Hamilton December Thread

" Naww…not trying to sell you a phone over the net. Just showing you the options that you have, thats all. :karate: If you’re really interested in getting a cell, look around first, but im pretty sure youd end up with either TELUS, OR FIDO. Cause rodgers and BELL (Ugghh) SUCKS ASS.

As for the SF stick, if EB has it in stock today, Ill Buy it! I told them to order a couple, hope they listend; those stupid people who dont know jack sh!it about games or consoles. :stuck_out_tongue:

HAHA, if i do get the stick today, ill most likley not go to school tommorow, as i will be playing street fighter and posting on the boards aboaut how good/bad the stick really is.

btw, about that cell phone, After your done looking around, come to my store and tell me what you found out by looking around, or you can just come straight to my store and ill tell you pretty much everything i know and what the best plan for you would be. =) and if we have stock in, ill throw in some FREE CRAP! and no, im not kidding, i really will throw in FREE CRAP, why? cause i CAN!. lol, ill throw MY crap at you. LMAO :stuck_out_tongue:

had you going there for a min, didnt i? naww, but in all seriousness, i usually throw in some free stuff if ur being nice to me, unlike those bitchy, ass cocky bastards who are rude and DEMAND stuff for being a “LOYAL” customer. (usually paki’s)

PS, im working every frikken day this week. BOO-ErNs. i wanna day off. (cept for friday when im working DT in the city center where im working till 11 cause of the moonlight madness) "

Lol one time at limeridge me and my dad were lookin at cellphones and the guy at the booth was giving us this big rundown and after telling him like 5 times that were were just lookin not really buying, throughout the conversation when he finally finished and we didnt buy one he got a huge pissed off look and was a prick.

Hey guys,

Here’s good news, as of today I Officially work at the Mohawk Campus Cove as relief/part-time for Colleen (the Manager girl). WHICH MEANS… Come next January when we have CVS2 and MVC2 along with 3S, i’m gonna try hard to arrange monthly tournies to give the local SF scene a boost. So look out for good things at the Mohawk Cove. Also, I MAY throw a small tourney this friday, or sometime next week. In any case i’ll keep in touch.


Hope you’re practicing hard on your shoryu-shoryuken, 'cuz it might work on us, not sure how well it’ll fair against ppl who play serious and know how to parry… although I like it when my standing fierce takes you outta it (gotta love that priority when the punch is halfway through your body!! :clap: )

RXS >> That sounds good, especially with more ppl flowing in (the profit of course) and the more obvious fact that there’ll be more of a learning scene for SF going on. There’s just not many ppl around here who play the chars I wanna take on (Chun, Ibuki) and I’m sure there’s more ppl around here (especially the new Makoto players) wanna have someone to learn off of. Since I think the only person who even comes in on a decent basis is Mario who plays Makoto, so they’re gonna be lost. As with I, Jamie doesn’t come here often, so I can’t rip anymore of those Ibuki techniques off them… and also, the fact I cannot land those damn target combos on live-targets (instead of 3S training mode) really sucks balls, so guess I’m dropping poor Ibuki until someone can teach me to play her… aww, too bad!

I’m like the opposite of you…I started fooling around with Chun Li but while playing her and doing random back fierces and looking for :d::mk: super, I came up with some ideas for Ibuki so I went back to her. Boo to you for giving up on Ibuki…I hate you… :clap:

WTF is a shoryu-shoryuken? :party: I’d pay 50 cents to see that… :tup:

tourney eh…

Hey, if she could take more hits, I’d fool around with her more, but I’m too poor to afford that kinda shit. I’m not giving up on her, I’m just temporarily putting her aside until I can find someone to teach me how to land her combos. I do lp, mp, hp and it links perfectly in training mode, but against a real player, who the hell stands there and lets you hit them with 3 punches? :wow:

Shoryu-shoryuken = Ike being gay… ya you heard me… YOUR KEN IS GAY!! :tdown:

Yeah ive retired Urien for a bit, step away from his game so i can learn to handle “random 3s” as teddy so puts it…if thats what it is called. Yeah Shoryuken -Shoryuken or better yet Kara shoryuken :wow: . 60% success rate so far… :lame: …basically if i whiff it, I know i hit the c.Forward too late. OPh and i ALWAYS hit it in the corner and off AA shoryukens…soooo dont jump and never whiff anythign with your back in the corner :badboy:

the idea of monthly SF tournies and the ones at the LAN parties (if those continue) will be MOST promising.

