H. P. Lovecraft would be proud - The Shuma-Gorath thread!

See, Shuma can rushdown really well, but it’s not the same type of rushdown you’d get from a character like X-23. It’s sort of a cautious rushdow because he doesn’t have the best escape tools outside of Mystic Smash which can be punished easily.

Maybe it was his first time seeing Shuma or something so he didn’t know what to expect? And once he wins he gets all cocky?

welcome to capcom fighters

I don’t think Dormammu is taking orders from Shuma. He could also just be asking Shuma what his intentions are.

@P-gorath. You have to understand that the shorter charge time makes it possible to buffer charge attacks into a surprising amount of other windows. I think that once people figure out how to effectively buffer his two projectile specials in an optimal manner he’ll be stronger. I would offer more insight, but I don’t have the game yet and I haven’t tested it. Making comparisons to TvC at this point is kind of silly if I haven’t personally had a feel for his charge times. But from what people are saying, I’m going to assume that his charge moves are like PTX or Karas’s in duration. It won’t necessarily save him in firefights against the likes of Doom and Dormammu but it will make him move faster and overall control more space when he has the initiative to do so.

I’ve just started using Shuma Gorath and I really like how he plays/love Chaos Dimension. The priority of his normals seem really good like his Cr.:h:, :f::h:, and pretty much all :h: moves. It’s like the priority button for me lol. I also like all the random little things he has like invincible backdash and instanst overhead Mystic Smash/air :s:. Mystic Ray assist is pretty nice too.

What I don’t really like are his charge moves and command grab. How do you guys use Mystic Stare and Mystic Ray? I can’t seem to find the time to build charge and use the slow Mystic Ray. Mystic Stare kinda seems pointless outside combos. His command grab is weaker than his regular grab after factoring in the rest of the combo you get from regular grabs. His regular grab also heals you and has no whiff animation.

Is there something I’m missing or are his specials all lame (outside of combos) except for Mystic Smash?

Hello all, first post on shoryuken and quite new to fighting games in general, first one being SF4. However I have to disagree with the ones who are saying Shuma is awful. He may not be the best, but he has a very solid rushdown if you dont get too predictable. Also, many different versions of his bnb’s and a superfast TK smash for overhead into full combo.

As been said before and very good keepaway is one of his 2 weaknesses, the other being 950 health. If you feel you are too locked down, swap out, the guy cant punish if he stays at full screen the whole time. Of course this only works if you have a good backup char to counter the keepaway. My team which has been mentioned before is Shuma A Taskmaster A Dormammu A and has an answer for every situation.

Its only been a week since the DLC, and I have only fought 3 Shumas, 2 of them being terrible. I feel people are not giving him a fair chance, he has alot of tricks up his sleeve that have yet to be discovered. Give him some time and you will find that he is not just an assist character.

how is 950 health a weakness?

Eh, you can call it a con. To me, less health= dying faster, and Shuma seems to die alot fast than the other characters I play. Thats why I listed it, to me I dont think he would be broken if he had a little more health.

Oh yeah. Hsien-Ko feels like the most fitting love interest for Shuma, being the freakiest chick in the roster and all. xD

Yeah, I’ve gotta hand it to Shuma. When it comes to girls, I’d say he has

Puts on sunglasses

A good eye.


Regarding health, hey, at least he has more than Sent now. Giant Robo’s health got crapped all over, and apparently his laser spit does much less chip too. Shuma should have a much easier time taking him out (but then again, so should everyone).

How does Hsien-Ko’s Gong react to Mystic Ray/Stare? I’d imagine it just nullifies Ray like other beams, but I’m not sure about stare.



Edit:I just notice the amount of Sentinel tears. lol

cr.LMH if done slow (but still able to combo) he can do Mystic Stare/Ray without pre-charging. You’re sacrificing a bit of damage in your combo due to scaling by starting with L, however.

FlashyNights has sparked an idea though, wonder if he can do any crazy dash charge type stuff like there was in MvC2, like with Charlie. Look up Shoutzula’s Charlie Guide on youtube if you need an example.

Anyone else noticed something wierd about shuma and teleport characters. For instance if I’m fighting Dante and holding back and then he teleports behind me, if i attack (just hit medium or c.H) as he teleports shuma turns towards dante and does mystic stare. Its really wierd its like the hold back charge is counted but once teleport switches ur directions it also counts as the forward motion giving u u charge back forward move. Its actually conveniant cause it beats out dante/wesker/dorm teleports if done right, but i feel like this is a gimmick not worth counting on.

So is he a deity or a demon? Obviously my knowledge of comics is lacking, haha. I never read comics growing up. Marvel site classified him as a 3rd class demon while wiki said he was sometimes referred to as that. So I’m assuming somewhere along the line he was a deity since demons are one sided malevolent entities. Particularly weak in the grand scheme of things.

Or out of fear.

for people who aren’t sure how to use shuma’s charge inputs - you can charge them while doing other motions. Try throwing out a random H attack and holding back during the animation. You’ll probably have enough charge to throw out mystic stare when the attack ends. You can charge it while jumping or airdashing too, or performing another special.

I’m really liking Shuma as a reset and frame trap character. He has some sick stuff with air mystic smash (and ground)… Actually… besides his crouching B… I really like his ground C mystic smash and air B mystic smash as his best tools. Both resets and his best tool to get in… It flat out beats some projectile recoveries. I think his charge inputs are trash… maybe a random stare to beat some projectiles or a ray to beat opponents who stay in the air too much… both are too slow on startup and recovery to warrant active use though.

I don’t think he can play the zoning game and his raw damage is trash. Basically he just has some scary resets.

I use to play same way mrAgua just rush down and constant mystic smashes for pressure and punishes. I’ve found that using mystic stare is very important. The idea is to keep characters like magneto/dr. doom honest, you can beat out their projectile and attach eyes. Of course you don’t want to be in projectile war, but if u show that you can ebat his projectile, they will be a little less trigger happy. This is really important agains things like mags with meter or arthur with meter who can punish mystic smashes(any of them) with supers and also push u back to full screen with them.

Of course his damage is trash if you aren’t using mystic stare in combos.

any suggestions on if i should discard my tentacled terror team?(Arthur/Shuma/Sentinel)because the sentinel health nerf has greatly reduced the benefits he would of given arthur/shuma

i really like using shuma(his assist always works wonders for arthur)but if i can’t find someone who could lend them a hand like sentinel could

then it’s gonna be a bumpy ride