Any chances they will also release a HRAP EX SE?
Got a friend who might be interested in this, but only for a 360 edition.
Any chances they will also release a HRAP EX SE?
Got a friend who might be interested in this, but only for a 360 edition.
HRAP EX SE was released a couple of months ago, I wouldn’t count on a re-release.
About the HRAP 3 SE:
I think they should’ve gone with a different color combination (white case maybe), looks a bit like a modded HRAP 3 SA like this.
Although I am thinking of ordering one if akibastore would carry them.
I’ve never tried Seimitsu parts.
I’m interested in getting one but I just recently got a TE… damn it.
I wish I would have known the TE didn’t have BC…Now I have 3 Cthulhu sticks that see much more use than the TE. And now i’m so tempted to buy one of these. Which probably means that the TE will never see the light of day again.
How the hell is an english-only speaking & reading dude supposed to buy from the Hori Store?
What are the odds of them eventually making one with a white base?
Also, is there a snowball’s chance in hell that we will ever see an HRAP3 with the O.G. HRAP1 button layout?
I infinitely prefer it over the HRAP2 layout that has been the 3’s standard.
You can’t. You need a Japanese address to order it. If you know someone in Japan that can help you, I’d suggest going that route.
hey mark any word on what that tekken bundle stick will look like yet?
Not to be nasty, Mark,
But have you ever seen an online vendor charge much less than $30 extra for a LOW-GRADE licensed Hori stick? I’m talking the anime art sticks, not the SAs. Every SA 3 I’ve seen online has been AT LEAST $300! Nobody’s going to price just $10 extra. They tack on at least $30 for the license sticks from everyplace I’ve seen. They’re going to charge for THEIR freight shipping to the States AND more to make a tidy profit. Sure, it might sound unethical to you and me but if somebody is willing to pay that price…!
It’s tremendously expensive to ship any kind of hardware that weighs 10 pounds or more. The shipping services just don’t cut people a break. Only the big companies get good shipping rates. Domestic pricing is bad enough, international shipping is brutal unless you want to wait 3 months for something to show up on your doorstep! I can sort of understand price upgrades in that case. If this were a cheap hobby, there wouldn’t be as many elitists as there are here.
I see a lot of this Hori product is also Japan-only. Unless I’ve got a buddy overseas, I’m not going to be able to order the stick for myself off the website. Most of us don’t have your connections as it were and we can’t get retail cost, period. (Big assumption on my part there. My apologies in advance if you’re paying as much as anybody else usually does.) I don’t know Japanese and even with web translation I still can’t get product because a lot of these Japanese companies won’t ship out of Japan. Either they’re running on a very tight budget and ship Japan-only as a consequence or they just don’t trust most foreigners because they’ve gotten scammed and burned in the past.
Even the regular HRAP’s have been selling for at least $150 lately because of the shortages.
With the value of the higher quality parts in the SA’s it’d be great IF they sold for $100 – let alone $150 – but NOBODY’S selling them that cheap. The cheapest SA you can find online now is the HRAP SA2 and even that “old stick” sells for at least $199 average now. I know people were bragging it was much cheaper months ago but that doesn’t matter… we all live in the here and now.
I’m not interested in the new VOOT, either. There are so few games that use those sticks and I’m happy with the old Saturn VOOT I still own and the Dreamcast adaptor that lets me use it on that system, too. Works just as well as the day I got it, and it sure didn’t cost anything like $300!
Ya know, that’s the one thing I always wanted but never seemed to get. I need an Asian friend. In this case a Japanese friend. Every other color of the rainbow I’ve had but not Asian damn it!
looks nice.
I know all this. I’m saying is. I agree the HRAP SE/SA sticks are going to be way marked up. But the VOOT will see a similar increase. That was the whole point of my post.
Anywho, to step away from that. I can’t imagine this stick going for as much as the HRAP EX-SE. It should be fairly high at first, but I imagine it’ll climb down as the year goes by.
Can I get a reply, MM?
And I payed $95 for a regular one. Fuck.
I guarantee that you won’t be getting an SE from ArcadeShock (that’s where you got it for $95, am I right?) for a mere $100.
Usually when they make an SE/SA edition, they only make one style/design and if they make more there are no changes.
Are you just looking for an HRAP3 with a white base? If so, the Amazon Edition of the HRAP3 is the one you want.
I personally don’t see the HRAP1 layout coming back as a mainstay arcade stick for the HRAP series.
The latest stick to use that layout is the Arcana Heart 2 stick. Since the HRAP2 came out, Hori has stuck with that layout… only refreshing the HRAP1 once for the Amazon edition.
So yea… very slim chance for both IMO ;(
Thanks for the quick reply, MM!
I didn’t think the Amazon one had the HRAP1 layout - does it?
I almost got one from Per, but he himself pointed out to me that I was better off getting a regular HRAP3 stateside.
How fucking cool is that of a seller?
I got 2 HRAP3s for the same price I’d have paid for the Amazon one (after shipping) from ArcadeShock.
I’d hunt one down if it has the HRAP1 layout though.
If not, I guess I’m going to have to have a custom plexi/steel top cut, eventually.
Because the turbo console holes on the HRAP1 and the HRAP3 don’t look like they line up, else I’d switch tops. :sad:
My mistake if I wasn’t clear enough. None of the HRAP3s have the HRAP1 layout.
You can however get a custom top like what vocalninja sells.
I got mine from Amazon when they had free shipping with it. So yeah you’re right, I didn’t factor in shipping.
Daigo is my friend, I asked him to get me this stick