Are you sure??? Cause I actually have been debating on coming back to school.
Vanny…here’s the scoop…
Time to go register at Mohawk, Vanny…:lol: Funny thing is Jimmy is starting there around that time too IIRC.
If all of this stuff is coming in, you basically have a cove that is as good as York’s.
All you need now is to request that the Cove be open later hours and weekends I think…(Colleen could just work her normal shift and they could leave the place open later or something?)
Check this…about the people at that cove not playing anybody who is currently beasting…I have discovered a root to the evil…they will not play when there is only say 1 or 2 quarters lined up…the more quarters there are makes them think it will be a long time between matches so if they loose they wont be able to play again anyways…and if they win then it willbe a while until the beast gets back on…thats my theory.
All you car owning fruits make me jealous…i can never go anywhere cause of my lack of wheels…seriously NAm get a shift change or something…work DAYS!!!
Fuckin exams i hate them…
Ewww… gross! When I grad, I wouldn’t even go near that stupid book. Probably wasn’t the course, but the teacher made it shit, therefore my perception of database fundamentals is of pure hatred!
My theory, boycott them until they get bored and/or beat the game. It’s only fun if the beast has PEOPLE to beast, the computer really ain’t that challenging (as you can see, they get quite the enjoyment from fighting ‘parry’ characters, ie. Sean). Last time Rey came to the arc with me, he was like… “Aww, there’s no one here, I’m leaving”, therefore I can conclude that it is other players to play against, making it exciting to play 3S. Since we can’t control the number of players who come in, by controlling who plays while “the beast” is on, he (or she… ya right, we wish :rolleyes: ) will eventually get bored, leave, move on, or beat the game, thus allowing other more… uhhh… ‘equal’ players to practice. Of course my theory has yet to be tested since some ppl like to ruin my boycott, hehe!
Of course as much as I try to boycott them, I end up submitting to my addiction to 3S, and end up literally, wasting quarters on it :lame:
My Current Boycott list for 3S regulars at Mohawk:
- Rey (except for his Urien)
- Mario (Most chars)
- Ike (Urien)
- Nam (Urien, Ken, Yun, Yang)
- That tech dude… dunno his name, but I want to barf on him more than I would wanna barf on Rey! (Akuma, Urien… probably all chars)
- Teddy (All chars except his Ibuki… :lol: )
Note: If you are on that list, I currently hate you. :woot:
But seeing as how I’ve played all these guys in the past few days or so… LoL, doesn’t appear to be going well.
Hey man, 3S is one thing… even with the embarassment I’ll play you in 3S, but when that cvs2 machine comes in, I’m staying the hell away from that :tup:
nice so xcaliber will play me, wooooo
Someone tell me when mvc2/cvs2 come in so i can do some friday afternoon beasting next semester.
I may also Go to orbit, Vince is starting to talk me into it so i can most likly drive id just like the people im drinving to chip in a lil change for gas
ike>> i dunno if it’s the quater line cause i’ve been there many times with like 6 people standing on the other said waiting for me to beat the game…same as when you play with urien…they watch…but if they know they’ll lose then it’s understandable…but if they want to learn how to get better…they gotta play right
ooo more fighters at COVE…that’s good…not sure about some of the bemani games…but fighters are good…time to practice mvc2 again
edit::damn i type slow…anyways…yeah i agree with kenny…i understand that people need to practice against people on their own level to get better…and he knows that I only find it fun to play other people…cause CPU is boring to play…it’s just to me I don’t like 3s that much…I just play it cause it’s there to play…so It’s only worth it to me to play other people than the CPU…anyways…so when they get mvc2 and cvs2…i’ll stay on those machines way more than 3s since i’m 10x better on cvs2 than on 3s…on another note…might sound stupid and hypocritcal but I’ll play the CPU on mvc2 on cvs2 anyday just to practice combos more…it’s hard to pull off ken’s CC consistently :lol:
Another thing for Mohawk people is you should set up some times for casual gaming at some people’s houses…that way you can practice more without throwing all your quarters away. Set some shit up, get together and practice. These casual events generally tend to be a lot of fun too considering you’re chilling with a bunch of people…
Trash talking is a lot more fun at casuals too… :tup:
The other thing to get better is just to ask one of the better players some tips…I don’t know anyone in Hamilton who would be rude to you or anything if you asked for a tip or two. I gave a few tips to uhmmm…forget his name, starts with a K… :xeye: …for Ibuki at the Cove when I was there.
Also, take a look at some MATCH vids(avoid combo vids for the most part really) on the net too…take what you learn, incorporate it into your style and then take on some of the better people at Mohawk and see if you’ve improved…
EDIT: Oh yeah, and learn from your mistakes…if you’re doing one thing over and over again and it isn’t working, its generally a good idea to try something different. This is probably the #1 reason why people get labeled “scrubs”… :karate: these type of people try the same pattern over and over and start to whine when it doesn’t work…:lol:
Ya, you don’t come too often (or at least I don’t see you a lot) so I wouldn’t mind wasting a few quarters on you. And plus, I put up a good fight against your Chun until you passed it to Jamie :razzy:
That was Keiyu, wasn’t it? It was some good tips too 'cuz I was stealing some of those tips and rocking (temporarily) with Ibuki until Rey went all-out on me! :tdown: Anyone know where I can find some JWong videos? I heard he’s t3h masta at turtling with Chun, I gotta learn some of that shit so I can turtle my way through at Mohawk! HA.
