We have confirmation on john. So that leaves only 2 spots left. Rey we can’t play each other in the losers bracket because i don’t plan on going to the loser’s bracket. :nunchuck:
"good question… But i wouldn’t know cause i work for Tele-PLUS. basically our company represents both FIDO and TELUS. Mikes phones are exclusive to Telus, so thats why we dont carry them. So, in other words, ur post was pretty pointless, so i suggest just going to the telus corporate store and asking yourself. But as far as the regular telus phones go, they’re REALLY good when it comes to reception almost NEWHERE. Still has the most towers (despite fido and rodgers merging and having 3X more towers than b4) so its pretty neck and neck between the 2 companies, but you cant forget that telus has no roaming fees when customers go on an analog network. Plus pretty much ALL of telus’ phones have analog capability, unlike fido, rodgers, BELL (UgggH)which only have digital coverage. BUT if your just going to stay wichin the 905 region, getting a regular cell phone shouldnt be a problem. well, thats my 2 cents neway
PS, ive been playing TOO much halo 2, and OHH, the SF AE arcade stick comes out today, hope i get my pay today cause last friday they screwd me and my fellow employees in the ass. DAMN THEM, they screwed me a good 250$!!! but they did say they’d place the money in my bank monday morning. "
hey jim>>
check out this thread and reply…i dunno what kind of converter you got
darko>>damn…you’re right…I always plan on going to the losers bracket cause people don’t walk into my full screen raging storm
I’m sure you’ll stay in the winner’s bracket so long as you bring your lucky Hello Kitty pen, dude. :tup:
Its not that odd. I actually have a reputation for sucking when the pressure is on. Yay me! :nunchuck:
darko can i get one of those spots
Bah Rey, we both got nailed in this post… must find way to get revenge… REVENGE!! :arazz:
oh revenge on jamie is easy
just say
or jamie…how’s it being WHIPPED by the WIFE…wahTAHHHHHHHH
or quoting jamie on his reputation for sucking…which goes back to his all-boy school days
Oh man… you’re serious? Good god.
K mario you got the spot. One more spot left. Then again someone else could drive then we’d have 5 more spots, and if they have a van it’d be 7 more spots. Nothing to do at work so im just posting for the sake of posting. :lame:
Count me in Darko
and here’s another revenge on Jaime thing.
Its NOT true…:annoy: Why the hell do I come back to Hamilton every now and then for this punishment anyways?
Why the hell is Rey so interested in my so-called all-boy school days anyways? Time to come out of the closet I think…come on Rey, Follow Jimmy’s lead. We’ll all respect you for it… :tup:
darko>>any idea of what time we’re leaving hamilton…and how long we all plan on staying in orbit…I know it’s UN so is it gonna be one of those T5 12 hour tourny days i believe…I’m not sure when the tournys start…
jamie>>sorry jamie…I can’t contribute in your homersexual-fantasies :lol:
are you tryin to sell me a telus cell phone over the internet??
tell me how good that SF stick is the xbox.
Wut time does the tourney start. If you guys wanna stay for UN ok but if you wanna go home whatever. Ill do either or we’ll let the majority rule decide.
When: Dec 18th, Sign up starts at noon, tourney starts at 1:30pm
taken from above link
Anyone who may be able to gimme a ride on the 18th? like I’ll chip in for gas and such but its the day before my birthday but my parents are too damn lazy :tdown: to give me a ride, hell Im not even getting any gifts from them this year
TOO MANY POSTS …since i last posted heheh. Kenny: you quote too much lol and type to much. I think you have typed more since you logged on then since i did hehehe.
As for 18th…all with fear me…or completely BEAST me heheh hopefully option one is hte only option.
Honestly i think im getting complacent now at the Cove…I’ll grab a 20 wins streak then get get cocky and loose or beat the game…then after that i never fuckin win again for hte rest of th e day…i hate the SF gods…
that’s not SF gods, that’s random 3s.