Hamilton December Thread

darko im still in add me to msn darkhadou2001@hotmail.com

You forgot about meeeeee!! :crybaby:

dsquintz69, who is this person? and what is eds name on here?

K mario ur in and if Ike wants in I can drive him to

darko>> me, mario and IKE are on the mountain…so i’m guessing it would be best if us 3 met up at a single location for you to pick us up…

are we still planning to get there by 11am to adapt to the sticks?

very good idea rey, but where would be a suitable place to meet up. Maybe limeridge mall, since its pretty much righ when you get up here from stoney creek, and im sure we can all make it to the mall. oh and adapting to the sticks is much needed, lmao.

Rey, Darko, Vince, your orders are burned and will be ready for the ORBIT tournament. Please make sure you have the money ready for me.

Vince; if you have any other parties that want these sets please let me know ASAP so I can make adjustments.

Rey; what games were you looking for? I can’t seem to recall.

Hey Justin,

Bug Simon (Orbits Manager) he needs to pay me the fuck up LOL j/k i’ll have the money then.

In any case, i plan to enter, atleast two tourneys… 3S for sure… and possibly CVS2 or CFJ… who wants to be part of team Juicebox? (just some random name)


whats this burning thing your talkin about justin

Im dave, from the cove.

Oh kenny i forgot to tell ya, theres not enough room in my car, your gonna have to ride in the trunk :badboy:


Will be at Mohawk today (Wednesday) to entertain and protect Vince from old, horney Mohawk security guards.
Better bring 'em coins, 'foo, or no SF (The Cove will not carry any quarters).

So if anyone wants to get his ass kicked, you know where to find me.
looks at Mario

Hey Dave,

Whos in our car?? i thought it was just me you and ed. I figured Ike was going with Darko in his car. Clarify this shit cuz i want Kenny to go (he enver goes to shit liek this LOL)


ya i wanna be there by 11 to give some warmup time. I think if i leave my house at 9:30 we should be ok. If u guys are gonna meet up somewhere you might wanna tell me wheter ur meeting. Just an idea.

Justin I dont remeber placing an order for something, but if its a copy of evo2k4 or T5 then ill buy it. How much i owe u?

justin>>i sent you a PM with the order

darko>>i think we could go with mario’s idea for me mario and IKE to meet up at lime ridge mall for you to get us

jamie>>are you in hamilton this week at all?

Bah, I asked you 3 days ago and you told me you had room, oh well, back to making plans for the weekend… RETARD! :bluu:

I’ll talk to Dave… he’s messed up something somehwere…


no im just playin, its kenny me Vince and ed(unless the gf dcides to tighten his whip)

Of course i’m goin on saturday u nub. I think i’m gonna hit up the cove tomorrow too. does anyone even show up there anymore?

I have absolutely nothing to do tomorrow but I’m not sure if I’m going to make a trip to Hamilton or not…I’ll let you know if you’re on MSN tonight…

And Dave fooled you hellokenny…haha, you got se…oh wait, not supposed to say that anymore… :xeye:

Hey guys, I know all of you don’t know me, so I’m hoping that someone remembers who I am. My name’s Garfield and I play at MAC with the lower tier characters. If that doesn’t spark any recollections, I’m the ‘other’ black guy (not aaron, in other words).

If you’ve been to MAC recently, you’ll notice that I’ve pinned up a sign-up sheet for a small 3S tourney sometime within the first 2 weeks back from holidays. The official scheduling for it will be posted as soon as I’m finished my last exam (Dec.21/04), so I’ll keep everyone posted on that. If there are any preferences for times that you cannot make (if you’re interested in going that is), then just post’em here and I’ll try to schedule it around those times.

Note: this is the first tourney that I’ve ever done, so just be patient with me, as I’d like this to be an experience that benefits all within our growing community. If you have any suggestions on things that I should do to make things run more smoothly or things that are essential to executing a tournament, feel more than free to express your views.
