Hamilton December Thread

Ha, I started this one!!!

dammit, i was hoping everybody was sleeping when i wake up to start this new thread and go to work.

Am I the only one who can’t believe its fucking December already?

Ill post it again. If you wanna go to Nagata ii lockdown hit me up on msn. Darko_pavletic@hotmail.com Mario says he’ll go so i guess im going for sure then. If im on away leave me a message ill get to it eventually.

Just a heads up Im starting the next thread a week early just to make sure im the one who starts it.

Yeah it’s a scary thought when you wonder where the year went.

Darko; please make sure you and Mario and anyone else coming is 100% in before letting me know of your attendance. Considering your distance I don’t want to be in a situation where I didn’t let people come and then you said “well it’s so far we decided against it.”

Looking forward to seeing you guys.

ya justin ill let you know by the end of the week. Everyone that goes will be 100% and if i come i can bring a tv.

Just posting to see if anyone has a good MS access 2000 book that they would like to GIVE/sell to me.

suprnova will be your hero in that case buyingselling software. thats a joke nowadays

darko>>can you put me down for a spot in your car for NGL3…i’m 95% sure i’m going…gotta confirm that this b-day party is on dec 11 not the 18th…i’ll find out tonight

i saw jamie on the list for it…vanny are you going also?? anybody else??

Sorry dood, I don’t think that I’ll be going to NLD3. I think that I’ll be going to Boston with my parents to visit some relos.

CAR = IKE will go…end of discussion on that

i hate ET161, fuckin eltricity…hate that class

darko>>ok i’m in 100% for NDL3

Rey; you may be confused. The original date for NLD3 was 12/18/2004 but I moved it up one week to 12/11/2004. I thought it best to clarify.

I didnt say software i said book. Unless you want to give me free lessons on how do use access?

Dam 3 posts in one day. What a slow day at work.

oooo that date moving might be tight for me if i got exam that saturday…but highly unlikely since i have 2 of the 7 classes done by the end of MOnday, maybe even more…havent checked them all…What we gotta do on our part? So bringing a tripod if i can coax my buddy into lending it.

alright, I didn’t know the date got moved up…in that case I’m a no-show

jamie>> teach me ibuki in the new year…I got 10 wins somehow today and all I did was D.hk chains :lame:

yeah… lets get CVS2 at mohawk… EVEN BETTEr… MVC2 lol…


I’ll be back sometime before the holiday season. Not the weekend I thought I would be since I’m going to Nagata Lock Down now on the 11th but I’ll probably be back on the Friday after since I have to be there that weekend for my girlfriend’s cousin’s engagement party. I’ll drop by the Cove that day if people are going to be there and not bogged down by exams…

P.S. I’m learning 3S Chun…yay :xeye:

access book, eh sorry then i cant really help you out

ya, you damned, no-skill cheap ass! :shake: Our split-second super execution was pretty cool, except you tricked me into a second one and tired to chip-kill me the third! Ya, thatz right, I’ve caught onto your dirty tricks, haha! Better stick to my Chun-Li 'cuz Ibuki takes way too much damage, and on top of it with the lack of health. Maybe a skilled player could use her effectively (ie. Jamie), but for a newb player like me I got an ass-kicking and a half, although I did get two wins on you (gotta rant about it somewhere! :clap: LoL)

But you already gave me an ass kicking with your chun the other day already!! :wow: That is NOT cool, now I’m going to get killed even worse!! :crybaby:

Random_Hero >> MS Access is gay, and you probably won’t need the book. I ended up buying it, and then returning it because it was so useless. Well, not useless, but the stuff you can find in there, you can find elsewhere, and unless you’re going into hardcore database, I’m sure you can pass any first-level database course without the book. As hard as it gets… hrm… maybe relationships and a few simple SQL statements (just memorize them before the exam, heh) and thatz about it. The book is quite costly, and unless you’re doing access long-term, ain’t worth it! :smile:

BWAH im loosing my edge at that dmaned arcade. I really shoudl block more hehehe and try to win and play a bit smarter, and actually do the things i say…ugh

unreal rey, unreal, silly ibuki, so basic, HK chains, into Sa1 baits.

Oh me and Nam were also trying out the 80% Yun combo as stated in the CFE manual…TIGHT TIMING is my cimment. and it is practical considering it is started off lp lk mp chain into Youhou …etc…rest of combo…etc. I also see exactly why now you no longer play 3s yun. commands are different, inputs are differnt and everything cept for command motions are differnt (youhou reveresed excluded).

mwahahah no elec lab tomorrow MWAHHAHAHA

yeah we need CvS2 in the cove…then it be perfect. I cant log onto the eStarburst site for some gay reason so i might get a petition going out side of which seeing how many peopel want to get this board in there and peace out CvS.