I got destroyed by Vega(Claw) today! random notes:
claw can punish all headbutts! its a little weird though:
HP - U2, raw EX barcelona, s.mk, further testing by me shows he can also punish with raw c.mk combod into ex barcelona for big damage, don’t do this.
MP - U2, ex barcelona, s.mk
LP - c.mpxxEX barcelona, big damage, can’t punish with U2, can’t punish with s.mk, can’t punish with raw ex barcelona
EX - this is where things get weird. similar to Blanka, Honda’s headbutts somehow recover differently at close and far ranges. if you’re up close trying to blow up a kara throw and do a point-blank reversal EXheadbutt, claw can punish with c.mp(no follow up possible, works with and without his claw). If youre in the corner he can do c.mpxxwhatever and hurt you. If you’re farther away and do a random EXheadbutt, he can’t do anything.
even though his anti-airs suck, his flipkick and U2 will beat anything you have if you jump and he’s sitting on charge. c.hp, s.hk are both good too. jumping isn’t really a good idea.
EXheadbutt beats any of his jump ins if timed right, if timed wrong you get hit out by his jump fierce or roundhouse. S.hp trades in most cases but every now and then one of you will beat the other cleanly. The trade is in honda’s favor though, and the lifelead is the most important thing in this match up.
pushing him to the corner is the only real way to get damage on him when he’s up on life. you can punish an ex barcelona escape attempt with HK/EX buttslam in a lot of cases I think. I had a lot of trouble with this in my matches and a reversal HK or EX buttflop is the only counter I could find to a barcelona where Vega goes through you(gives counterhit damage too). Doesn’t work all the time though but I don’t think he can punish you for trying, just sets up a really shitty spacing and you have to work your way to him again, but that was going to happen whether or not you attempted the punish anyways.
EDIT: further testing shows you can chase claw down with j.mp after blocking ex barcelona if you don’t have charge in some cases.
if vega does a stupid walldive and lands on the same side, EX/HP headbutt or U1 his ass. if he’s stupid and tries to go for random blocked exs into the dive or the throw, cs.hp, NJ fierce, exbuttflop beats him out pretty reliably.