for people that don’t own ps3s?
Shut the hell up Dan! The hell you doing in this thread?! I need a stick for tournaments! :badboy:
Who’s Dan? :razzy:
Name’s Rob…
I’ll give you the tournaments thing… since I don’t have a working PS3 anymore and have a PS3 HRAP as well…
The cost of EMS hurt, but it’s better than not knowing where the package is while waiting for 6-8weeks. The price difference between EMS and SAL wasn’t much though…
ashamed to admit it but i just pre ordered se from japan video games. ouch! anybody know when this beauty hits the street?
June 25, 2009.
$300 ouch!
Ouch. As long as it’s worth it to you no need to be ashamed.
yeah i know. i way overpaid but ive always wanted a pair of exclusive sticks (already got a sa ) it will be cool to campare sanwa vs semitsu .man this forum is costing me money hd fury2 now this. but my birthdays the 23rd hey you only live once
If this is as limited as the HRAP EX-SE, then $300 is a fair amount.
Yea man as long as you are pleased and happy with it. money come and go all the time (goes faster lol)
I wasnt sure to get this stick or the Madcatz TE but im pretty sure i want this now no matter the cost.
from what ihear no backwards compatability with mad catz (couldbe wrong about that ) but iknow my sa has zero issues with ps2 games (third strike ect) on 60gig ps3
Does the HRAP3-SE work with pc?
awesome :tup:
Sexy box indeed.
Ooh la la.
love at first sight
Has anyone received email after paying?
I payed with paypal today because i had to create an account first but on akihabara frontpage it says pay before sunday. I realised they are 9 hours ahead of my timezone so am i too late?