H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

Soooo…I can’t for the love of god get the launcher to connect at the end of this loop.


…I can do the loop perfectly fine, but the opponent always slips out of the combo after the second mystic smash and the launcher whiffs and leaves me vulnerable. Is there something I’m missing here?

Lol Shuma’s 5H can link into 2M and he do this like 3 times.

That combo seems to lack mystic stare.

So I’ve got an issue with shuma I’m hoping someone can adress. As this game is becoming more and more about air grabs in alot of matchups, shuma does have a pretty good airgrab and can cancel the airgrab attempted into an airmystic smash to keep applying pressure.

I know that off both forward and backwards airthrow you can land a combo holding forward immediatly doing air medium air medium land into some ground attack into launcher into aerial exchange(it resets the throw damage scaling). Now what you can do after the j.:m: x2 variest based on height and if high in the air i am not sure what he can do, mayber aerial exchange right after the j.:m:?

My biggest issue after airgrabs is that I can only connect the j.:m: about 50% of the time even in training mode against the same character. Does anyone know why, or what I might be doing wrong or have advice? I know you can super after the airgrab to make it do a total of about 290k which is good but you can do much better with an aerial exchange combo and doesn’t need meter to be used.

Its just a timing thing I believe, and I always thought that it was impossible to connect jM after a backwards air throw. if you miss the jM and dont feel like spending meter, you could always just use mystic ray as a followup.

shuma didnt do so hot on the stream last night but still made top 8

I’m looking for some help in a type of match-up. I will reference taskmaster in particular but the same idea can be applied to a few others, more specifically i’ll reference what my friends taskamster does. Let me lay out the general problematic game plan that stuffs my shuma every time.

So obviously taskmaster will be projectiling me from long range, most of the time use j.m shot but can also use several others. These shots aren’t to hard to avoid though you can be forced to take chip at times and it chips alot. You can not out projectile him or punish the projectiles. His projectile is faster than shumas and flat out beats shuma’s projectiles. If you somehow manage to get in close and he does a shot task can always just super to stay safe since its safe on block, (my friend uses morrigon assist so he always has meter).

Now I can always try appoaching with mystic smashes, grounded or air born, but my friend can air grab me out of them about 90% of the time making this approach dam near impossible if taskmaster isn’t locked down already or recovering.(3/4 screen he can shoot and jump aigrab a j.medium mystic smash). Ok so lets say I close the range without being pushed away or air grabbed. Taskmaster just keeps normal jumping and looking to airgrab or hit me with air heavy. taskmasters air heavy and shuma’s c.h seems about even on priority but taskmaster will do double my damage if he wins the exchange so not in my favor. If i try jumping airgrab he just techs it everytime. If i try dashing underhim for mix-ups he just heavy shot arrows downwards which ends up being +on block for him and I’m forced to block.

Ok well what if I just camp at about 1/4 screen from him and wait, well he uses felicia low assist and can easily setup a unblockable from this range with felicia/f.h. I also cann’t ground block or super or outprioritise both and you can’t punish it post air block. Calling an assist to pressure first is risky cause taskmaster can just on reaction super or regular arrow them. Not to mention that taskmaster can throw out random counters(super or normal) if I try and jump attack after he lands or so, and even if i bait the counter he can just DHC safely.

I can get in sometimes but its mostly him messing up somehow like getting a counter super baited without meter to dhc or he shoots an arrow when he should airgrab. This being said I rarely feel like I forced him to make the mistake. Now I can easily go toe to toe with taskmaster with my other point character but you can’t always count on this. Also if I get the counter baited a couple times he just stops doing them and just arrow supers me when he feels threatened or messes up.

Though this is just a specific taskmaster I’m talking about, a similiar strat can be used with chars like mags/wesker who’s heavys are so fast and high priority he can throw them out for airgrab attempts or as a just good attack; plus having a better keepaway game and a super that can stop any obvious attacks or any mystic smashes. there are a few other characters I don’t know what to do against but that is mostly me not know the other character very well like trish/spidey. I know taskmaster inside and out and still can’t find a way to punish this strat even when I can sit there and tell you exactly what taskmaster is going to do next.

