" Naww…not trying to sell you a phone over the net. Just showing you the options that you have, thats all. :karate: If you’re really interested in getting a cell, look around first, but im pretty sure youd end up with either TELUS, OR FIDO. Cause rodgers and BELL (Ugghh) SUCKS ASS.
As for the SF stick, if EB has it in stock today, Ill Buy it! I told them to order a couple, hope they listend; those stupid people who dont know jack sh!it about games or consoles.
HAHA, if i do get the stick today, ill most likley not go to school tommorow, as i will be playing street fighter and posting on the boards aboaut how good/bad the stick really is.
btw, about that cell phone, After your done looking around, come to my store and tell me what you found out by looking around, or you can just come straight to my store and ill tell you pretty much everything i know and what the best plan for you would be. =) and if we have stock in, ill throw in some FREE CRAP! and no, im not kidding, i really will throw in FREE CRAP, why? cause i CAN!. lol, ill throw MY crap at you. LMAO
had you going there for a min, didnt i? naww, but in all seriousness, i usually throw in some free stuff if ur being nice to me, unlike those bitchy, ass cocky bastards who are rude and DEMAND stuff for being a “LOYAL” customer. (usually paki’s)
PS, im working every frikken day this week. BOO-ErNs. i wanna day off. (cept for friday when im working DT in the city center where im working till 11 cause of the moonlight madness) "