H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

Yes…sigh. lost to wong and wentinel

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wow just wow…terrible night for the tentacled terror

I wouldnt say that…only 2 of is used him and both ended in top 25?

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edit: 13th place woo woo

ignore crimson cobra he’s truly the mashiest scrub i ever played. when i played him in ssf4 i felt like i was playing a toddler. So i have little doubt that he knows anything and i think it’s truly laughable when he’s trying to make shuma sound decent, or sound bad when he’s gets rushed because his shuma gets raped. this guy should should not even put any kind of input on this character. If he wants to play him by all means play him but when he’s part of a discussion on how this character should be played i think it’s hilarious.

this coming from someone whose only here to scream whine and complain about shuma-gorath being the worst character in all of MVC3
everytime you post in this topic

it’s either to whine and complain about shuma or back talk to someone

i know but still it seemed like shuma wasn’t doing as well as i had hoped(he did alright but i just wanted to see more shuma on the stream so i could learn more)
hopefully as time goes on
and our shuma’s get better
he’ll place higher and be taken more seriously by the competition

but hey least people used shuma tonight
nobody used jill at all

my expectations were probably set a bit too high for a character most of us still don’t know shit about

Shuma can combo into and out of mystic stare midscreen without help. It’s not regulated only for corner you know.

Crimsoncobra is pretty much mocked by every user on GameFAQs for being absent a fully functional brain. He has the honor of being the only person on my ignore list on this website and that one.

On-topic, are people favoring using Mystic Smash to get in, or air dashed j.Ms? I’m having problems against Zero, because everything he does seems to have priority over me.

I think both you and James did really well considering the competition at WNF.
Was a pleasure watching the two different playstyles of Shuma. James did pretty well with him on anchor.
Congrats! Wish you well on your finances and hope to see you back on stream sometime in the near future.

Is there a link where I could watch this Shuma gameplay you guys are talking about?

Serious question: Are they possible from the other side of the screen? The only ones I have seen need at least midscreen… Without stare I can still do around 617k from midscreen/corner (lvl 1) which is pretty close to a stare combo.

But to kinda clarify my earlier point… I think as stand alone projectiles both stare and ray aren’t that great. I respect their combo potential but I think the reset potential of Shuma leaves the potential to save a lot of meter for other things. And it stands (for me right now at least) that once I’m not midscreen or closer the best I can maybe do is 435k (not best but not hard)

lol so true, but i think he uses gamefaqs as a tool to unload his stupidity. because here he’s not spamming threads with useless post. well not as much.

Also we played on rank. Regarding mystic smash, i used hyper sent force to punish them on reaction when you used it and it worked every time and it was something i thought of on whim. I’m guessing that move will be very punishable when fully explored.

my match is at 1 hr 30 min mark: Justin.tv - offcast - Wednesday Night Fights 2.2 Brought to you by Battle247.com

i have very little matchup experience against storm, especially with shuma so i kept getting hit by her launcher, wasnt sure how to attack her.

Hey, it’s always nice to see our favorite god in the spotlight. Shuma is going to have an easier time on Sentinel now, which seemed like of one of his bad matchups, now that Sent’s health got dropped.

wow people won’t shut up about me will they?
i’ve encountered people a million times more annoying then me

anyways with the way things are looking
shuma will probably get action in the spotlight far more often Jill(The Other DLC Character)

Shuma’s fun and unique to play as and against

James Chen Always Repping that shuma(enjoyed it whenever he used chaos dimension)probably helps too

right now i can say that there is no way shuma will be thought of as low tier due to the fact that he can hold his own on point(I’ve Seen it offline and online)and with an assist as good as mystic ray he’ll be able to find a spot on quite a few teams before long once people really do give him a chance instead of ignoring him and only playing him as a joke or on a non serious team but hey some people just can’t handle the tentacle

we all just need to learn more about what we can and can’t do

The Elder Lord is Depending on us to spread chaos through out mvc3!

though i don’t see mystic stare used that much
is it too risky or have they been unable to find ways to successfully land it in tournaments?

Anybody experimented with mystic smash assist? Seems good to me theoretically but I haven’t been able to hit the lab lately

I’ve heard it might be good for rushdown teams

Well is it tough to interrupt does it start fast etc etc?

TBh i tried it a few times online gimpy with spencer/wolvie, mostly looking for wolvie rush down/overhead assist. The problem with the assist is that it has no priority, it loses out to most normal and since he moves forward so much its actually easy for your opponent to catch both you and u and your assist. Now it is good for corner pressure and such but I don’t like it elsewise. If you are running shuma as your num 2 char or something you can run a long distance/mixup assist at three like sent or doom and that makes mystic ray assist pointless so you can pick up mystic smash assist for corner rushdown.

P Gorath why did you have to use phoenix, I have no respect for phoenix teams really. She is easily the cheapest character in the game and requires people to learn unique approachs/combo’s/tacts solely to deal with her. Besides phoenix teams are designed so that if you get the first blow you win cause you are basically gauranteed to get 5 bars, that kind of thing just feels dirty to me. On a similiar vibe though shuma seems like a decent match-up for phoenix, especially his assist, punish those retardedly annoying super jump fireball spam.

Mystic Ray is better. Mystic Smash has garbage priority as both assist and on point. Hate getting smacked out of it so much or sometimes even thrown… >_<