H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

slighty below decent.

why is mystic smash so unsafe? It loses to Maximum Wesker. jabs beat Maximum Wesker for gods sake. Wish Capcom would tweak Shuma alittle. better mystic smash and an S that doesn’t suck midscreen and I would be mad happy with this character.

edit: and a tiny bit faster, mainly on his forward airdash .

Mystic Smash is safe. It just has ASS priority. Basically any thing fucking knocks him out of it. Kinda makes it a bit harder to throw it in attempt for cross-ups in the air. Aerial Mystic Smash also gives u a nice frame advantage, at least enough for a c.:m: --> your combo of choice. It is kinda annoying having like… 50/50 relaunch with an aerial Mystic Smash because how you land the launcher could completely freaking whiff >_< at least in mid-screen. Corners re-launching isn’t that much of a problem with aerial Mystic Smash.

Things wish they would patch:

  • Removing the poses after Devitilzation, Hyper Mystic Ray, Hyper Mystic Bash. If you are going to keep the poses… make him completely invincible then.

  • Higher damage. Since almost all his moves cause multiple hits, he goes through hit stun+damage scaling pretty fast.

  • Longer Chaos Dimension Time / Special Buff / More Damage. X-23 gets Invisibility. Perhaps teleports/faster speed?

  • [Never going to happen] Charge moves into :qcf: type motions.

But whatever that is my wishlist. Anyways, been working Mystic Stare more into my combos. Damage has been getting a bit better with some re-launch possibilities.

Yeah, I should have said priority. mah bad lol

Honestly after playing Shuma more and more the thing I dislike most i getting mystic ray when I want TK smash. Makes me scratch my head and say “Why was that not a QCB motion”. Shuma I am very impressed with and he is a blast to play as, if you playing online though and its a laggy match its an uphill battle to get your bnbs. I would have loved if he had a teleport, Dante has one that he doesnt need so why not Shuma :slight_smile:

Yeah, I find it odd that an Elder God, with easy access to portals, has no teleport, yet Wesker does. It would help him out immensely.

Got to play him for the first time last night. He’s great fun to play as, though the charge motions feel unnecessary. The posing after hypers and throws, while funny the first few times, gets annoying when you’re trying to reposition yourself ? and on block, you’re going to get punished.

Midscreen, his S drops him like a rock and stops all of his momentum. How are you guys ending your air combos?

Normally midscreen I try to not do a launcher combos with him, if I do I find it best just to TAC out.

For the record, I never said or thought Sentinel was broken. And as for Pheonix, I’m not sure whether she’s truly op or just really good. I’ll have to learn more about her move properties and such before I decide what my opinion is on the matter.

I kno rite. Maybe they wanted him to be more of a shambling terror type abomination.

Mystic Smash for Mid-screen combos or hell sometimes corner too for the possible relaunch. Right now I get lucky with :m:, :m:, :h:, :u:+:h:, :h: Mystic Smash in the corner for relaunches. Sometimes I do this to end combos for mid-screen as well but the relaunch usually doesn’t happen.

Hmm thanks for the input guys

Shuma needs a better mid-screen game… There’s really nothing I can do if I launch them mid-screen other than TAC or end with air S which is meh.

I wish shuma’s S wasn’t so crappy…

I got to play shuma alot offline yesterday. I thought my mystic smash mix-ups with assists and everything would be easier for my opponent to deal with offline but it is the opposite. People have a harder time dealing with his mix-up j.m and mystic smashes in person than online.

A couple notes on Shuma i got from yesterday. Number one, c.H is incredible AA. For instance I could reliably c.H haggar pipes and tron j.H. Seriously need to incoperate this into shuma’s game it can stop so much offence its crazy like c.H triangle jumping magneto.

Number 2: Establishing your multihit fast air attacks is very key in most matchups. The trick is learning when to bait your opponent and go for a grab or a tk-mystic smash. For instance taskmasters after u mystic smash em 2-3 times will try and counter so jump dash j.:l: mystic smash and they will counter and you miss so dash in and punish.

num 3: Never use mystic ray, I only got away with it like 5-10% of the time even if they were full screen, just to much start up. It also doesn’t even do enough damage to chip out magic pixel x-23 from mid-full screen so f this move.

num4: Hyper mystic smash is a really safe DHC option to protect another character. Using this super to raw tag out or DHC into hyper mystic smash to safely switch out is a nice edition.

num 5: Phoenix blows. Shuma can’t do anything to her on point, the best I could come up with was do :h: mystic ray once or twice to hit his keep away then try spam c.:l: and hope he teleports into it expecting mystic ray. You can stop her dive kick with c.:h: also and she can easily escape the lvl 3 unblockable as she comes in with a grab or teleport depending on how early you try and tag her.

num 6: His ray assist is op. I was seriously stomping people with wolvie and this assist. Also this assist it knock phoenix out of her keep away bs, and if you are psychic hit her before she got j.:h: fireball off for a free attack attempt.

num 7: Against some keep aways jump dash forward land and mystic stare the second you land can help keep you from getting pushed back when you land. This is something that needs to be used against good keep away that can on reaction super his j. Mystic smashes like magneto+assist or wesker+assist.

Interested in Shuma. I tend to play characters who have a good amount of mix ups/resets. How are Shuma’s mixups without an assist? Most characters with the right assist can have somewhat decent mixups but I like it when characters can stand alone and mindfuck people.

The mystic ray assist put the opponent airborn after hitting?

Mystic ray wasn’t working well for me. Maybe it’s my timing or something but it does nothing when I’m wesker. I call in the assist, and samurai edge to OTG and it misses the ray… I’ll have to try it out again tomorrow.

yes. It’s good but doesn’t work with some characters.

I agree that his poses are a bit much at times. I dunno why he does that shit after his command grab… tho’ he definitely doesn’t need higher damage. LOL…

This corner combo will ruin you.

He needs something practical midscreen or I dont see shuma ever being good. all these corner combos are nice but no good players are just going to hang out around the corner when you fight them lol.

Tiger knee j.M mystic smash x2 carries people extremely far.

I was hoping it doesn’t :frowning:

I need an assist that doen’t put the opponent airborn, like Sent or Iron man one.

While those combos are very nice, they are all deep into that corner. With all the mobility that is happening, its hard to smash them into a corner. We know that he rapes in the corner [most characters do], its just trying to find a decent mid-screen combo is the problem.

The timing is very strict. I usually nail it during the corner most oftne than not. Overall it isn’t worth it that much though for relaunch combos. Although it is fucking AMAZING to teleport around with Wesker and have Shuma in the background using Mystic Ray. 99.9% of the time they will get hit. I love Mystic Ray as an assist with Wesker or Dorm because of the teleport bullshit I can do.