Go xx super kick, yay!
jamie>>yeah man I know what u mean about the not learning thing…at mohawk I test people out…IKE knows what I mean…I keep on doing the same thing over and over until they realize how to block it…funny at times…while IKE and NAM yell out “HOLD BACK TO BLOCK”
kenny>>you’re learning lots so far which is good since you just picked up 3s and using arcade sticks…oh and you don’t need Jwong vids of chun li…just play full screen and press FP now n then for bar…and wait for them to get close to you to attack…it’s basically turtling which is a defensive style of play…remember when you’re winning you don’t have to attack…they need to attack you so they leave themselves open…then you do your xx super
picking up joysticks was a pain. I guess since the SFII and the original capcom series died down, I stopped playing out on the arcades are pulled back to playing them on computer (which is great since itz FREE! haha… Gotta love being a cheap Asian). I’ve gotten so used to the keyboard, that is why you always say I execute my super motion too fast, because on keyboard, it needs to read in a fast swift-motion instead of a slow motion on the joystick. And plus, itz so easy doing moves on the keyboard, because a key is a key, not a ‘point’ of the joystick that you need to hit. Once I hit the key, I know it’s coming out for sure. K3yB0@rD 4 LyF3 … wow, that was so gay… oh wait, LoL, remember that picture? hahaha!!
Oh and hey, being the smart man you are, you fixed the “3-punch lockup” problem on the keyboard. Remember how I couldn’t do the counter in kawaks because TYU locked up when I tried to hit all 3? I moved them to UIO, and KL; and it works great. My fingers are still getting used to being so far apart as compared to before, but at least I can use 3p or 3k. You should get a decent computer and come join me n’ Whorehay over Kalliera netplay! He’s pretty damn good, I’m trying to draft him over to SF! :lol:
Actually, you got it mixed up. The rounds you put up a good fight with Chun were against me. It was Teddy that rocked you actually. I sucked when I was using Teddy’s Chun, though not half as badly as Teddy sucked using my Ibuki…:lol: So, yeah, you beat my Chun, not Teddy’s so add him to your boycott list…:lol:
Keiyu…yeah, damnit, that was it. Sorry to Keiyu for forgetting his name. The world needs more Ibukis and less Kens in my opinion…
Next time I come to the cove, remind me to put some Japanese 3S on a CD for you to look at…either that or ask Vince since I’m sure he has a ton of that hardcore shit.
JWong Chun Li is pretty much like Rey said. Turtle and run away and wait for the openings. A few Chuns at Orbit play that way too and its really tough to crack…
Damn… Teddy is going straight onto the boycott list! Speaking of Ibuki, I’m actually thinking of picking her up once I get my execution and stuff down. She’s a fun character to play (plus, with my immense obessesion of her) but sadly takes a crap load of damage, meaning I’ll have to learn how to parry (properly) to effectively use her. Definitely a great char to use 'cuz of her potential to do rushdowns, unlike chun which I haven’t seen any practical use of her rushdowns.
And of course, I finally got to borrow Vince’s DC/3S/Joystick, which is kick ass, 'cuz on Day 1 of my training, I’ve learned a crapload of stuff already, including chun-li’s arsenal of cancels, and the hit confirm on her Can’t wait until Rey comes online so I can rant about it!
Then again, most of the stuff I did was in training mode, and against AI… not sure if I could pull it off against human players, or with the stress (and also the cost of 2 quarters for losing). Anyways, since I have the equipment now, I can go ahead with my planning of clubbing Rey, kidnapping him, locking him up in my basement, and forcing him to reveal all his SF secrets, and to watch him execute moves all day! CHEERS! :party:
Kenny = God Tier Chun Whore.
nuff said.
just finished playing Ibuki now! Fun fun fun!! So many moves to remember, so many target combos, and so hard to do (dude, I just finished mastering QCF/QCB, and now I have to do it in the AIR?!!), but she is t3h r0XorS! She’s kick ass, aside from her outrageous hawtness :hitit: , she’s a great char for confusing the hell outta the other player… and being able to dash-crossover on the other side… omfggggggg!!! Kenny has official gone 3S crazy! End-of-Transmission. :wow:
I suck at all games, play me.
EDIT: Good luck to hamilton in 3s on the 18th, i’d be surprised if any of you beat someone that’s not from hamilton, no offense
Yo Kenny…
:r::df::lk::d::db::l::hp: rules
hey kenny, where you live? maybe i can drop by and we can do some casual stuff in 3s and cvs2. I need to pratice up my makoto. :karate:
reason is I went for a session with one crew in hamilton, but I forgot their name ;o
psstt… That for Ibuki?
I live in the Creek. Bad idea though, I don’t have any equip 'cuz this one I just borrowed from RXS temporarily with only one joystick. I wonder if Mohawk will keep running those LAN and Console parties, if so, I or someone else from Mohawk can sign you in so you can come along. The only other console that I own is my SNES, but that is slowly collecting dust!
Speaking of which, e’nuf typing… must go back to playing!!! :wow: