Honda HHS Tutorial Video

ya ochio them ochio them on wake up and then ex headbutt them on wake up i always hae wanted to try that… here is what i do IN THIS ORDER… ochio>crossover mk> grab>walkup crossover mk>>ex hands>cr.jab> ex hands and then when i knock them down i butt slam them lol its nuts

You always want to condition them into thinking that something else is coming before you Oichio, that’s Honda’s only Hoodwink move because it’s good game starts in 5 and gives you a knock down.

@ RSY, just learn to hit confirm the hands to you can bait the jump and push him back into the corner.

top notch tip MrSNK, thanks :smiley:

heh. watched a video where someone was doing Gen’s ticking into snake strike, and he had to wear a glove. maybe that’s what I’m missing. cause gloves are cool.

I hope they were FINGERLESS gloves ;). Those would make you king of the arcade.

Any chance this could get stickied? It’d be a shame to loose this thread to the vast void that is SRK forum obscurity.

quoted for truth!!!


Jewel, if you have a way of recording your PSN matches, let me know how.
oh, and I’ll challenge you tomorrow night. I’ll be rusty though.

Wish I could find the video again. it looked like a bowling glove or something that only had his middel and ring finger covered.

Anybody do xx HHS or xx HHS? They start up in 5 and 7 frames respectively (compared to 4 for cr.lp), and the range isn’t any better. I guess there’s no reason not to block low against Honda, so it’s not worth it? xx HHS or xx HHS would do more damage in a jump-in combo though. lp mp hp lp hp is the button sequence I’ve been using. mk makes for a slightly awkward hand placement considering where the thumb is. is actually a good normal to cancel hhs into cause it has a more forgiving cancel window. The only problem is because of the 3 frame difference, it’s harder to link off of a jumping strong. All the gen players use xx hands and when I feel like mixing up my wake-up meaties, I throw in the occasional, fp hhs, s.rh.

It is much much easier to do, lp, mp, hp, lp, hp instead of c.lp xx fp hhs but again, 3 frames is a huge difference in terms of counter-hits and links.

I’ve been trying to dabble more with xx hhs alot more myself. It’s just the damn hand placement that gets me though due to the fact everytime I land a a fierce headbutt usually follows it up.

add me to your friends list and you can see my champ vid its not as good as previous ones but i did take out a 60k ryu on the way too bad it was the semi-final

Ask and ye shall receive.


:rofl: Thanks, you had me shitting steel kittens for a minute.

Are you using your thumb or your middle finger to hit I use my thumb and I can combo into it about 25% of the time in training mode, but I rarely pull it off in a regular match because of the massive execution requirement. I’ve spent hours to get to this point. I literally practice pianoing all the time. I can be in conversation with someone and I’m pianoing on my leg. I can be driving and I’m pianoing on the steering wheel. The first person who can pull this off consistently in tough matches will officially be the master of Honda. My bets are on Akimo.

Sick sick SICK videos. Hella lulz too which is also never a bad thing.


Hey Mr.Snk nice set of games before Ihavent played in like 2 months about but I wanted to let ya know I found another method for my HHS combo.
It makes it much faster and not as much effort to do.

When we play again I will invite ya into a chat and I will explain it to ya.

so i don’t think i’ve seen it mentioned yet in the forums but you can also do hhs with a tsuji cancel.

the input is:
lp, mp, hp, hp (now hit lk or mk while your still holding down the 2nd hp)

(you can actually use hk as well since move priority in this case does not matter but it just feels more awkward hitting hk)

basically the hp then pressing a kick registers and hp, hp + mk… and that gives you the two inputs you need to complete hhs.

you have to do it really fast and get used to pressing hp slightly before mk or lk (because pressing them at the same time doesn’t work), but doing it this way prevents ex hands from coming out.

anyway, it’s pretty easy if you get used to it and hhs does not come out if you whiff a move. it’s also really easy to do crouch mk - hhs this ways since your thumb is already in position.

and crouch mk - hhs in general is really easy, actually easier than crouch jab - hhs because you have more time to do it. you just have to get used to it.
me and ken i started doing this basically as soon as console came out since it’s +40 dmg over crouch jab, leaves you closer to the opponent so that hits more, and hits low instead of mid.