P.S. I know a couple assists can be very useful against this kind of thing like tron gustaf fire but I don’t think a point character should be 90% reliant on one of the 5 crazy good assists. Though my assist do work well with each other and using assists is very important in this game.

snadmonkey got the last match in Marvelous Adventures of Mike Ross and Gootecks

The match is at 20:00

Spoilers: His Shuma is legit, if he didn’t drop those 2 or 3 combos on Ryu and didn’t do that last dash at the end, he would have won.

lol why did he do chaos dimension at the end instead of just chipping him out with hyper mystic smash?

also not sure about that team…you’re basically using 3 anchors. shuma could use a beam-type assist that comes out fast instead of drones too

Mike would have probably done Gamma Crush either way if the shuma balls were incoming. Also the that team didn’t have much synergy… I wonder if he could have done mystic ray as Hulk was landing to kill him?

Well if you guys most know I could have just done land :m: :h: :s: air combo for win but I actually went for was land :qcf: :m:+:h: to have a fancy lvl 3 finish but it came out as :m: :qcf::m:+:h: =(. Also this video is quite old because I quit playing sentinal at least 2 weeks ago. Then i went for the chaos dimension before hulk could land and recover but my timing was off, I know you can dash up and combo him but I was to late. I’ve actually played mike ross and gootecks before and this was my only loss to them =.

Also this is not my shuma team now adays. I used this team because I didn’t know shuma yet so I put him on point to practice and see how things went. Then if/when it failed I could lvl 2 spencer with sentinal to rape most people online, the team was basically built expecting shuma to get blown up lol. I now use wolvie/shuma/akuma and it seems to work pretty well. I think once I practice going air attack or ground attack into akuma assist into TK smashes for crossovers/isntant overheads my shuma will be very difficult to block. This and between shuma and akuma assist I can use the appropriate one and basically berzerker slash for free all game unless they have haggar.

aww man we cant have two wolvie shuma’s!

I’ve mained Wolvie since day one P. Gorath =P. Btw don’t you feel that the shuma assist lets wolvie dominate just about any melee fast character like zero/x 23? Also i think mystic ray is the best assist for wovlie trying to kill a phoenix.

Btw do you use berzerkslash or barrage with this combo, I can easily insert berzerker slash assist into shuma’s combo’s but can’t seem to use berzerker barrage. I thought barrage was his go to assist but I’m thinking slash works better with shuma though I’ve yet to find a from grab combo using wolvie, maybe the tornado claw assist works for that?

I Couldn’t stay away from using shuma and tossed him back on my main team

If there is is one thing I can’t stand about Shuma, it’s his posing after his hypers. How do you make them at all safe without DHCing?

Xfactor. Not to troll you but there is no way to make them safe aside from XFactor or DHC from his hyper to another. Only one that is the “safest” is Hyper Mystic Smash, balls kinda keep them stuck in guard stun but can be punished by full screen stuff/wave dash spam.

That’s about what I figured. Leading with Shuma turns out to be a pretty bad idea when you can’t even end a good combo with the mystic stare hyper without taking it in the face right afterwards.

In my experience Hyper Mystic smash is safe on block unless you are really close to them and they are in the corner. The random nature of the move actually makes it nice for chip too because if they mash pushblock they risk dashing into the rest of it. If you are lucky you can even combo into another one. It also has invincibility frames after the screen freeze so it can beat a lot of random stuff.

Hyper Mystic Ray is pretty terrible though and should only ever be used to otg in the corner or for the random startup invincibility it has if it will save you from something.

I’m going to assume you meant Hyper Mystic Stare for the second hyper in question.

Thing is, that’s what I’m talking about. I use hyper mystic stare OTG after a combo and I still get punished after my opponent recovers. That pose is ridiculously long.

Lol sorry my bad that was a silly typo. I’ve never seen it get punished on hit. Doesn’t it always knock them down?