Could be…maybe…maybe not :tup:
John lives in the Creek too and has his own stick as well(and its killer) and was actually at the last LAN party…
Could be…maybe…maybe not :tup:
John lives in the Creek too and has his own stick as well(and its killer) and was actually at the last LAN party…
oh ya? Well I probably would’ve met him if I didn’t get pwned by my mommy. :shake: That’s what you get for being obedient!
weekend before finals + 3s + kenny = 80% avg :lol: even if you don’t write your exams you’d get like 75%, but then you’d get dis-owned…and your girl will rape your ass…although rumour has it…hellokenny enjoys that type of thing…
nay! Kenny will maintain a 95 average, and so will she according to our agreement! So far I’ve only screwed up on one quiz, and one test (stupid AMA) that has been below our agreeable standard. All my classes I already have a 70+ or so mark, so I can scrap the writtens and still pass, but of course according to my parents, I must always get at least 101%. Oh, wait until my parents come at you and Vince with a 10ft long bamboo stick if I get 99 instead of 100. Hellokenny likes all sorts of miscellaneous sex, although I’m not fond of your ideas with those clothpegs that you tried to give me last time… :xeye: And disowned? Thatz too easy of a punishment… they’d probably hang me in front of my house to serve as public humiliation, and to make their point clear that this family will kill all failures. Luckily, they only have one son, so if I die, they have no one else to torture
I remember when I first got my SNES… I played so much that my fingers blistered and I cried (come on, I was only 8!)… now with a joystick I can play all day! Lol :bgrin: now I can be a bigger nerd than I already am!
Oh, and when everyone has time, come check out !! :encore:
Edit: Damn, only one post from Rey today… he must be really studying hard!
Ya, I was insulting Rey and his Hello Kitty pencil, so he counter-insulted me with hellokenny. Thatz WEAK!
gg’s to whoever I was beasting on today at orbit :]
i got beasted by kens and ran out of tokens
damn that chick in your avatar is hot yellowS4 :wow:
anywayz … Jimmy, you work for telus? I figure you have inside info on this matter. Can you tell me anything about the Mike network? how good is it in terms of distance between 2 ppl? say from one end of hamilton to the other end of stoney creek. How much would it cost per month and are there any extra charges on anything else?
if you dont work for telus then gratz to me for type this worthless post. :devil:
Wasn’t me this time… :tup:
I do plan on fucking people up on the CFJ machine at Orbit…then again, hell, nothing ever goes as planned for me… :xeye:
Ya, like you *getting served * by Dave!
lol stop trolling Jaime’s loss to Dave, everyone losses every once in a while to stupid stuff… like Jwong losing to Daigo… thats stupid… shit happens… LOl it’s not like people dont’ lose to hellokenny sometimes…
The only thing i’m goign to troll Jaime for is “YOU GOT SERVED”
Jay, you were beasting on Chhen. He’s not on SRK.
Did you have to put getting served in italics? :wtf:
Now, I really regret saying “You got served…” :xeye: :lol:
Good games to vanny and john on saturday. Think i finally got over my lack of ability to beat aaron. Hahahah Random Blackness. Also realized A groove takes to much skill(I cant push 2 buttons at the same time) and thinking to land. Im in for the year end tourney at orbitz. So far its me, rey, im gonna put john down even tho he hasnt been confirmed, which leaves me with 2 more spots in my car, and mark my words at the tourney im gonna get my first win ever against rey. I can feel it.
darko>>alright man…it’s on…i’ll see you in the finals heh…we’ll probably play each other in losers or something since they set up the brackets so that people from the same gaming group don’t play each other early on
4 more exams to go…then i’m out of retirement and back to SF training for me :nunchuck:
But itz so wrong though! That’d be like Rey losing to me… :wow:
Losing to Hellokenny is sad… Anyone who loses to me deserves a swift kick in the nuts. :rolleyes:
kenny no way your kickin me in t3h nuts! i lose to you cause i keep trying to parry your b+HP lol then i get stunned you have bar and its just a big mess :lame:
i’m in for the “end of year” tourney at orbits.