Hori Real Arcade Pro 3 SE (PS3) Announced!

Hori Real Arcade PRO 3 SE Unveiled!

Hori has just announced the return of their ?SE? style sticks with the Hori Real Arcade PRO 3 SE (Seimitsu)! The arcade stick is for the PLAYSTATION 3 and will be available exclusively through Hori Store with a limited run of 1 per customer! Priced at 10,000 Yen (about $100 USD), the HRAP3 SE is sure to appeal to the many gamers still on the hunt for a new arcade stick. Good luck with the secondary market prices though! Click below for more details on the stick.

[*]Hori Real Arcade PRO 3 SE (PS3)


[]Seimitsu LS-32-01 Arcade Stick
]Seimitsu buttons PS-14-G & PS-14-D(Start/Select)
[]Stick lever can be set as digital, left analog, or right analog
]Quick disconnects on wiring for buttons
[]USB wired for PC and PS3 compatibility
]PS/Home Button XMB(Cross Media Bar) navigation
[*]Button layout:
[] /\ R1 L1
X O R2 L2
Additional Links:

[*]Official Site Page (Hori)
Where to Buy:

[*]Hori Store

I’m sure Akishop will carry it, maybe the usual suspects Play-Asia and NCSX. Expect to pay a high premium though.


These go on sale 6/25!

That picture makes it look a lot sexier than it will be… :frowning:


Thanks for the update. Not sure if you know this but I got a friend in Japan right now. Are there like “retail brick stores” where someone can just buy one of these sticks on release day?


Oh god, I just knew this had to happen some day! Thank you HORI for bringing Seimitsu back in your sticks!

I know, I like the banner I made over the actual product photo lol!

Perfect, I can’t read japanese.

Looks nice.

dam that stick looks sexy will amazon or any usa stores have them?cant read that hori site lol. only if the tekken 6 stick will be that sexy.

i still want an hrap3sa :frowning:

ugh, grey hraps…

Hey, did anyone catch this?


This is pretty sick!

i want…

Yea… unfortunately 300 dollars sick. ;(

$300 is probably not much more than the SE will cost if people are lucky!

(Not that I wouldn’t mind getting an SE myself…!)

If understood correctly from the Hori website, the SE stick doesn’t release until Monday the 15th.

I’m sure there’ll be listings for it that day on the import sites!

I wouldn’t be that hard on them. Shipping’s outrageous for hardware nowadays and domestic profit margins on these things have to be low unless you really inflate your prices. NCSX is hardly the highest-pricing company in the US. I can think of other places that really do price-gouging pretty well… Mainly in California and Hawaii. Sometimes these other companies pricing are so bad it’d be cheaper to have a stick shipped from Play-Asia!

Are you kidding?

The retail price on the SE is around 100 USD. The retail on the VOOT stick is about 300 USD lol. Come on, you really think that it will cost ‘not much more than the SE will cost’ ?

I’m really pissed Hori comes out with this after I got my TE. I really want those Seimitsu buttons, the 6 red/blackrim and 2 black/blackrims and a Red top LS-32-01. Still in the process of finding the buttons, but I know where I’m getting the LS-32-01 from.

EDIT:Nvm, I just found out where I can get the buttons, no longer angry :smile:. Not akihabarashop because I don’t want to order them, I’d rather pick them up in person, but thanks for the link MarkMan.

Looks hot, I’m definitely gonna try to get one of these babies. Doubt i will though, just wonder on the average price on import sites, then factoring in the shipping to Australia…$$ ching ching $$

Gladly pay for it though, i need an excellent stick this time around.

www.akihabarashop.jp has those buttons. Hurry and place an order before they close up shop.

Smokin’ hot, thanks for the info Markman.

I haven’t ever owned a seimetsu stick before…With this release, now’s a good time to start as any eh?

Good to start as any.
Good to start as any.

Man, that Hori Twin Stick EX is cool.
Made just for Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram for play Xbox LIVE Arcade.
But price is so much high. :sad:

But it does use Sanwa parts.
So that explains the craziness.
Because each of those Digital Trigger Levers are about $90.