Kenny… if you dont’ already know… Darko is a Network admin grad… lol… he just wants the book… Darko i’ll sell that shit to you… but BRING BACK MY GUNDAM SEED FIRST :lame:
Kenny… if you dont’ already know… Darko is a Network admin grad… lol… he just wants the book… Darko i’ll sell that shit to you… but BRING BACK MY GUNDAM SEED FIRST :lame:
Vince, did you mod that Soul Cal joystick of yours? It was pretty sweet. Is it for PS1 or 2. And would a PS to DC connector work for it?
Hello Hamilton,
My friend and I have made a site It is a Canadian Street Fighter site that plans to unite the 10 major Canadian SF regions. The site design is done for the most part so what we are doing now is advertising it in hopes that we can attract as many players from each of the 10 regions as possible. More info on the larger scope of the site can be found in our statement, which is on the main page. I encourage everyone to join as the Canadian SF scene is not very united and this could be a good chance for everyone to come together. So far, I thank Justin (aka Nagata Lock II) for agreeing to help with communication among the Greater Toronto Area (GTA SF). If anybody else from any of the respective regions would like to help us, here is what we are basically in need of at the moment.
If you are not interested in being part of the team, then we would appreciate if you could agree to join the players league. An example of Eric (aka JS Master) shows what questions must be answered. Once completed, please make me aware of your decision on SRK by PM or my alternate form of contact is MSN ( or add Morpheus). That email is also the email I check. Either of these contacts are fine for me, but the easiest is probably email.
I thank you for your time, and hope there is some interest.
hmmm Hamilton is pretty spread out… it’s hard to say who would represent the entirety of Hamilton… I would say Rey… but he’s already so busy… LOL school, job, owned by g/f… that and he’s retired…It’s hard to say… i’ve done a few things here and there… but mostly for the EG/Mohawk SF players, i dont’ know anyone down at Mac other than people i already know because they play at EG/Mohawk or post here. I don’t nkow who to recommend to you to help you out with that dood. we’ll have to see what everyone else says.
Hey guys,
Today I officially joined the team and the first thing i have to set out to do is get player profiles. SO if you would all be so kind as to, send me your profile through Email ( it would be appreciated.
Here’s the Criteria
Favorite Game:
Favorite Characters:
Video: (link me or send me this on MSN if you have one you want to post)
Thats it for now, so if you guys could all send that info to me i’d appreciate it. I’ll also be collecting info from those who dont’ come on the boards here, so if any one starts posting here that normally doesn’t i’ll get there info that way.
P.S The forums are now up, please go to them by going to clicking on the news link and there is a link there for the forum. If your lazy use
Please Register
Name: Darko Pavletic
Age: 21
Nickname: RandomHero(With a name like Darko you don’t really need a nick name)
Rivals: Everyone in Hamilton i guess
Favourite Game: CVS2
Favourite Characters: Iori, Vega, Captain Commando , Dizzy, Demitiri
Video: The up and coming Anna Kournikova sex tape.
History: Used to think i was good at cvs2 cause of live. Then played against Vanny, Rey, Jaime, and Jimmy and realized I sucked. Been trying to catch up to those bastards ever since.
Gonna stick with this team. A - Vega, Iori, Blanka. once i learn to sho sho sho gonna replace iori or blanka with sak.
Hey guys, ORBIT installed Capcom Fighting Jam last night (Thursday) and we are adding it to the final ORBIT tournament of the year on Saturday December 18th. With the game fresh and everyone actually playing it (if only for now before it’s too late) I suggest everyone in Hamilton get their shit together and make their way to Markham for what will probably be the biggest tournament outside of T5 (the end of the year tourney is typically very big and will be all the bigger with a new game).
Rey; no excuses. I know you have the day free. Use your influence and get everyone on the ball. :tup:
ike>>yeah man I can’t play any CFE 3s characters on 3S anymore…it’s just not the same
as for the orbit tourny…I will attend this tourny if I can get a drive there…so if somebody is planning on going and is willing to drive me…then i’m there for sure…i’ll also chip in for gas money like I always do…
since it’s after exams hopefully more of hamilton can show up and take part in this experience
Sorry, I’m not gonna be able to make this tournament. Me and the wife are going to a birthday lunch (seriously, who the fuck has a b-day lunch), and then go skating at harbourfront. So I’m out. Rep the Hammer Rey Rey.
thx man…ill add it in a few days top…maybe tonight. Have u registed with our forums yet?
Fuck, I was going to go to Orbit today and would have gotten to play some CFJ but girlfriend talked me out of it to do shopping…fuck, fuck, fuck…oh well…
Unless something changes, I won’t be able to make the Orbit tourney on the 18th. Only reason I’m able to make it to Lockdown is cause it was moved to the 11th…DOH
I have heard things that the thing I’m supposed to go to on the 18th might be canceled…Add in a Hyper AE tourney that day and I really hope it does get canceled so I can make it. :karate:
EDIT: Yo Vanny, from your MSN nick a couple days ago, are you going to P Mall this weekend? Let me know and I’ll try to somehow miraculously make my way out there…
good games rey, how is my dudley so far? ive only had minimal practice. Oh and DAMN your ORO to HELL!!! LMAO
If im free the 18th ill be able to drive to the tourney. But im not sure if im free then. Dont wanna promise ill be there and then not show up. As for NDL3 looks like im out, unless someone can talk me into it. You have until 1pm sunday to talk me into it.
mario>>good dudley stuff man…we should play more mirror matches to learn more…my dudley is getting there also…but my SA is better…cause I do 1millionpunchesintheface
darko>>alright, well if you decide on going to orbit, let me know and we’ll discuss what’s up with it…or MSG me on MSN…I would like to get into fighters again since school’s done
jamie>>wahTAH :tdown:…oh and with rose…you can do alphacounter xx VC
edit: was talking with IKE>>and we don’t get how nobody wants to play us on 3S…so if it’s gonna be like that for the newer games then nobody will play cvs2 like mario said since people are good on that…and with mvc2 also people won’t play if somebody beasts on that also…:lame:
I figured as much. Come to think of it, it might not be as broken as I thought…but we’ll see… :karate:
lmao, rey who is sayin they dont wanna play you or ike on 3s, lol, thats some funny shit, oh and rey ill be glad to play some mirror matches against you.
If Mohawk gets CVS2 and MVC2, I’m thinking about my education again!!!
Cove + MVC2 + CVS2 + Next Mohawk Semester = CONFIRMED.
do you break with a crew ?