Hori Real Arcade Pro 3 SE (PS3) Announced!

Hmm, crazy. I’ll wait and see how much Play-Asia will have it, but either way, i just got over it all and ordered a default HRAP3.

I figured it’s a far better good starting stick for me (haven’t exactly owned non-cheap ones :P), and will likely serve in the future as my basis for modding perhaps. Would definitely hate to even put my hands on the SE if i got it for that price hahaha. :slight_smile:

Those who do jump in and buy it, enjoy :smiley:

I want that VOOT stick so bad, but gotdam $300 :frowning: will it last for years at least?

pre-orders are open at akihabarashop. price 12990yen ($135)

Already ordered mine from hori.jp. Wish it wasn’t just 1 per customer only though. Gotta ask my friend to get one shipped to his place too. Japanese gf ftw.

Cheapest shipping option is around $50 though. Which would take about 6weeks to 3 months. Thats also IF they get enough in stock. I could only imagine how much PlayAsia is going to charge.

can u hook me up with a jap girl too?:bgrin:

the cheapest shipment to europe is 6 month :zzz:
with the fastest shipment u would have to pay almost twice the cost of the stick including local taxes :lame:

Anyone here get on the pre-order list for Aki?

Wow - that preorder came and went in the blink of an eye :frowning:

I looked last night - not there, look today - all gone.

Nice I got on the pre-order list!

I got that email telling me I’m on the preorder list also. So what do we do now? Do we pay the entire thing with shipping or only a part of the entire payment? The email was kind of vague.

When I got my HRAP3:SA I paid for the whole thing…

Pay the entire thing and it will be shipped out next week (When Hori ships the sticks to Aki). If you have never ordered from Aki, from a first hand experience, its a great store. Per is always on top of things.

I have ordered parts from aki several times, just didn’t understand how the whole pre-order thing went. Thanks for the information.

yup paid in full can’t wait!

Did you go EMS? I did and boy did that put a hole in my wallet

yea I went with EMS and yes it hurt my wallet also lol.

Pre-ordered my stick from Akibarashop.jp, too…

Registered last night and I was good to go when I e-mailed about the stick.

It’s not going to be cheap, but it is around $120-$140 less than any domestic alternatives (including shipping) so far.

I got a very quick confirmation e-mail back from Akibara in the morning and also paid for the pre-order this morning.

Very nice service so far!

Yeah, there’s really no choice but air mail for imports. By cargo ship takes too long and the chances of orders getting ruined by handling/pounding (shipwreck?) increase inordinately with increased amount of shipping. I also like the tracking option on EMS better, too.

Yup I definitely recommend tracking on expensive orders like this.

Hurray for the HRAP 3 SE (PS3) Club! :clapdos: