Uh… you’re making an official T6 tourney when we haven’t even started preliminary work on T6 itself.
Jaime; what time are you coming up on Saturday? Did you need a ride from BCC or need directions?
Uh… you’re making an official T6 tourney when we haven’t even started preliminary work on T6 itself.
Jaime; what time are you coming up on Saturday? Did you need a ride from BCC or need directions?
Justin - it’s not an official T6 tourney or anything like that, it’s kind of a way to try to get people together and get things motivated in Hamilton. It seems alot of people now are interested in SF so I want to try to keep the flow good and keep everyone learning new things. Considering how bad some of us (not all ie. Team Hammer) did at T5, i’m sure the same people who went last year want to make sure we place better at T6. So what I thought was, since i’m working at one of the local arcades now, I would throw a monthly tourney (3S,and CVS2, MArvel 2 when we get them) to see where everyone is at, and to see what the progress is in town. It realyl is just something thrown together to get everyone in town together. Cuz H-Town is going to Own T6 next year… FOR FREE :> (atleast i hope we can LOL)
Thegeese, people in hamilton do parry for the hell of it, except Rey, none of them know what they are gonna do next they are all like, holy fuck i parried something what do i do now!!!
As for The tourney at orbitz i think im gonna leave my house a 9:30 that way by the time i pick everyone up it’ll be 10 and we’ll make it there for 11 maybe get a few warm up matches. Unless everyone wants to meet up earlier to get some practice in, but it’s kinda hard to wake up on Saturday morning.
Mario, if your in call my cell, just dont call it today cause i forgot it at home.
darko>>oh I parry for the hell of it…ibuki SAI…I always try to parry…I have never intentionally tried to block that super ever…and have only successfully full-parried it a few times…all against jamie mind you…cause he sucks lol…well to me I parry cause it’s how I find the game fun…
anyways on the 18th…what would be the best place to meet up??
I’ve got a route figured out but truthfully a ride from BCC would be like 280% easier. The time I haven’t bothered to figure out yet…it starts at 12 right?
You’ve only parried the whole thing on me once dude…and you were lucky…lucky, lucky, lucky… :tup:
Ibuki sa1 your better off trying to parry it because it does the same damage if you block it or get hit. Also you usually have a retaliation ready for after the parry to punish. Anyways fuck it, Rey says parry good, Darko says parry bad. Maybe that why i always beat you in every street fighter game known to man.
" d00ds, i was playing at mohawk yesterday waiting for my gf. And theres this one guys playing 3s. He was playing Ryu, neways…i decide to play him. I also pick ryu with SA2. Neways…i beat the shit outta him 3 times, and he gets super PISSED. so pissed that he throws the chair, and walks out saying shit. Then one guy comes up to me telling me “yo dood, that guy was SUPER PISSED. He couldnt even get a hit in on you.” and imn like…WTF? LMAO!!
neways, thats my story for the day. "
thats a myth. it doesnt do same damage whether u hit or make em block. What’s not a myth is that on either hit or block u will get fucked up. The super is for the ex’s and the end of the match chip.
LoL… damn I don’t believe I missed that! Only person who I think that plays Ryu out of our usual 3S group is Dan, and I can’t believe Dan would be the type to go crazy like that. :karate: Oh wait… the only other person who remotely plays Ryu, other than a “I’m-bored” character is that crazy kid… I could see him doing something like that, although that IS the reason why I call him the crazy kid in the first place :lol:
whos the ‘crazy kid’?
Probably the same dood that told me not to “waste my quarters” and ended up getting double perfected… BY ME… thats right people… BY ME… fucking scrubby ass loser akuma got owned for free :>
exams are finally over with…so i’m now out of semi-retirement and back to SF training again cause I was so disappointed at my gameplay at that freakin LAN party…couldn’t do half the shit I could normally do…so I need to re-learn things again before the 18th :nunchuck:
vanny>> train me up on cvs2…I can’t remember how to turtle :karate:
That weird kid who always plays dudley and likes to land in my fierce punch… more so than you! I don’t think I’ve seen any improvement in him from playing so long. He always fall for the same stuff… the only thing different is that now he tries to cross-counter my fierce punch… so then I just use crouching roundhouse or throw him, fun fun! :razzy:
and update, apparently it wasn’t the crazy kid (OMG!), it was Justin, LoL. Poor guy, I think he should play SF more than CS if he wants to get better at it. :tup:
"poor justin, he probably didnt know who he was playing. But thats ok, Im sure next time if he sees me he wont get super pissed when i beat him. AND i wont go so hard on him Or, maby i wont, cause i never do, even on little 3 year olds who wanna play street fighter. I just beat the shit outta them too. i show NO MERCY :badboy:
ohhh, on a side note, last night i went to big bee convenience and on the way out i stepped in something :xeye:
40$!!! YEP, i stepped in 40$$$!!! HAHA, it made my day. But i ended up giving it to my mom. im just nice like that :rolleyes:
OHHH, next time i go to slowhawk i will go back to using CHUN!! ALL OF YOU FEAR MY CHUN. YOU TOO skyflake. FEAR It. I SAID FEAR IT!!! shakes fist "
What a waste of post space! <Looks at own post>… crap That is soooooo getting reported… damn, I can’t find the report button. :wow:
Hrm… I’ve clicked on it like 50 times, why is your post still there?!! <continues clicking>
ohhh the little dude with glasses heh, i remember when i was still very crappy at 3s he would beast me with his oro, now whenever i play him i beast him. i think we discouraged him so he plays soul cal 2 now heh. i should make a return to that and beast him but soul cal 2 is :lame:
Hey guys,
girl broke up with me last night (for no apparent reason)… so there will be lots of casuals for the next week or so. Possibly everyday if people are free. let me knows.
Much thanks to Jaime for making his way up for NLD3 yesterday. I wish I knew you’d be bussing earlier on though, we could have arranged for you to stay over and go in the morning. Anyway I hope you had fun.
Nah, its no big deal. It was fun. Thanks for having me over.