your tier list? Or do you need to open it up first?

Just got it, gonna open it up after I eat lunch.


omg chrisz0r u lucky sob!




sweet~ it actually looks better in your pictures somehow :stuck_out_tongue: maybe just looks better in real setting v. ad shot.

mine should be arrivng at my door tomorrow morning. it spent a night at the custom in Chicago…

think these will be available again any time soon? i want to pick one up real bad.

i believe akihabarashop.jp sold out all their stock from Hori. dont know the inventory/order status of other distributors but i’d say these are probably gonna be really limited.

but again, they did have a 2nd release for HRAP3-SA so maybe wait around if you can’t get one during this release…

ordered a red meshball to put on mine .cant wait for that box to get here man that guy lives in hawii and has a se lol

yup the good thing about living in Hawaii is that we get packages from Japan within 2 days of shipping.

I can confirm that the HRAP3-SE works with PS2 games on the PS3 as I just got off playing CvS2 with it.

nice pics… so how does it handle?

^it handles pretty well. I just gotta get used to the seimitsu buttons as I have been using sanwas ever since Feb. It uses seimitsu snap ins so they aren’t convex but more flat on the top of the button.

Damn that thing looks sexy, even better than in the other advertisement photo. If I’m lucky I might get mine tomorrow!

dam it does look better in your pic then the banner

i dont know why people get amazed by the same dummy case and seimistu part. eventhough hori has many more years than madcatz, the case has the same obsolete design.i would get that stick if yjdk how to mod a stick and replace everything with seimitsu part. btw that mexican dude markman should sell some sticks because they are jus sitting in his room and many people would pay a good amount now tha sticks are sold everywhere

its not his fault he has enough money to buy all those sticks a collector is going to collect no matter what it is. if he had lets say 5 360 te sticks just sitting there i guess he could sell 2 or 3 and keep 1 to use and 1 new but thats his business.