As for the people going to the event on the 18th…play to loose…but not your 50 cents :rolleyes:



I can use Ibuki.

You should refrain from using that 3 punch target combo, but use it only for punishment situations (after whiffed Dragon Punches, supers, etc.), or when you know it’s guaranteed to hit.

Try her lk, mk chain, canceled into whatever special…it hits both standing and crouching opponents alike, so it should be used more often.

Um, if you do c.mk into lp dp in the corner, I don’t think you need to kara the dp for it to hit.
Same with anti-air dp’s.
So maybe you “think” you kara-ed it, but you actually didn’t.

i still dont get it. Is shoryu-shoryuken juggling the guy with 2 dps? If it’s anti air you don’t even need to kara it. I do it all the time and I’ve never kara anything in my life. If thats not it then please enlighten me

When I was watching his hand motion, I didn’t see anything but simple DP-timing for them the body was dropping down for the second hit. Didn’t see any kara’ing motion, but I could’ve missed it. I know (although slightly unrelated game) in Alpha 3, I can double dragon-punch too, except it actually plays the whole voice twice. While a couple times when Ike did it on the 3S machine, sometimes he timed it faster, all u’d hear is shoryu and it cuts out into the second one while plays the full voice. It was gay seeing how much dmg Ibuki took on the first hit, and the second one just added to the homoness.

Now if I knew who you were, that would help :pleased: Although I will try that out, thx! Still gotta 3S into training mode so I can practice parrying 'cuz even if I can dish out the dmg, I take it just as badly so it’d be nice to be able to parry off hits!

If you want a little tip. Parrying isn’t that great at reducing damage. To really reduce damage you need to block. I tell this to everyone that plays. Parrying is overrated. Don’t risk losing a chunk of health for a parry. If its something you know you can parry then go ahead but trying to parry ex mgb from dudley, when you could just block and punish is kinda pointless. I should get back into 3s.

I know IKE has been doing the kara-dp thing…but everytime I’m around…he can’t do it :p…oh and he didn’t retire urien…lying bastard :lol:

bah…don’t listen to him PARRY EVERYTHING :karate:

on another 3s note…was at cove and picked hugo for fun to do the standing 720…what’s crazy is that I got it in like my 2nd-3rd try…not sure if the technique is right…but it works

then I tell IKE how to do it so he was able to pull off after a few tries also…it’s fun to see…

oh and random sean is still fun :badboy:

Anyone know if orbit has tekken 5? Cause I cant get into their forums to ask and their main page says nothing.

" theres a TEKKEN 5!?! Where the hell have i been?

ooo, i know, playing halo 2 thats where :stuck_out_tongue: "

Orbit does have Tekken 5. Didn’t get to play it tho.

H-town owns T6 Tourney Part 1: 3S V 1.0

H-town owns T6 Tourney Part 1: 3S V1.0

Where: Campus Cove Arcade MOHAWK
When: Everyone who is entering has to let me know a day between Monday and Thursday NEXT WEEK before 4 on those days (tourney must finish at 4).
What: 3S only (we don’t have new machines yet, but come January I will definitly be doing CVS2 and MVC2 for part 2-3)
Why: Bring the Hamilton SF Community together, and see where we stand against each other in 3S, and who is on top in the city.
Cost: Just the cost of your games (but no prize money either, for those who want some)

Tourney Specifics:

Double Elimination, best of 3 matches. Players who lose the first matches are allowed to switch characters, winners must play with the same character till they lose. Unfortunatly, i can’t get the machine put on tourney mode at the moment but i will keep trying.



Parrying is good most of the time depending on how much damage the other guy can do, and if he can hit confirm or not. Most of the time, if u parry with intelligence, u run the risk of eating max 10% damage, while if ur parry works, u can do 30-50% because u already know waht ur gonna do (hence the parry…ppl dont parry for the hell of it).

Thanks for coming down to Orbit today, Kevin. Always fun(well, also a pain… :xeye: ) to play against your AE game. CE Sagat hurts…

I swear, not really hating or anything and don’t know much about how the game has progressed, but to me Tekken 5 looks like Tekken 4 rehashed with a new intro…seriously. Its on a really nice US cabinet at Orbit though…

I might come back next Thursday to participate in the tourney…not sure yet though. We’ll see.

Rey>>> did you talk to your supervisor???