Hamilton December Thread

sorry to hear dude :S i told ya my work schedule so i can do casuals pretty much when im not workin

hey dave, drop me a msg over MSN or sumthing when you get home ASAP, thx! Left a msg on your phone too, haven’t got a reply yet so hopefully you check here… and yes, it involves street fighter :rolleyes: LoL

Wow, dialup sucks…even worse than the cable lite crap I have.

Posting on my parents’ comp in Hamilton. Not staying long…back to TO tonight for an exam tomorrow.

Good news is its looking like I’m free up on the 18th…so I’ll probably see some of you guys there…

Is there still going to be a 3S thing this Thursday at Mohawk?

no 3S at mohawk on thursday.
got no replies.


man you fools need to post more


Im lookin for CvS2 for ps2 anyone know where I can get a legit copy (ps2 isnt modded)

yo vince… don’t worry bout the woman, there’s plenty. if you’re havin casuals after the 18th, drop me a line. got exams till then.

see ya

it’s all cool now doods… i just had to hold that shit down and show her whats there in front of her face… and not to RC that shit out.


Hehe Gotta love using terms in every day situations.


Check various EB (Limeridge Mall, Centre Mall, Eastgate), Microplay (Jackson Square, Queenston Mall), and even Toys 'R Us locations (Upper James), but if none of those stores carry any copies left, you’ll probably have to order it online somewhere.

Anyone going to Mohawk (or even Mac) this week?
The Cove is open this week 'till Thursday and closes as early as 4 PM.
Whoever’s going to that tourney on the 18th, I suggest you go down to Mohawk and practice up.
Just post and let me know when you can go, so I can help you warm up for the 18th.
Hamiltonians, represent!

Ike, was gonna call you today (forgot), I hope you catch this message before tomorrow, 'cause I’m gonna call you around 10-11 AM tomorrow to see if you can cum over for casuals with me and Vince.
He’s gonna bring his stick, I’ll have mine; should be fun.

was at work/school today…cove was open but I think was closed at 2pm maybe even earlier due to the fact that it was really dead…i’ll be at the school tomorrow and wednesday for work…if I take a break I’ll stop by if people post up that they’re gonna go

who’s going now on the 18th?

me me me!

too bad i cant do casual with you guys during the day =(
work interferes with everything. :sad:

In the clear thus far unless some family stuff comes up :rolleyes: Mostly coming for the hanging and learning factor… not like I’m going to beat anything more than a 10 yr old kid, and that chance is probably slim :sad: And plus, I’m going to bring some extra money to reward you with a HelloKitty PEN for all the help u’ve given me this semester :lol: … oh, and while we’re there, come check out my HelloKenny shop by the escalators going up to the second level! :clap:

Ok so far me john and rey are in for the trip to orbitz on the 18th. Mario said he’s in but has done one of his disappering acts. So i guess i got 2 more spots open in the car. So who else wants in.

kenny>>you sure that hellokenny isn’t that pacmall-pron shop…

darko>>where are we gonna meet up for the 18th??

jimmy>>let me know when you got days off…i’ve been hanging with geoff and his cousins lately having x-box sessions…if you can show then we’ll have 3 xbox’s for linkplay…oh yeah…I SWORDED EVERYBODY…it’s so cheap :nunchuck:

if u guys manage to still have room do u guys wanna stop by sauga and give me a lift :smiley: it’s on the way i swear!

Me, vince and possibly ed are goin in my car

Rey >> Don’t know where we can meet. Im out in stoney creek john is by eastgate. dunno where u live. Ill pick you up wherever u want.

Cool to hear a bunch of Hamiltonians are making the trip to Orbit this Sat. The party I was supposed to go to has officially been canceled so I’ll see you guys there.

I Need A Spot